* v5.35.1 * codemirror 5.35.1 * v5.35.1 * v5.35.1 * v5.35.1 * v5.35.1 * v5.35.1 * adding search&replace and autocomplete * update version number * add jump-to-line.js required for search&replace * adding show-hint.js required by autocomplete * adding basic autocomplete for any word * adding autocomplete css * adding new files to tiddlywiki.files * forgot adding search.js * minify 'em all * Delete vim.js * Delete sublime.js * Delete emacs.js * Delete anyword-hint.js * Delete show-hint.css * Delete show-hint.js * Update config.tid * Update tiddlywiki.files * Update tiddlywiki.files * Update config.tid * Update config.tid * Update config.tid * Delete dialog.js * Delete dialog.css * Delete jump-to-line.js * Delete search.js * Delete searchcursor.js * Update tiddlywiki.files * Update tiddlywiki.files * Update tiddlywiki.files * add search-and-replace cm-addon as plugin * add autocomplete cm-addon as plugin * add fullscreen-editing cm-addon as plugin * add keymaps as plugins + cleanup * add highlighting modes as plugins * small update on usage.tid * moved multiplex.js to htmlembedded mode - the only one using it * config/CodeMirror update * how to disable line numbers * how to change CM theme * add closebrackets and closetags addons * packaging a base-addon * move meta.js from codemirror to base addon * inputStyle: textarea -> prevents contenteditable on mobile browsers, keeps focus when clicking toolbar buttons, prevents import on paste * default config no line numbers * temporary add panel plugin for demo * put base-plugin back to codemirror editor * searchcursor to searchnreplace plugin * bad copypasta mistake * another typo * stripped down meta.js + moved matchbrackets to closebrackets plugin * remove panel * change module-type to codemirro and make init "require" dynamic. * make config handling dynamic with sensible defaults * make cm settings translateable * delete multids. they will be replaced * add auto-config tiddlers * dynamically create config structure for CM * fix filename * change typo * kitchensink config, plus change plugin description for better sorting. * add matchBrackets config tiddler * RIP codeblock * removed install instructions from readme - codemirror usage tiddler still todo * control panel settings for cm base * add setting for auto-close tags * adding fontfamily settings and theme settings * change tags for settings from $:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings to $:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings/CodeMirror * more usage info * more usage info * update to v5.36.0 * ugly hack enables highlighting and tag-closing for vnd.tiddlywiki and x-tiddlywiki * disable auto-indent for vnd.tiddlywiki & x-tiddlywiki and add some hidden settings * remove engine.js hack * meta.js -> tw-meta.js * codemirror settings tab * rename tiddler to tw-meta.js * make editor font monospace or sans-serif - dropdown select * make editor font monospace or sans-serif - dropdown select * now using correct tiddler for editor font setting * better usage doc * make markdown-mode require tw-meta * add more themes info * add active-line highlighting option * mini usage change * add integer type to engine.js config-getter * blink rate config type string * correct engine.js * license for base-plugin, usage link in settings tab * codemirrordemo hellothere update * codemirrordemo hellothere update * Update license.tid * codemirror demo sidebarlayout, license * license headers to addon files * license formatting & forgot what year we have * license formatting & forgot what year we have & codemirror demo sitetitle sitesubtitle * more informations 'try-this-style' for codemirrordemo hellothere * codemirror demo sitetitle & cm fontfamily * hellothere * font-family setting must be editor-font-family, not code-font-family * add basic keyboard shortcuts table * shortcuts change to not interfere with toolbar shortcuts - needs testing - vim and emacs todo * formatting * controlpanel change keymap - default keymap is default * ctrl-T becomes Alt-T in default keymap * adjustments for codemirror demo * demo: hellothere - hint for sidebar keymap cheatsheet * toolbar focus fix + remove console log * engine.js cleanup * formatting * reverting focus fix * indenting engine.js * hoping that indenting gets better
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.
TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.
Learn more and see it in action at https://tiddlywiki.com/
Developer documentation is in progress at https://tiddlywiki.com/dev/
Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
- Install Node.js
- either from your favourite package manager: typically
apt-get install nodejs
on Debian/Ubuntu Linux or Termux for Android, orbrew install node
on a Mac - or directly from http://nodejs.org
- either from your favourite package manager: typically
- Open a command line terminal and type:
npm install -g tiddlywiki
If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki
(Mac/Linux) - Check TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
tiddlywiki --version
- In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg "5.1.14"; you may also see other debugging information reported)
- Try it out:
tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server
to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related componentstiddlywiki mynewwiki --server
to start TiddlyWiki- Visit in your browser
- Try editing and creating tiddlers
- Optionally, make an offline copy:
- click the save changes button in the sidebar, OR
tiddlywiki mynewwiki --build index
The -g
flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.
If you are using Debian or Debian-based Linux and you are receiving a node: command not found
error though node.js package is installed, you may need to create a symbolic link between nodejs
and node
. Consult your distro's manual and whereis
to correctly create a link. See github issue 1434
Example Debian v8.0: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
You can also install prior versions like this:
npm install -g tiddlywiki@5.1.13
Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running tiddlywiki
from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.
The first argument is the optional path to the TiddlyWikiFolder to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.
The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix --
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
The available commands are:
- build
- clearpassword
- editions
- fetch
- help
- import
- init
- load
- makelibrary
- output
- password
- render
- rendertiddler
- rendertiddlers
- save
- savetiddler
- savetiddlers
- server
- setfield
- unpackplugin
- verbose
- version
Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
If you've installed TiddlyWiki on Node.js on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:
npm update -g tiddlywiki
On Mac or Linux you'll need to add sudo like this:
sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki
Also see
Generating Static Sites with TiddlyWiki
How to build a TiddlyWiki5 from individual tiddlers
Using TiddlyWiki for GitHub project documentation
Using a custom path prefix with the client-server edition
Building TiddlyWikiClassic
Customising Tiddler File Naming
Environment Variables on Node.js
Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js
Serving TW5 from Android
Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository
This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki