References are now written using normal links: You now use [`print`] or [print a string][`print`]) instead of @{print} or @{print|print a string}.
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Reusing code with require
A library is a collection of useful functions and other definitions which is stored separately to your main program. You might want to create a library because you have some functions which are used in multiple programs, or just to split your program into multiple more modular files.
Let's say we want to create a small library to make working with the [terminal][term
] a little easier. We'll provide two
functions: reset
, which clears the terminal and sets the cursor to (1, 1), and write_center
, which prints some text
in the middle of the screen.
Start off by creating a file called more_term.lua
local function reset()
term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
local function write_center(text)
local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
local width, height = term.getSize()
term.setCursorPos(math.floor((width - #text) / 2) + 1, y)
return { reset = reset, write_center = write_center }
Now, what's going on here? We define our two functions as one might expect, and then at the bottom return a table with the two functions. When we require this library, this table is what is returned. With that, we can then call the original functions. Now create a new file, with the following:
local more_term = require("more_term")
more_term.write_center("Hello, world!")
When run, this'll clear the screen and print some text in the middle of the first line.
require in depth
While the previous section is a good introduction to how [require
] operates, there are a couple of remaining points
which are worth mentioning for more advanced usage.
Libraries can return anything
In our above example, we return a table containing the functions we want to expose. However, it's worth pointing out
that you can return ''anything'' from your library - a table, a function or even just a string! [require
] treats them
all the same, and just returns whatever your library provides.
Module resolution and the package path
In the above examples, we defined our library in a file, and [require
] read from it. While this is what you'll do most
of the time, it is possible to make [require
] look elsewhere for your library, such as downloading from a website or
loading from an in-memory library store.
As a result, the module name you pass to [require
] doesn't correspond to a file path. One common mistake is to load
code from a sub-directory using require("folder/library")
or even require("folder/library.lua")
, neither of which
will do quite what you expect.
When loading libraries (also referred to as modules) from files, [require
] searches along the [module
]. By default, this looks something like:
- etc...
When you call require("my_library")
, [require
] replaces the ?
in each element of the path with your module name, and
checks if the file exists. In this case, we'd look for my_library.lua
, my_library/init.lua
and so on. Note that this works relative to the current program, so if your
program is actually called folder/program
, then we'll look for folder/my_library.lua
, etc...
One other caveat is loading libraries from sub-directories. For instance, say we have a file
. This can be loaded by using require("my.fancy.library")
- the '.'s are replaced with '/'
before we start looking for the library.
External links
There are several external resources which go into require in a little more detail:
- The Lua Module tutorial on the Lua wiki.
- Lua's manual section on