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* \file galileo_e1_pvt_cc.cc
* \brief Implementation of a Position Velocity and Time computation block for GPS L1 C/A
* \author Javier Arribas, 2013. jarribas(at)cttc.es
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2015-01-08 18:49:59 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2010-2015 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2015-01-08 18:49:59 +00:00
* (at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "galileo_e1_pvt_cc.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <gnuradio/gr_complex.h>
#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "concurrent_map.h"
using google::LogMessage;
galileo_e1_make_pvt_cc(unsigned int nchannels, boost::shared_ptr<gr::msg_queue> queue, bool dump, std::string dump_filename, int averaging_depth, bool flag_averaging, int output_rate_ms, int display_rate_ms, bool flag_nmea_tty_port, std::string nmea_dump_filename, std::string nmea_dump_devname, bool flag_rtcm_server, bool flag_rtcm_tty_port, std::string rtcm_dump_devname)
return galileo_e1_pvt_cc_sptr(new galileo_e1_pvt_cc(nchannels, queue, dump, dump_filename, averaging_depth, flag_averaging, output_rate_ms, display_rate_ms, flag_nmea_tty_port, nmea_dump_filename, nmea_dump_devname, flag_rtcm_server, flag_rtcm_tty_port, rtcm_dump_devname));
void galileo_e1_pvt_cc::msg_handler_telemetry(pmt::pmt_t msg)
try {
if( pmt::any_ref(msg).type() == typeid(std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Ephemeris>) )
// ### Galileo EPHEMERIS ###
std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Ephemeris> galileo_eph;
galileo_eph= boost::any_cast<std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Ephemeris>>(pmt::any_ref(msg));
// insert new ephemeris record
DLOG(INFO) << "Galileo New Ephemeris record inserted in global map with TOW =" << galileo_eph->TOW_5
<< ", GALILEO Week Number =" << galileo_eph->WN_5
<< " and Ephemeris IOD = " << galileo_eph->IOD_ephemeris;
// update/insert new ephemeris record to the global ephemeris map
}else if (pmt::any_ref(msg).type() == typeid(std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Iono>) )
// ### Galileo IONO ###
std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Iono> galileo_iono;
galileo_iono= boost::any_cast<std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Iono>>(pmt::any_ref(msg));
DLOG(INFO) << "New IONO record has arrived ";
}else if (pmt::any_ref(msg).type() == typeid(std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Utc_Model>) )
// ### Galileo UTC MODEL ###
std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Utc_Model> galileo_utc_model;
galileo_utc_model= boost::any_cast<std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Utc_Model>>(pmt::any_ref(msg));
DLOG(INFO) << "New UTC record has arrived ";
}else if (pmt::any_ref(msg).type() == typeid(std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Almanac>) )
// ### Galileo Almanac ###
std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Almanac> galileo_almanac;
galileo_almanac= boost::any_cast<std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Almanac>>(pmt::any_ref(msg));
// update/insert new ephemeris record to the global ephemeris map
DLOG(INFO) << "New Galileo Almanac has arrived ";
LOG(WARNING) << "msg_handler_telemetry unknown object type!";
catch(boost::bad_any_cast& e)
LOG(WARNING) << "msg_handler_telemetry Bad any cast!\n";
galileo_e1_pvt_cc::galileo_e1_pvt_cc(unsigned int nchannels, boost::shared_ptr<gr::msg_queue> queue, bool dump, std::string dump_filename, int averaging_depth, bool flag_averaging, int output_rate_ms, int display_rate_ms, bool flag_nmea_tty_port, std::string nmea_dump_filename, std::string nmea_dump_devname, bool flag_rtcm_server, bool flag_rtcm_tty_port, std::string rtcm_dump_devname) :
gr::block("galileo_e1_pvt_cc", gr::io_signature::make(nchannels, nchannels, sizeof(Gnss_Synchro)),
gr::io_signature::make(0, 0, sizeof(gr_complex)))
d_output_rate_ms = output_rate_ms;
d_display_rate_ms = display_rate_ms;
d_queue = queue;
d_dump = dump;
d_nchannels = nchannels;
d_dump_filename = dump_filename;
