Javier Arribas
Switch to GNU Radio 3.7.x API
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@368 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-07-04 13:47:40 +00:00
Javier Arribas
SUPL assistance support in progress:
- New SUPL parameters available in GNSS-SDR.conf
- Ephemeris assistance for real-time operation is now functional
- SUPL client now stores the received ephemeris in XML file. This file can be loaded on request to enable post-processing SUPL assistance and to enable SUPL assistance without internet connection. -> thowards a complete warm start GNSS-SDR.
- GN3S driver firmware file copy operation in CmakeLists.txt had an error that mismatches the gn3s_firmware.ihx file location and prevents the correct firmware loading for GN3S SiGe USB dongles.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@351 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-03-18 18:27:44 +00:00
Javier Arribas
Added Secure User Plane Location (SUPL) client library and the associated A-GNSS data structures. The GNSS assistance function is not active yet!
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@344 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-03-14 17:57:50 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Updated versions of Armadillo (3.6.2) and glog (0.3.3). Added a documentation page about GNSS signal models. In systems in which pdflatex is not available, doyxgen uses MATHJAX, an open source Javascript display engine that requires internet connection but renders beautiful equations in the HTML docs.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@336 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-02-01 17:47:01 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Adding Mac OS X support. Tested in Mountain Lion.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@333 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-27 20:50:38 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
improving GCC flags related to the host processor and moving GNSS_SDR_VERSION definition to a better place.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@328 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-24 20:04:39 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
fixed problex detecting GFLAGS shared libraries in Fedora 18 and Debian 6.0.6
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@327 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-23 19:32:20 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Using CMake to set the program version. This is an example of how a CMake variable can be used inside the C++ code without breaking anything.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@326 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-22 20:40:25 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
now the automatic installation of GNU Radio via the build-gnuradio script is an option. It can be triggered by 'cmake ../ -DINSTALL_GNURADIO=ON', which is a much more elegant solution than before. CMake will inform about this option to users that do not have GNU Radio installed.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@325 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-22 19:16:23 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
CMake now launches GNU Radio installation script if gnuradio-core is not detected.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@323 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-19 17:10:57 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Improve doxygen handling. Added two new targets: 'make pdfmanual' will create a manual at docs/GNSS-SDR_manual.pdf, and 'make doc-clean' will clean the documentation.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@315 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-17 01:47:13 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Improving doxygen handling
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@313 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-15 02:01:28 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Fix Boost version detection
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@310 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-12 09:01:02 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Fixes gruel issue
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@309 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-11 14:13:07 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Fix Glog build when gflags is also build within make
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@307 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-03 18:50:53 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
If Armadillo is not installed in the system, now CMake will download it, patch it in order to make a static library, build it, and link it with the rest of GNSS-SDR.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@306 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-03 01:48:34 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Now gflags and google-glog are downloaded, configured, build and linked automatically when doing "make". Since gflags is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of glog, glog is always built locally when gflags is missing.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@305 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2013-01-01 11:24:42 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Glog is now downloaded, configured, built and linked automatically if it is not found in the host system.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@304 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2012-12-29 21:07:43 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Enabling CTest
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@301 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2012-12-28 15:40:03 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Added build support for the GN3S dongle. If the variable GN3S_DRIVER is set, CMake automatically builds the gr-gn3s project, adds the gn3s_signal_source and links the corresponding library. There is no need to have gr-gn3s already installed.
$ cd build
$ export GN3S_DRIVER=1
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ make install
The gr-gn3s project can be build and installed independently, for instance for using it as a source block in gnuradio-companion.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@300 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2012-12-27 21:11:50 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Added support for RTL devices. If the variable RTLSDR_DRIVER is set, CMake looks for libosmosdr and gnuradio-osmosdr libraries and compiles the corresponding signal source.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@298 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2012-12-27 17:09:16 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
If the GTEST_DIR variable is not set, CMake will automatically download, configure and build Googletest 1.6.0 when building run_tests. Download includes MD5 checksum. The source code will be left under the thirdparty/ folder. All the download and build files will remain under the build/ directory. Since Googletest does not need installation, all the process can be done without root privileges, simply doing 'make'.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@297 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2012-12-26 11:19:57 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Enabling run_tests build. If the variable GTEST_DIR exists, it builds the executable run_tests. 'make install' will copy the executable at the install/ folder.
Improved doxygen detection. Now 'make doc' will build the documentation at the docs/ folder if doxygen is available.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@296 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2012-12-25 10:28:29 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Added some notes on what to do for optional drivers
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@294 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2012-12-24 11:42:23 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Better handling of compiler flags
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@293 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2012-12-24 11:20:23 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Adds support for GPerftools. Add compiler and linker flags only if the library is available.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@292 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2012-12-24 10:21:31 +00:00
Carles Fernandez
Starting CMake support. In the root directory of gnss-sdr, type:
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../ && make && make install
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@290 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2012-12-24 02:33:50 +00:00