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2017-04-08 15:18:29 +00:00
// work in progress
namespace tour {
bool on;
bool texts = true;
string tourhelp;
int currentslide;
static struct { const char *name; int id; const char *help; } slides[] = {
{"Introduction", 10,
"This tutorial is mostly aimed to show what is "
"special about the geometry used by HyperRogue. "
"It also shows the basics of gameplay, and "
"how is it affected by geometry.\n\n"
"Press Enter to go to the next slide, or ESC to see a "
"menu with other options."
{"Basics of gameplay", 11,
"The game starts in the Icy Lands. Collect the Ice Diamonds "
"(press F1 if you do not know how to move). "
"After you collect many of them, monsters will start to pose a challenge.\n"
"As is typical in roguelikes and other games based on tactical skill rather "
"than story, if you lose, you have to start a new one from the start. "
"However, in this tutorial, you can simply press '4' "
"to teleport away from a bad situation."
"In general, the tutorial is rigged to show you what it "
"wants -- for example, in this slide, you can press '5' to get "
"lots of Ice Diamonds quickly."
{"Hypersian Rug model", 21,
"New players think that the action of HyperRogue takes place on a sphere. "
"This is not true -- the next slide will show the surface HyperRogue "
"actually takes place on.\n\n"
"Use arrow keys to rotate the model, and Page Up/Down to zoom.\n\n"
"If you do not see anything, press '5' to try a safer renderer."
{"Expansion", 22,
"The next slide shows the number of cells in distance 1, 2, 3, ... from you. "
"It grows exponentially: there are more than 10^100 cells "
"in radius 1000 around you, and you will move further away during the game!\n\n"
"This is extremely important in the design of HyperRogue. "
"HyperRogue has many navigational puzzles -- what would be simple in Euclidean world "
"is extremely tricky "
"in hyperbolic geometry (you want to reach a specific location 20 cells away, "
"which of the thousands of possible directions should you take?); however, other things virtually impossible in Euclidean "
"world become easy in HyperRogue. "
"HyperRogue had to be specially designed so that it is impossible to grind the "
"infinite world. There are almost no permanent upgrades; collecting treasures "
"brings you benefits, but trying to get too many of the same kind is extremely dangerous."
{"Tiling and Tactics", 23,
"The tactics of fighting simple monsters, such as the Yetis from the Icy Lands, "
"might appear shallow, but hyperbolic geometry is essential even there. "
"In the next slide, you are attacked by two monsters at once. "
"You can make them line up simply by "
"running away in a straight line. "
"Press '2' to try the same in the Euclidean world -- it is impossible."
{"Straight Lines", 24,
"Hyperbolic geometry has been created by 19th century mathematicians who "
"wondered about the nature of paralellness. Take a line L and a point A. "
"Can a world exist where there is more than one line passing through A "
"which does not cross L?\n\n"
"Wander further, and you should find Crossroads quickly -- "
"the Great Walls are straight lines, and indeed, they work differently than in "
"Euclidean. On the other side of Great Walls, you see other lands -- "
"there are about 50 lands in HyperRogue, based "
"on different mechanics and aspects of hyperbolic geometry."
{"Running Dogs", 25,
"To learn more about straight lines, "
"wander further, and you should find the Land of Eternal Motion. "
"Try to run in a straight line, with a Running Dog next to you. "
"Even though the Running Dog runs at the same speed as you, "
"it will appear to go slower -- this is because you are running "
"in a straight line, and the Running Dog has to run in a curve "
"called an equidistant."
{"Equidistants", 27,
"Equidistants are curves which are at some fixed distance from a "
"straight line. Some lands in HyperRogue are based on equidistants; "
"you should see them after wandering a bit more.\n\n"
"This tutorial gives you freedom to go wherever you choose, "
"but we do not recommend going deep into the Dungeon or the Ocean -- "
"getting back might be difficult."
{"Circles", 26,
"Circles are strange in hyperbolic geometry too. "
"Look for the Castle of Camelot in the Crossroads; "
"the Round Table inside is a circle of radius 28. "
"Finding its center is a difficult challenge.\n\n"
"Press '5' to cheat by seeing the smaller circles too."
