mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-06-28 08:03:21 +00:00
Jonathan Coates d5f82fa458
Replace getMethodNames/callMethod with annotations (#447)
When creating a peripheral or custom Lua object, one must implement two

 - getMethodNames(): String[] - Returns the name of the methods
 - callMethod(int, ...): Object[] - Invokes the method using an index in
   the above array.

This has a couple of problems:
 - It's somewhat unwieldy to use - you need to keep track of array
   indices, which leads to ugly code.
 - Functions which yield (for instance, those which run on the main
   thread) are blocking. This means we need to spawn new threads for
   each CC-side yield.

We replace this system with a few changes:

 - @LuaFunction annotation: One may annotate a public instance method
   with this annotation. This then exposes a peripheral/lua object

   Furthermore, this method can accept and return a variety of types,
   which often makes functions cleaner (e.g. can return an int rather
   than an Object[], and specify and int argument rather than

 - MethodResult: Instead of returning an Object[] and having blocking
   yields, functions return a MethodResult. This either contains an
   immediate return, or an instruction to yield with some continuation
   to resume with.

   MethodResult is then interpreted by the Lua runtime (i.e. Cobalt),
   rather than our weird bodgey hacks before. This means we no longer
   spawn new threads when yielding within CC.

 - Methods accept IArguments instead of a raw Object array. This has a
   few benefits:
   - Consistent argument handling - people no longer need to use
     ArgumentHelper (as it doesn't exist!), or even be aware of its
     existence - you're rather forced into using it.
   - More efficient code in some cases. We provide a Cobalt-specific
     implementation of IArguments, which avoids the boxing/unboxing when
     handling numbers and binary strings.
2020-05-15 13:21:16 +01:00

