Uses of Class

Packages that use LuaThread

Uses of LuaThread in org.luaj.vm2

Methods in org.luaj.vm2 that return LuaThread
 LuaThread LuaThread.checkthread()
 LuaThread LuaValue.checkthread()
          Check that this is a LuaThread, or throw LuaError if it is not
 LuaThread Varargs.checkthread(int i)
          Return argument i as a LuaThread if a lua thread, or throw an error if any other type.
static LuaThread LuaThread.getRunning()
          Get the currently running thread.
 LuaThread Varargs.optthread(int i, LuaThread defval)
          Return argument i as a LuaThread if a lua thread, defval if nil, or throw a LuaError if any other type.
 LuaThread LuaNil.optthread(LuaThread defval)
 LuaThread LuaThread.optthread(LuaThread defval)
 LuaThread LuaValue.optthread(LuaThread defval)
          Check that optional argument is a thread and return as LuaThread

Methods in org.luaj.vm2 with parameters of type LuaThread
static boolean LuaThread.isMainThread(LuaThread r)
          Test if this is the main thread
 LuaThread Varargs.optthread(int i, LuaThread defval)
          Return argument i as a LuaThread if a lua thread, defval if nil, or throw a LuaError if any other type.
 LuaThread LuaNil.optthread(LuaThread defval)
 LuaThread LuaThread.optthread(LuaThread defval)
 LuaThread LuaValue.optthread(LuaThread defval)
          Check that optional argument is a thread and return as LuaThread

Uses of LuaThread in org.luaj.vm2.lib

Methods in org.luaj.vm2.lib with parameters of type LuaThread
static void DebugLib.debugOnCall(LuaThread thread, int calls, LuaFunction func)
          Called by Closures and recursing java functions on entry
static void DebugLib.debugOnReturn(LuaThread thread, int calls)
          Called by Closures and recursing java functions on return
static java.lang.String DebugLib.traceback(LuaThread thread, int level)
          Get a traceback for a particular thread.

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