{"Horocycles", 28,
"Horocycles are similar to circles, but you cannot reach their center at all -- "
"they can be understood as limit circles of infinite radius centered in some point "
"in infinity (also called an ideal point).\n\n"
"Go to R'Lyeh, and you should quickly find a Temple of Cthulhu there. "
"Each circle of columns is actually a horocycle. Horocycles in a given "
"temple are concentric, and there is an infinite number of them."
{"Half-plane model", 47,
"The game is normally displayed in the so called Poincaré disk model, "
"which is a kind of a map of the infinite hyperbolic world. "
"There are many projections of Earth, but since Earth is curved, "
"all of them have to distort distances or angles in some way -- "
"the same is true in hyperbolic geometry. "
"The next slide shows another model, called the Poincaré upper half-plane model. In this model, "
"horocycles centered at one specific ideal point are drawn as straight lines."
{"Curvature", 29,
"Now, go to the Burial Grounds and find an Orb of the Sword. The Sword appears to "
"always be facing in the same direction whatever you do, and it appears that "
"you have to rotate the sword to excavate the treasures; "
"yet, it is possible to excavate them! You migth have already noticed "
"that the world rotates after you move around a loop and return to an old "
"This is related to the fact that the world of HyperRogue is curved, and "
"the sum of angles in a triangle is not equal to 180 degrees."
{"Periodic patterns", 30,
"Hyperbolic geometry yields much more interesting periodic patterns "
"than Euclidean."
{"Periodic patterns: application", 31,
"Many lands in HyperRogue are based around periodic patterns. "
"For example, both Zebra and Windy Plains are based on the pattern "
"shown in the previous slide. "
"Such lands often have tree-like nature."
{"Fractal landscapes", 32,
"On the following slide, the colors change smoothly in the whole infinite world. "
"Again, this works better than in Euclidean geometry."
{"Fractal landscapes: application", 33,
"This is applied in HyperRogue to create landscapes, such as the chasms in the "
"land of Reptiles or the Dragon Chasms, which you should find quickly. "
"Also in the Dragon Chasms, you can find a Baby Tortoise, and try to find "
"a matching adult tortoise in the Galápagos. "
"There are over two millions of species, but since there is so much space in "
"hyperbolic geometry, finding a matching tortoise is possible. The brighter "
"the color in Galápagos is, the more aspects of the tortoises in the given "
"area are matching."
{"Poincaré Ball model", 41,
"The Poincaré disk model is a model of a hyperbolic *plane* -- you "
"might wonder why are the walls rendered in 3D then.\n\n"
"HyperRogue actually assumes that the floor level is an equidistant surface "
"in a three-dimensional hyperbolic world, and the camera is placed above the "
"plane that the surface is equidistant to (which boils down to showing "
"the floor level in Poincaré disk model).\n\n"
"This is shown on the next slide, in the Poincaré ball model, which is "
"the 3D analog of the Poincaré disk model."
{"Hyperboloid model", 42,
"Let's see more models of the hyperbolic plane. "
"This model uses a hyperboloid in the Minkowski geometry; "
"it is used internally by HyperRogue."
{"Beltrami-Klein model", 43,
"This model renders straight lines as straight, but it distorts angles."
{"Gans model", 44,
"Yet another model, which corresponds to orthographic projection of the "
"sphere. Poincaré disk model, Beltrami-Klein model, and the Gans "
"model are all obtained by looking at either the hyperboloid model or an "
"equidistant surface from various distances."
{"Band model", 45,
"The band model is the hyperbolic analog of the Mercator projection of the sphere: "
"a given straight line is rendered as a straight line, and the rest of the "
"world is mapped conformally, that is, angles are not distorted. "
"Here, we take the straight line connecting your starting point and your "
"current position -- usually the path taken by the player is surprisingly "
"close to a straight line. Press '8' to see this path.\n\n"
"If you want, press '5' to see it rendered as a spiral, although it takes lots of time and "
{"Conformal square model", 46,
"The world can be mapped conformally to a square too."