std::string dump_ls_pvt_filename = dump_filename;
// GPS Ephemeris data message port in
boost::bind(&galileo_e1_pvt_cc::msg_handler_telemetry, this, _1));
//initialize kml_printer
std::string kml_dump_filename;
kml_dump_filename = d_dump_filename;
d_kml_dump = std::make_shared<Kml_Printer>();
//initialize geojson_printer
std::string geojson_dump_filename;
geojson_dump_filename = d_dump_filename;
d_geojson_printer = std::make_shared<GeoJSON_Printer>();
//initialize nmea_printer
d_nmea_printer = std::make_shared<Nmea_Printer>(nmea_dump_filename, flag_nmea_tty_port, nmea_dump_devname);
//initialize rtcm_printer
std::string rtcm_dump_filename;
rtcm_dump_filename = d_dump_filename;
d_rtcm_printer = std::make_shared<Rtcm_Printer>(rtcm_dump_filename, flag_rtcm_server, flag_rtcm_tty_port, rtcm_dump_devname);
d_averaging_depth = averaging_depth;
d_flag_averaging = flag_averaging;
d_ls_pvt = std::make_shared<galileo_e1_ls_pvt>(nchannels, dump_ls_pvt_filename, d_dump);
d_sample_counter = 0;
d_last_sample_nav_output = 0;
d_rx_time = 0.0;
b_rinex_header_writen = false;
b_rinex_header_updated = false;
b_rtcm_writing_started = false;
rp = std::make_shared<Rinex_Printer>();
// ############# ENABLE DATA FILE LOG #################
if (d_dump == true)
if (d_dump_file.is_open() == false)
d_dump_file.exceptions (std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit );
d_dump_file.open(d_dump_filename.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
LOG(INFO) << "PVT dump enabled Log file: " << d_dump_filename.c_str();
catch (const std::ifstream::failure& e)
LOG(WARNING) << "Exception opening PVT dump file " << e.what();
2015-05-15 01:02:45 +00:00
bool galileo_e1_pvt_cc::pseudoranges_pairCompare_min(const std::pair<int,Gnss_Synchro>& a, const std::pair<int,Gnss_Synchro>& b)
return (a.second.Pseudorange_m) < (b.second.Pseudorange_m);
void galileo_e1_pvt_cc::print_receiver_status(Gnss_Synchro** channels_synchronization_data)
// Print the current receiver status using std::cout every second
int current_rx_seg=floor(channels_synchronization_data[0][0].Tracking_timestamp_secs);
if ( current_rx_seg!= d_last_status_print_seg)
d_last_status_print_seg = current_rx_seg;
std::cout << "Current input signal time = " << current_rx_seg << " [s]" << std::endl<< std::flush;
//DLOG(INFO) << "GPS L1 C/A Tracking CH " << d_channel << ": Satellite " << Gnss_Satellite(systemName[sys], d_acquisition_gnss_synchro->PRN)
// << ", CN0 = " << d_CN0_SNV_dB_Hz << " [dB-Hz]" << std::endl;
int galileo_e1_pvt_cc::general_work (int noutput_items __attribute__((unused)), gr_vector_int &ninput_items __attribute__((unused)),
gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items __attribute__((unused)))
std::map<int,Gnss_Synchro> gnss_pseudoranges_map;
Gnss_Synchro **in = (Gnss_Synchro **) &input_items[0]; //Get the input pointer
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d_nchannels; i++)
if (in[i][0].Flag_valid_pseudorange == true)
gnss_pseudoranges_map.insert(std::pair<int,Gnss_Synchro>(in[i][0].PRN, in[i][0])); // store valid pseudoranges in a map
d_rx_time = in[i][0].d_TOW_at_current_symbol; // all the channels have the same RX timestamp (common RX time pseudoranges)
// ############ 2 COMPUTE THE PVT ################################
if (gnss_pseudoranges_map.size() > 0 and d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.size() > 0)
// compute on the fly PVT solution
if ((d_sample_counter % d_output_rate_ms) == 0)
bool pvt_result;
pvt_result = d_ls_pvt->get_PVT(gnss_pseudoranges_map, d_rx_time, d_flag_averaging);
if (pvt_result == true)
2015-11-14 13:17:02 +00:00
d_kml_dump->print_position(d_ls_pvt, d_flag_averaging);
d_geojson_printer->print_position(d_ls_pvt, d_flag_averaging);
d_nmea_printer->Print_Nmea_Line(d_ls_pvt, d_flag_averaging);
2015-03-04 20:22:35 +00:00
if (!b_rinex_header_writen)
std::map<int,Galileo_Ephemeris>::iterator galileo_ephemeris_iter;
galileo_ephemeris_iter = d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.begin();
if (galileo_ephemeris_iter != d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.end())
rp->rinex_obs_header(rp->obsFile, galileo_ephemeris_iter->second, d_rx_time);
