For clarity, the absolute file syntax needs to be added in the first section before relative links are shown.
All the examples from the top section should be echoed in the extended section.
* Add string '.htm' to 'Saving with TiddlyIE'
* Change external links to match locale with wiki language
* Add instructions for use to 'Saving on Android'
* Change string in 'task'
* Change instructions for use in 'Saving on iPad/iPhone'
* Add newline to 'TiddlyDesktop Releases'
* Remove caption from 'Serving TW5 from Android'
* Change link to external in tiddlers which tagged 'Editions'
* Remove string 'index.html' from 'Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki'
* Change link 'TiddlyWiki Groups' to 'Forums' in tiddlers which tagged 'Community'
* Remove CamelCase link 'TiddlyWiki' from tiddlers tagged 'Community'
* Change string 'done' to 'Upgrade' in 'UpgradeMechanism'
* Change buttons to images in 'How to export tiddlers'
* Add images about buttons to tiddlers
* Add quotation mark to text 'edit' in 'Signing the Contributor License Agreement'
* Rename 'UsingSVG' to 'Using SVG'
* Change link 'TypedBlockWikiText' to 'Typed Blocks in WikiText' in 'Using SVG'
* Add tiddler 'Using Stamp'
* Add 'rel="noopener noreferrer"' to external links
* Add description about 'rel="noreferrer"' to 'HTML in WikiText'
* Add link of prerelease version about translators edition, and how to translate on Node.js, in 'Translate TiddlyWiki into your language'
* Change string 'dropdown' to 'tab' in 'Installing a plugin from the plugin library'
* Add download button to 'Empty Edition'
A minor issue - the wrong slashes are used in part of this text for emphasis. This confused me until I realised what was going on (I thought the /'s were part of the template syntax).
@erwanm I ended up making some fairly extensive tweaks.
One issue is that the (excellent) material you’ve provided on
transclusion with templates covers very much the same ground as the
existing TemplateTiddlers tiddler. The existing text was focused on
transclusion with widgets; I think your material using transclusion
notation is much easier to understand.
I’ve also removed the exercises section. We don’t have exercises
elsewhere in the documentation, so I think we need to make a conscious
decision about whether we’re going to try to add them, and then do so
consistently across the material.
I also made some changes to bring the text into house style for
consistency (which I’ve also tried to start documenting).