{"Collatz conjecture", 51,
"Your version of HyperRogue includes RogueViz, which "
"is an adaptation of HyperRogue as a visualization tool "
"rather than a game. Hyperbolic space is great "
"for visualizing some kinds of data because of the vast amount "
"of space.\n\n"
"The following slide is a visualization of the Collatz conjecture. "
"Press '5' for a spiral rendering of the Collatz conjecture visualization."},
{"THE END", 99,
"This is not everything you can see in HyperRogue. For example, "
"hyperbolic mazes are much fun than their Euclidean counterparts. "
"Have fun exploring!\n\n"
"Press '5' to leave the tutorial mode."
int getid() {
if(!on) return 0;
return slides[currentslide].id;
// modes:
// 1 - enter the slide
// 2 - each frame
// 3 - leave the slide
// 4 - quicken or modify the slide
// 5 - on initgame
void setCanvas(int mode, char canv) {
static char wc;
static eLand ld;
if(mode == 1) {
wc = mapeditor::whichCanvas;
mapeditor::whichCanvas = canv;
ld = firstland;
firstland = laCanvas;
restartGame(0, true);
if(mode == 3) {
mapeditor::whichCanvas = wc;
firstland = ld;
restartGame(0, false);
bool sickmode;
void presentation(int mode) {
int id = getid();
cheater = 0;
if(id && mode == 1) tourhelp = slides[currentslide].name;
if(sickmode && !items[itOrbTeleport]) items[itOrbTeleport] = 1;
if(id == 10 && mode == 1) {
if(tour::texts) addMessage(XLAT("Welcome to the HyperRogue tutorial!"));
else clearMessages();
if(id == 11 && mode == 4)
forCellEx(c2, cwt.c)
forCellEx(c3, c2)
if(c3->wall == waNone && c3->item == itNone && c3->monst == moNone && c3 != cwt.c)
c3->item = itDiamond;
// Hypersian Rug
if(id == 21) {
static int wm, mm;
if(mode == 1) {
wm = vid.wallmode;
mm = vid.monmode;
vid.wallmode = 3;
vid.monmode = 2;
if(mode == 3) {
vid.wallmode = wm;
vid.monmode = mm;
if(mode == 4) {
rug::rendernogl = !rug::rendernogl;
// Expansion
if(id == 22) {
if(mode == 1) viewdists = true;
if(mode == 3) viewdists = false;
// Tiling and Tactics
if(id == 23) {
setCanvas(mode, 'F');
if(mode == 5) {
cwt.c->mov[0]->monst = moRunDog;
cwt.c->mov[1]->monst = moGoblin;
if(id == 26 && mode == 4)
camelotcheat = !camelotcheat;
// Curvature
if(id == 29) {
if(mode == 4)
items[itOrbSword] = 90;
if(id == 30) {
setCanvas(mode, 't');
if(mode == 1)
mapeditor::displaycodes = 2,
mapeditor::whichPattern = 'z';
if(mode == 3)
mapeditor::displaycodes = 0,
mapeditor::whichPattern = 0;
if(id == 32)
setCanvas(mode, 'l');
if(id == 33) {
if(mode == 4) {
cell *c = cwt.c->mov[0];
c->item = itBabyTortoise;
tortoise::babymap[c] = getBits(c) ^ tortoise::getRandomBits();
if(id == 41) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdBall;
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk;
if(id == 42) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdHyperboloid;
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk;
if(id == 43) {
if(mode == 1) vid.alpha = 0;
if(mode == 3) vid.alpha = 1;
if(id == 44) {
if(mode == 1) vid.alpha = 400, vid.scale = 150;
if(mode == 3) vid.alpha = vid.scale = 1;
if(id == 45) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdBand, conformal::create(), conformal::rotation = 0;
if(mode == 3) {
conformal::clear(), pmodel = mdDisk;
if(mode == 4) conformal::createImage(true);
if(id == 46) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdPolygonal, polygonal::solve();
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk;
if(id == 47) {
if(mode == 1)
pmodel = mdHalfplane;
if(mode == 2)
conformal::rotation = cwt.c->land == laDungeon ? 0 : 2;