378 lines
9.8 KiB

* This file is part of ComputerCraft - http://www.computercraft.info
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2020. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to dratcliffe@gmail.com
package dan200.computercraft.core.computer;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.ILuaAPI;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IWorkMonitor;
import dan200.computercraft.core.apis.IAPIEnvironment;
import dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem.FileSystem;
import dan200.computercraft.core.terminal.Terminal;
import dan200.computercraft.core.tracking.Tracking;
import dan200.computercraft.core.tracking.TrackingField;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Represents the "environment" that a {@link Computer} exists in.
* This handles storing and updating of peripherals and redstone.
* <h1>Redstone</h1>
* We holds three kinds of arrays for redstone, in normal and bundled versions:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #internalOutput} is the redstone output which the computer has currently set. This is read on both
* threads, and written on the computer thread.</li>
* <li>{@link #externalOutput} is the redstone output currently propagated to the world. This is only read and written
* on the main thread.</li>
* <li>{@link #input} is the redstone input from external sources. This is read on both threads, and written on the main
* thread.</li>
* </ul>
* <h1>Peripheral</h1>
* We also keep track of peripherals. These are read on both threads, and only written on the main thread.
public final class Environment implements IAPIEnvironment
private final Computer computer;
private boolean internalOutputChanged = false;
private final int[] internalOutput = new int[ComputerSide.COUNT];
private final int[] internalBundledOutput = new int[ComputerSide.COUNT];
private final int[] externalOutput = new int[ComputerSide.COUNT];
private final int[] externalBundledOutput = new int[ComputerSide.COUNT];
private boolean inputChanged = false;
private final int[] input = new int[ComputerSide.COUNT];
private final int[] bundledInput = new int[ComputerSide.COUNT];
private final IPeripheral[] peripherals = new IPeripheral[ComputerSide.COUNT];
private IPeripheralChangeListener peripheralListener = null;
private final Int2ObjectMap<Timer> timers = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
private int nextTimerToken = 0;
Environment( Computer computer )
this.computer = computer;
public int getComputerID()
return computer.assignID();
public IComputerEnvironment getComputerEnvironment()
return computer.getComputerEnvironment();
public IWorkMonitor getMainThreadMonitor()
return computer.getMainThreadMonitor();
public Terminal getTerminal()
return computer.getTerminal();
public FileSystem getFileSystem()
return computer.getFileSystem();
public void shutdown()
public void reboot()
public void queueEvent( String event, Object... args )
computer.queueEvent( event, args );
public int getInput( ComputerSide side )
return input[side.ordinal()];
public int getBundledInput( ComputerSide side )
return bundledInput[side.ordinal()];
public void setOutput( ComputerSide side, int output )
int index = side.ordinal();
synchronized( internalOutput )
if( internalOutput[index] != output )
internalOutput[index] = output;
internalOutputChanged = true;
public int getOutput( ComputerSide side )
synchronized( internalOutput )
return computer.isOn() ? internalOutput[side.ordinal()] : 0;
public void setBundledOutput( ComputerSide side, int output )
int index = side.ordinal();
synchronized( internalOutput )
if( internalBundledOutput[index] != output )
internalBundledOutput[index] = output;
internalOutputChanged = true;
public int getBundledOutput( ComputerSide side )
synchronized( internalOutput )
return computer.isOn() ? internalBundledOutput[side.ordinal()] : 0;
public int getExternalRedstoneOutput( ComputerSide side )
return computer.isOn() ? externalOutput[side.ordinal()] : 0;
public int getExternalBundledRedstoneOutput( ComputerSide side )
return computer.isOn() ? externalBundledOutput[side.ordinal()] : 0;
public void setRedstoneInput( ComputerSide side, int level )
int index = side.ordinal();
if( input[index] != level )
input[index] = level;
inputChanged = true;
public void setBundledRedstoneInput( ComputerSide side, int combination )
int index = side.ordinal();
if( bundledInput[index] != combination )
bundledInput[index] = combination;
inputChanged = true;
* Called when the computer starts up or shuts down, to reset any internal state.
* @see ILuaAPI#startup()
* @see ILuaAPI#shutdown()
void reset()
synchronized( timers )
* Called on the main thread to update the internal state of the computer.
void tick()
if( inputChanged )
inputChanged = false;
queueEvent( "redstone" );
synchronized( timers )
// Countdown all of our active timers
Iterator<Int2ObjectMap.Entry<Timer>> it = timers.int2ObjectEntrySet().iterator();
while( it.hasNext() )
Int2ObjectMap.Entry<Timer> entry = it.next();
Timer timer = entry.getValue();
if( timer.ticksLeft <= 0 )
// Queue the "timer" event
queueEvent( TIMER_EVENT, entry.getIntKey() );
* Called on the main thread to propagate the internal outputs to the external ones.
* @return If the outputs have changed.
boolean updateOutput()
// Mark output as changed if the internal redstone has changed
synchronized( internalOutput )
if( !internalOutputChanged ) return false;
boolean changed = false;
for( int i = 0; i < ComputerSide.COUNT; i++ )
if( externalOutput[i] != internalOutput[i] )
externalOutput[i] = internalOutput[i];
changed = true;
if( externalBundledOutput[i] != internalBundledOutput[i] )
externalBundledOutput[i] = internalBundledOutput[i];
changed = true;
internalOutputChanged = false;
return changed;
void resetOutput()
// Reset redstone output
synchronized( internalOutput )
Arrays.fill( internalOutput, 0 );
Arrays.fill( internalBundledOutput, 0 );
internalOutputChanged = true;
public IPeripheral getPeripheral( ComputerSide side )
synchronized( peripherals )
return peripherals[side.ordinal()];
public void setPeripheral( ComputerSide side, IPeripheral peripheral )
synchronized( peripherals )
int index = side.ordinal();
IPeripheral existing = peripherals[index];
if( (existing == null && peripheral != null) ||
(existing != null && peripheral == null) ||
(existing != null && !existing.equals( peripheral )) )
peripherals[index] = peripheral;
if( peripheralListener != null ) peripheralListener.onPeripheralChanged( side, peripheral );
public void setPeripheralChangeListener( IPeripheralChangeListener listener )
synchronized( peripherals )
peripheralListener = listener;
public String getLabel()
return computer.getLabel();
public void setLabel( String label )
computer.setLabel( label );
public int startTimer( long ticks )
synchronized( timers )
timers.put( nextTimerToken, new Timer( ticks ) );
return nextTimerToken++;
public void cancelTimer( int id )
synchronized( timers )
timers.remove( id );
public void addTrackingChange( @Nonnull TrackingField field, long change )
Tracking.addValue( computer, field, change );
private static class Timer
long ticksLeft;
Timer( long ticksLeft )
this.ticksLeft = ticksLeft;