this allows using the pagescroller for scrolling elements into view where the rect gets calculated somewhere else
Example: CodeMirror has the `cm.cursorCoords()` function that returns the rect of the textselection (or cursor coordinates)
this scrolls the cursor or text selection into view using tiddlywikis pagescroller:
`$tw.pageScroller.scrollIntoView(undefined, function() { return,"window"); });`
* [Further TOC fixes] - FollowUp: fix tag macros
this fixes the tag macros when titles are used that contain quotes, especially triple quotes and more
* Update tag.tid
* correct scrolling with tc-adjust-top-of-scroll
not multiplying `offset` with t causes jumps at the first animation steps, where the offset value is bigger than `endY - scrollPosition.y`
* correct scroll offset
* changes for global keyboardshortcuts
* add keyboard.js startup module
* remove not existing "th-opening-window" hook
* correct title
* use utils.addEventListeners
* define platform lookup-names on startup
* use the startup-lookup-names array
* use the platform-specific lookupNames only
* Update keyboard.js
* move initializations to the constructor
* move initializations to the constructor
* rename hasAnyTiddlerChanged
* don't explicitely create new RegExp
* use $tw.utils.hopArray
* match strings, no regex
* remove hopArray, move to boot.js
* add $tw.utils.hopArray to boot.js
* style update
* style updates
* move more to keyboardManager module
this could probably be moved to rootwidget.js
* move more to keyboardManager module
* add event listener for shortcuts in new windows
* prevent error when opening window is blocked
* add keydown listener on document in startup.js
* delete startup/keyboard.js
* add missing this.shortcutTiddlers
* Update keyboard.js
* Update boot.js
* add exports.hopArray to utils.js
* minor codingstyle tweak
* change how lookupnames get pushed to array
* Update windows.js
* re-add shortcuts-listener for new windows
I removed this before which I think was because I misunderstood what exactly should go to a separate PR
The bug here is that incoming tiddlers (ie tiddlers that were updated on the server and synced back to the browser) will retain any fields that are currently present but deleted in the incoming tiddler
To avoid clashing with tiddlers called "login-basic" :)
We also need to revise the rout for /status for the same reason, but there are backward compatibility issues there
* Added better handling for sortByList manual placements
If manual placement specifications show up in an inconvenient order,
sortByList, will go to the trouble of processing them in that order.
* Added tests to confirm solution to (#3296)
...That custom tag ordering will not choke when tiddlers get sorted after their dependencies have been placed around them
* Corrected list-after bug when referencing external titles
* Using more error-proof $tw.utils.hop in sortByList
* minor indentation correction in test-tags.js
By almost entirely eliminating text subsitution, we can avoid the situations where special characters in tags or titles gets the macro confused.
These are quite intricate changes, and so I'd appreciate any help reviewing and testing, many thanks.
It's a bit gross that we have to change the filename used to reference the JS file. This is to make it work with the webserver.
At the moment, the webserver exposes system tiddlers as plain text renderings, and ordinary tiddlers as full HTML renderings through a view template. So we have to use a system tiddler title for the JS file.
The workaround I'm thinking of is to remove the blanket exposure of system tiddlers, and instead have a list of system tiddlers that are specifically exposed through a namespace like `\lib\tiddlywiki.js`. That can't clash with a tiddler title because tiddler titles are URI encoded and so can't contain slashes.
* Explore externalising TiddlyWiki's JS core into a separate file
* Fix missing newline after copyright notice
* Add an error alert if tiddlywiki.js can't be loaded
Makes things a bit easier to follow when working in multiuser environments.
@inmysocks, @danielo515, @arlen22, @pmario, @drakor does this make sense for your use cases?