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk, conformal::rotation = 0;
if(id == 51) {
setCanvas(mode, 'd');
if(mode == 1) {
rogueviz::dftcolor = 0x206020FF;
rogueviz::collatz::s2 = .3;
rogueviz::collatz::p2 = .5;
rogueviz::collatz::s3 = -.4;
rogueviz::collatz::p3 = .4;
rogueviz::showlabels = true;
rogueviz::on = true;
gmatrix0 = gmatrix;
if(mode == 4)
pmodel = mdBand, conformal::create(), conformal::rotation = 0,
conformal::clear(), pmodel = mdDisk;
if(id == 99 && mode == 4)
eLand getNext(eLand old) {
// Straight Lines
int id = getid();
if(id == 24) {
return pick(
pick(laRedRock, laWarpCoast, laMirror),
pick(laLivefjord, laAlchemist, laHell),
pick(laJungle, laDesert, laRose),
pick(laGraveyard, laMotion, laDryForest)
else return laCrossroads;
// Running Dogs
if(id == 25) {
if(isCrossroads(old)) return pick(laMotion, laNone);
else if(old == laMotion) return laCrossroads;
else return laMotion;
// Circles
if(id == 26) {
if(!isCrossroads(old)) return laCrossroads;
// Camelot is a circle
// Equidistants
if(id == 27) {
return hrand(100) < 20 ? laNone :
pick(laOcean, laIvoryTower, laDungeon, laEndorian);
else return laCrossroads;
// Horocycles
if(id == 28) {
return pick(laRlyeh, laNone, laNone);
else return pick(laCrossroads, old == laRlyeh ? laNone : laRlyeh);
// Curvature
if(id == 29) {
return pick(laBurial, laNone, laNone);
else return pick(laCrossroads, old == laBurial ? laNone : laBurial);
// periodic patterns application
if(id == 31) {
return pick(
pick(laWineyard, laEmerald, laPower),
pick(laZebra, laWhirlwind),
laPalace, laNone
else return laCrossroads;
// fractal landscapes application
if(id == 33) {
if(old == laDragon) return pick(laTortoise, laTortoise, laCrossroads);
else if(isCrossroads(old))
return pick(laDragon, laReptile, laNone);
return laNone;
void slidehelp() {
if(texts) {
help =
helptitle(slides[currentslide].name, 0xFF8000) +
if(cmode != emHelp)
lastmode = cmode;
cmode = emHelp;
bool handleKeyTour(int sym, int uni) {
if(sym == SDLK_RETURN && (cmode != emHelp || getid() == 10)) {
if(geometry) { restartGame(0, false); return true; }
if(getid() == 99) return true;
return true;
if(sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE) {
if(geometry) { restartGame(0, false); return true; }
if(currentslide == 0) { slidehelp(); return true; }
if(cmode == emHelp) slidehelp();
return true;
if(sym == '1' || sym == '2' || sym == '3') {
if(geometry) {
restartGame(0, false); return true;
if(sym == '1') targetgeometry = gSphere;
if(sym == '2') targetgeometry = gEuclid;
firstland = euclidland = cwt.c->land;
restartGame(sym == '3' ? '7' : 'g', true);
return true;
if(sym == '4') {
items[itOrbTeleport] = 1;
canmove = true;
return true;
if(sym == '5') {
return true;
if(sym == '6') {
sickmode = !sickmode;
static ld spd;
if(sickmode == true) {
spd = vid.sspeed, vid.sspeed = 5;
addMessage("Static mode enabled.");
else {
vid.sspeed = spd;
addMessage("Static mode disabled.");
return true;
if(sym == '7') {
texts = !texts;
if(texts) slidehelp();
else addMessage("Help texts disabled.");
return true;
if(sym == '8')
conformal::includeHistory = !conformal::includeHistory;
return false;
bool quickfind(eLand l) {
int id = getid();
if(id == 26 && l == laCamelot) return true;
if(id == 28 && l == laTemple) return true;
if(id == 29 && l == laBurial && !items[itOrbSword]) return true;
if(id == 33 && l == laTortoise && !items[itBabyTortoise]) return true;
return false;
void start() {
currentslide = 0;
vid.scale = 1;
vid.alpha = 1;
pmodel = mdDisk;
if(tour::on) {