Uses of Class

Packages that use Prototype

Uses of Prototype in org.luaj.vm2

Fields in org.luaj.vm2 declared as Prototype
 Prototype LuaClosure.p
 Prototype[] Prototype.p

Methods in org.luaj.vm2 that return Prototype
static Prototype LoadState.loadBinaryChunk(int firstByte, stream, java.lang.String name)
          Load lua thought to be a binary chunk from its first byte from an input stream.
 Prototype LoadState.loadFunction(LuaString p)
          Load a function prototype from the input stream

Methods in org.luaj.vm2 with parameters of type Prototype
static void Print.print(Prototype p)
static void Print.printCode(Prototype f)
          Print the code in a prototype
static void Print.printFunction(Prototype f, boolean full)
static void Print.printOpCode( ps, Prototype f, int pc)
          Print an opcode in a prototype
static void Print.printOpCode(Prototype f, int pc)
          Print an opcode in a prototype

Constructors in org.luaj.vm2 with parameters of type Prototype
LuaClosure(Prototype p, LuaValue env)
          Supply the initial environment

Uses of Prototype in org.luaj.vm2.compiler

Methods in org.luaj.vm2.compiler that return Prototype
static Prototype LuaC.compile( stream, java.lang.String name)
          Compile a prototype or load as a binary chunk

Methods in org.luaj.vm2.compiler with parameters of type Prototype
 LuaFunction LuaC.load(Prototype p, java.lang.String filename, LuaValue env)

Uses of Prototype in org.luaj.vm2.lib

Methods in org.luaj.vm2.lib with parameters of type Prototype
static java.lang.String DebugLib.sourceshort(Prototype p)

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