-Added playlist append menu item to channel and playlist fragments.
-Added debouncing to local playlist fragment to allow saving join when list is reordered or item is deleted.
-Extracted hardcoded strings.
-Enabled reordering, renaming, removing of items on playlist fragment.
-Enabled removal of dangling streams entries when history is cleared.
-Changed playlist append menu item to icon on service player activity.
-Added adapter and builder for local items, removed dependency on infoitem and existing infolist for database entry items.
-Removed watch history entity and DAO.
-Extracted info item selected listener to remove adding boilerplate code when long click functionality is optional.
-Fixed query returning no record on left join when right table is empty.
-Merged stream record manager into history record manager.
-Removed subject-based history database actions.
-Merged normalized history table into watch history fragment.
-Modified history fragments to use long click for delete actions.
-Refactored DAO operations from search fragment to record manager.
-Added index to search history table on search string.
-Fix baseplayer round repeat not detected by discontinuity.
-Added query to remove stream table orphans.
-Added query for retrieving flattened watch history records.
-Added holder for local playlist stream info items.
-Refactored info item on select listener as on touch gesture.
-Added UI for watch history and most played fragments.
-Added stream state table for storing playback timestamp and future usage.
-Enabled playlist deletion.
- Every service now have its own colors
- Fix bug navigation button and backstack count
- Fix and themed properly the icons and colors of the main fragment tabs
- Re-organized the styles and colors (too much in one file)
-[#919] Fixed custom notification does not trigger unlocking on lockscreen.
-[#947] Fixes player crashing on internet outage, issue partially addressed.
-Fixed main player losing state after destroy while in background.
-Fixed main player controls not hiding automatically after orientation change.
-Fixed dialog uploader not marqueeing when too long.
-Fixed popup permission throwing NPE on BaseList.
-Refactored popup permissions to start in NavigationHelper.
-Extracted hardcoded string for player menus.
-Bump Java version to 1.8.
-Some lambda conversions.
-Added info item menu with custom title banner on long click.
-Enabled starting playlists and channels from middle.
-Enabled caching for play queue item thumbnails.
-Modified play queue to revert to first item on deleting last item.
-Added string for unknown content.
-Fixed NPE when UI element is touched after player shuts down in service activity.
-Fixed shuffle reset caused by position discontinuity offsets index.
-Moved some more player shared preferences to PlayerHelper.
-Added selected item bullet.
-Modified play queue panel darker on main video player.
-Fixed color issue on play queue panel on light-themed main video player.
-Fixed hold-to-enqueue tooltip flashing when clicked on earlier sdk versions.
-Fixed queue item removal causing metadata for currently playing to refresh.
-Renamed refactor directory in player to helper.
-Fixed background player notification update causing lag on older spec models.
-Fixed service activity theme not changing after user setting is changed.
-Fixed NPE on popup player fling to close.
-Fixed audio reactor volume and max volume mixup.
-Added correct toast for each player error case.
-Fixed button coloring for play queue service activity on landscape.
-Changed title and uploader text to marquee for vertical service activity.
-Removed cache clearing on every thumbnail load.
-Added previous and next button on main video player.
-Reverted double tap to seek for popup and main video players.
-Improved shuffling to use recovery record.
-Changed shuffling to place current playing stream to top of queue.
-Fixed exception when removing last item on queue.
-Changed fast forward and rewind button to previous and next on background notification.
-Changed background notification to not update when screen is off and update immediately when screen is turned back on.
-Removed unused intent strings.
-Changed "Append" to "Enqueue" for append text.
-Added icons for shuffle and drag handle.
-Fixed exception when returning to background player activity after service shuts down.
-Fixed open detail only working for Youtube.
- Fixed media source resolution on background player for streams without an audio only stream.
- Fixed background player not updating when screen turns back on.
- Fixed background player notification switching to wrong repeat mode icon opacity on click.
-Added simple notification channel for Android O.
-Fixes notification building failure for background and popup player on Android O.
-Reduce notification channel importance to low to avoid making noise on every notification update.
Add search and watch history
* Make MainActicity a single task
* Remove some casting
* SearchFragment: start searching when created with query
* Handle settings change in onResume
* History: Log pop up and background playback
* History: Add swipe to remove functionallity
* Enable history by default
* Use stream item
* Store more information about the stream
* Integrate history database into AppDatabase
* Remove redundant casts
* Re-enable date converters
* History: Use Rx Java and run DB in background
* Also make HistoryDAO extend BasicDAO
* History: RX-ify swipe to remove
* Sort history entries by creation date
* History: Set toolbar title
* Don't repeat history entries
* Introduced setters so we can update entries in the database
* If the latest entry has the same (main) values, just update it
- Up to 4k with 60 fps
- Not every device can play in that resolution and bitrate
- Add option to hide these high resolution greater than 1080p (2k,4k) for not clutter the menus
- Add a default resolution for the popup, wil be used when opening in popup mode from another app
- Migrate to fragments
- Fix#487
- Don't show "Open in popup mode" to channel links
- New backstack of videos
- Change the subscribers count to format using `NumberFormat`, for example some locales use `.` others `,`, this handles it automatically (and the old method had a bug for leading zero, e.g. 4.82.125 instead of 4.082.125)
- Add string 'subscribers' for channels with more than 1 subscriber (plural)
- Popup player chooses the default format and resolution based on the new preference (format)
- Fix taskaffinity of the router activities
- Show title before loading, as it is available from the items already loaded
* ReCaptchas are implemented using a simple WebView with Javascript enable.
* All HTTP responses inside the WebView are catched (using onPageFinished())
** When Google reCatcha cookies are detected, register cookies to the
Downloader class and Return to MainActivity