New export button appears as a page control toolbar button, a tiddler
toolbar button, and a button in the advanced search filter tab.
Initially supports exporting as static HTML, CSV, JSON or `.tid` file.
Still to do:
* Made the exporter descriptions translatable
* Hide the export button by default
* User docs
* Cleaning up the existing templates (eg,
`$:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html` should work by
transcluding `$:/core/templates/exporters/Static`)
* Docs for the new macros `exportButton`, `csvtiddlers` and
* OS X Numbers refuses to open CSV files that have been generated in
Chrome, because it thinks they’ve been downloaded from the Internet.
Firefox works OK
* The export button won’t work within the tiddler info panel, or from
the *more* popup (this is because we don’t support nested popups)
In practice the macros are always invoked in inline mode, meaning that
the triple braces weren’t getting parsed correctly. Now we switch to
inline code
Move the CSS macros into global macros, and allow the colour macro to
fallback to the vanilla palette if the required colour isn’t found in
the current palette.
The new importvariables widget imports macro/variable definitions from
the specified tiddlers and makes them available to its children.
Allows us to split PageMacros up into separate tiddlers.
We still support loading macros from $:/core/ui/PageMacros to help
people upgrading.
Fixes#644 and #559