Changes in the osnma receiver initialisation for time synchronisation with the configuration 1.
OsnmaMsgReceiverTest::initializeGoogleLog() implemented recycling code, in the same way as the gnss-sdr receiver upon start.
This commit introduces two new unit tests for the osnma_msg_receiver class: 'TeslaKeyVerification' and 'OsnmaTestVectorsSimulation'. The first test verifies the Tesla key handling within the class. The second test uses real-world test vectors to simulate osnma message receiving and verifies correct parsing and processing of messages.
The OSNMA message receiver has been refactored to correct errors. It introduces new functions to process local time verification as well as DSM blocks. Flow of information between these functions is also changed, to improve readabilty and responsibility. Several TODO comments have been addressed as part of the changes. This commit also includes minor changes to the unit tests and system parameters classes.
Introduced unit tests in `` to verify the functionality set_public_key and verify_signature. The added tests check the correctness of signature verification and public key import processes. Further minor changes
Remove averaging in Pvt_Solution, since it was broken, misleading, not used, and added unnecessary complexity in the interfaces.
Uniformize names of public Pvt_Kf class memben functions
Add getters to Galileo_HAS_data class, improve implementation of existing ones
Process reception of HAS messages and inject corrections to RTKLIB
Apply HAS corrections to PVT computation within RTKLIB
Add configuration parameter PVT.use_has_corrections=true/false, true by default, to deactivate application of corrections but still retrieve HAS messages
Add configuration parameter PVT.use_unhealthy_sats=true/false, false by default, to use observables from satellites flagged as unhealthy
Use an unordered_map for signals and frequencies