@webplusai otherwise the control shows up for all wikis built with this version of the core, including those that don't include any MWS plugins. They get an "Undefined widget 'action-managetiddler'" error
* mws authentication
* add more tests and permission checkers
* add logic to ensure that only authenticated users' requests are handled
* add custom login page
* Implement user authentication as well as session handling
* work on user operations authorization
* add middleware to route handlers for bags & tiddlers routes
* add feature that only returns the tiddlers and bags which the user has permission to access on index page
* refactor auth routes & added user management page
* fix Ci Test failure issue
* fix users list page, add manage roles page
* add commands and scripts to create new user & assign roles and permissions
* resolved ci-test failure
* add ACL permissions to bags & tiddlers on creation
* fix comments and access control list bug
* fix indentation issues
* working on user profile edit
* remove list users command & added support for database in server options
* implement user profile update and password change feature
* update plugin readme
* implement command which triggers protected mode on the server
* revert server-wide auth flag. Implement selective authorization
* ACL management feature
* Complete Access control list implementation
* Added support to manage users' assigned role by admin
* fix comments
* fix comment
The current implementation is still broken, and actually more broken than it was before a37d50166f51a2cc1d577653e9b88289b7e468c3.
It seems that we should be exposing the SSE events to the syncer so that the resulting updates can be handled by the syncers existing task scheduler
Thank you @PotOfCoffee2Go I ended up taking some of your code from #8101 to get this up and running. There's still some stuff missing (like the tests!) but it gets things moving.