2014-09-03 05:58:57 +00:00
rp->rinex_nav_header(rp->navGalFile, d_ls_pvt->galileo_iono, d_ls_pvt->galileo_utc_model, d_ls_pvt->galileo_almanac);
b_rinex_header_writen = true; // do not write header anymore
if(b_rinex_header_writen) // Put here another condition to separate annotations (e.g 30 s)
// Limit the RINEX navigation output rate to 1/6 seg
// Notice that d_sample_counter period is 4ms (for Galileo correlators)
if ((d_sample_counter - d_last_sample_nav_output) >= 6000)
rp->log_rinex_nav(rp->navGalFile, d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map);
d_last_sample_nav_output = d_sample_counter;
2015-03-04 20:22:35 +00:00
std::map<int, Galileo_Ephemeris>::iterator galileo_ephemeris_iter;
galileo_ephemeris_iter = d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.begin();
if (galileo_ephemeris_iter != d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.end())
rp->log_rinex_obs(rp->obsFile, galileo_ephemeris_iter->second, d_rx_time, gnss_pseudoranges_map);
if (!b_rinex_header_updated && (d_ls_pvt->galileo_utc_model.A0_6 != 0))
rp->update_nav_header(rp->navGalFile, d_ls_pvt->galileo_iono, d_ls_pvt->galileo_utc_model, d_ls_pvt->galileo_almanac);
rp->update_obs_header(rp->obsFile, d_ls_pvt->galileo_utc_model);
b_rinex_header_updated = true;
if((d_sample_counter % (1000 / 4) ) == 0) // every second
std::map<int, Galileo_Ephemeris>::iterator gal_ephemeris_iter;
gal_ephemeris_iter = d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.begin();
if (gal_ephemeris_iter != d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.end())
d_rtcm_printer->Print_Rtcm_MSM(7, {}, {}, gal_ephemeris_iter->second, d_rx_time, gnss_pseudoranges_map, 1234, 0, 0, 0, false, false );
// gps_eph, gps_cnav_eph, gal_eph, obs_time, pseudoranges, ref_id, clock_steering_indicator, external_clock_indicator, smooth_int, divergence_free, more messages
if((d_sample_counter % (120000 / 4)) == 0) // every 2 minutes
std::map<int, Galileo_Ephemeris>::iterator gal_ephemeris_iter;
gal_ephemeris_iter = d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.begin();
if (gal_ephemeris_iter != d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.end())
if(!b_rtcm_writing_started) // the first time
std::map<int,Galileo_Ephemeris>::iterator gal_ephemeris_iter;
gal_ephemeris_iter = d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.begin();
if (gal_ephemeris_iter != d_ls_pvt->galileo_ephemeris_map.end())
d_rtcm_printer->Print_Rtcm_MSM(7, {}, {}, gal_ephemeris_iter->second, d_rx_time, gnss_pseudoranges_map, 1234, 0, 0, 0, false, false );
b_rtcm_writing_started = true;
// DEBUG MESSAGE: Display position in console output
if (((d_sample_counter % d_display_rate_ms) == 0) and d_ls_pvt->b_valid_position == true)
std::cout << "Galileo Position at " << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(d_ls_pvt->d_position_UTC_time)
2015-03-20 19:17:41 +00:00
<< " UTC is Lat = " << d_ls_pvt->d_latitude_d << " [deg], Long = " << d_ls_pvt->d_longitude_d
<< " [deg], Height= " << d_ls_pvt->d_height_m << " [m]" << std::endl;
LOG(INFO) << "Position at " << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(d_ls_pvt->d_position_UTC_time)
2015-03-20 19:17:41 +00:00
<< " UTC is Lat = " << d_ls_pvt->d_latitude_d << " [deg], Long = " << d_ls_pvt->d_longitude_d
<< " [deg], Height= " << d_ls_pvt->d_height_m << " [m]";
LOG(INFO) << "Dilution of Precision at " << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(d_ls_pvt->d_position_UTC_time)
<< " is HDOP = " << d_ls_pvt->d_HDOP << " VDOP = "
<< d_ls_pvt->d_VDOP <<" TDOP = " << d_ls_pvt->d_TDOP
<< " GDOP = " << d_ls_pvt->d_GDOP;
// MULTIPLEXED FILE RECORDING - Record results to file
if(d_dump == true)
double tmp_double;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d_nchannels; i++)
tmp_double = in[i][0].Pseudorange_m;
d_dump_file.write((char*)&tmp_double, sizeof(double));
tmp_double = 0;
d_dump_file.write((char*)&tmp_double, sizeof(double));
d_dump_file.write((char*)&d_rx_time, sizeof(double));
catch (const std::ifstream::failure& e)
LOG(WARNING) << "Exception writing observables dump file " << e.what();
consume_each(1); //one by one
return 1;