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* This file is part of ComputerCraft -
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2022. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to
package dan200.computercraft.client.render;
import dan200.computercraft.client.render.text.FixedWidthFontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderState;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
public class RenderTypes
public static final int FULL_BRIGHT_LIGHTMAP = (0xF << 4) | (0xF << 20);
* Renders a fullbright terminal without writing to the depth layer. This is used in combination with
* {@link #TERMINAL_BLOCKER} to ensure we can render a terminal without z-fighting.
* A transparent texture which only writes to the depth layer.
public static final RenderType TERMINAL_BLOCKER = Types.TERMINAL_BLOCKER;
* Renders a fullbright terminal which also writes to the depth layer. This is used when z-fighting isn't an issue -
* for instance rendering an empty terminal or inside a GUI.
* This is identical to <em>vanilla's</em> {@link RenderType#text}. Forge overrides one with a definition which sets
* sortOnUpload to true, which is entirely broken!
public static final RenderType TERMINAL_WITH_DEPTH = Types.TERMINAL_WITH_DEPTH;
* A variant of {@link #TERMINAL_WITH_DEPTH} which uses the lightmap rather than rendering fullbright.
public static final RenderType PRINTOUT_TEXT = RenderType.text( FixedWidthFontRenderer.FONT );
* Printout's background texture. {@link RenderType#text(ResourceLocation)} is a <em>little</em> questionable, but
* it is what maps use, so should behave the same as vanilla in both item frames and in-hand.
public static final RenderType PRINTOUT_BACKGROUND = RenderType.text( new ResourceLocation( "computercraft", "textures/gui/printout.png" ) );
private static final class Types extends RenderState
private static final RenderState.TextureState TERM_FONT_TEXTURE = new RenderState.TextureState(
false, false // blur, minimap
private static final VertexFormat TERM_FORMAT = DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEX;
static final RenderType TERMINAL_WITHOUT_DEPTH = RenderType.create(
"terminal_without_depth", TERM_FORMAT, GL11.GL_QUADS, 1024,
false, false, // useDelegate, needsSorting
.setTextureState( TERM_FONT_TEXTURE )
.setAlphaState( DEFAULT_ALPHA )
.setWriteMaskState( COLOR_WRITE )
.createCompositeState( false )
static final RenderType TERMINAL_BLOCKER = RenderType.create(
"terminal_blocker", DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION, GL11.GL_QUADS, 256,
false, false, // useDelegate, needsSorting
.setWriteMaskState( DEPTH_WRITE )
.createCompositeState( false )
static final RenderType TERMINAL_WITH_DEPTH = RenderType.create(
"terminal_with_depth", TERM_FORMAT, GL11.GL_QUADS, 1024,
false, false, // useDelegate, needsSorting
.setTextureState( TERM_FONT_TEXTURE )
.setAlphaState( DEFAULT_ALPHA )
.createCompositeState( false )
private Types( String name, Runnable setup, Runnable destroy )
super( name, setup, destroy );