- Update to Loom 1.2 and FG 6.0. ForgeGradle has changed how it
generates the runXyz tasks, which makes running our tests much
harder. I've raised an issue upstream, but for now we do some nasty
poking of internals.
- Fix Sodium/Iris tests. Loom 1.1 changed how remapped configurations
are generated - we create a dummy source set and associate the
remapped configuration with that. All nasty stuff.
- Publish the common library. I'm not a fan of this, but given how much
internals I'm poking elsewhere, should probably get off my high
- Add renderdoc support to the client gametests, enabled with
- Use GuiGraphics for rendering UI elements. Almost definitely some
z-fighting issues slipped in here.
- Use Forge's loot modifier system for handling treasure disks. I have
mixed feelings about this - it's a nice system, but also is far less
efficient than the previous approach.
- Regenerate data. This is the brunt of the commit, but nothing
especially interesting here.
In this case, we use Lua's tostring(x) semantics (well, modulo
metamethods), instead of Java's Object.toString(x) call. This ensures
that values are formatted (mostly) consistently between Lua and Java
- Add IArguments.getStringCoerced, which uses Lua's tostring semantics.
- Add a Coerced<T> wrapper type, which says to use the .getXCoerced
methods. I'm not thrilled about this interface - there's definitely
an argument for using annotations - but this is probably more
consistent for now.
- Convert existing methods to use this call.
This is a little more general than InventoryStorage and means we can get
rid of our nasty double chest hack.
The generic peripheral system doesn't currently support generics (hah),
and so we need to use a wrapper class for now.
- Timeouts are now driven by an interrupt system, rather than polling.
While we do not impose memory limits, this should close#1333.
- Update the table library to largely match Lua 5.4:
- Add table.move
- Table methods (with the exception of foreach/foreachi) now use
metamethods (closes#1088).
There's still some remaining quirks (for instance, table.insert
accepts values out-of-bounds), but I think that's fine.
- Cobalt's threaded-coroutine system is gone (load now supports
yielding), so we no longer track coroutine metrics.
- Type errors now use __name. See #1355, though this does not apply to
CC methods (either on the Java or CraftOS side), so is not enough to
resolve it.
See https://github.com/SquidDev/Cobalt/compare/v0.6.0...v0.7.0 for the
full delta.
This adds SPDX license headers to all source code files, following the
REUSE[1] specification. This does not include any asset files (such as
generated JSON files, or textures). While REUSE does support doing so
with ".license" files, for now we define these licences using the
.reuse/dep5 file.
[1]: https://reuse.software/
Many thanks to Lem for managing to reproduce it. It was actually an easy
bug bug to spot on second look, but having a reliable way to verify was
super helpful.
While it is a really nice library, it ends up being a bit overkill for
our needs - we don't need config syncing or anything. By NIHing our own,
we can drop one dependency and ease the updating burden a little.
Mostly in prep for 1.19.4.
- Update to Loom 1.1.
- Simplifies our handling of remapped configurations a little.
- Removes the need for a fake fabric.mod.json in the API jar.
For reasons I don't quite understand, this required us to bump the
Fabric API version. Otherwise interfaces are not injected.
- Update to Rollup 3.0.
- Do NOT update NullAway: It now correctly checks @Nullable fields in
inherited classes. This is good, but also a pain as Minecraft is a
little over-eager in where it puts @Nullable.
- Fix search failing when something is missing a summary (i.e. the
window API)
- Correctly use ":" or "." for type members - previously it was
incredibly inconsistent.
Previously it was possible to access all methods of the multishell
redirect by calling term.current(). This is definitely not intended, as
it leaks all sorts of internals to the user.
Also bump illuaminate - the new version is about twice as fast on my
- Bump Cobalt to 0.6.0. We now track both line and column numbers of
each bytecode instruction, allowing us to map an error to a concrete
- `loadfile` (and similar functions) now use the full path, rather than
the file name. Cobalt truncates this to 30 characters (rather than
the previous 60) so this should be less noisy.
- The shell, edit and Lua REPL now display the corresponding source
code alongside an error.
Note this is incredibly limited right now - it won't cope with errors
which cross coroutine boundaries. Supporting this is on the roadmap,
but requires some careful API design.
This gives us slightly better guarantees that the config has actually
been loaded. This, along with a FCAP bump, fixes this config option
not doing anything on Fabric.
I originally put cc.import in a separate directory from the main
modules. This means that programs must extend the package path in order
to import these modules.
However, this ends up being a mixed blessing: while it makes it much
harder for users to accidentally require user code, it also means we
can't expose a public interface which wraps a private module.
Instead, cc.import now lives on the main package path, but lives under
the cc.internal namespace and is not documented anywhere. Hopefully this
should be enough of a clue that one shouldn't use it :p.
- Fix client classes not being included in Forge.
- Only remap Nettty's HTTP classes, not all of them. This feels a
little more error prone - maybe we should jar-in-jar this in the
- Use the correct refmaps on Forge.
- Prevent the Fabric jar pulling in some other mods.
Lots of minor changes, but nothing too nasty - just tedious.
Known bugs/issues:
- REI and JEI haven't been updated at the time of writing, so our usage
of their APIs may be incompatible.
- Crash when opening the config UI in Fabric, as forgeconfigapi-port
hasn't been updated yet.
Will hold off on doing a release until those mods have updated.
In classic squid tradition: 20% code, and 80% test logic.
Closes#962. Alas, whoever reported this has deleted their account, so
they can't even be happy about it :(.
- Update ForgeConfigAPI to the latest version, to fix the race
- Move WirelessNetwork lifecycle management to ServerContext.
- Some doc fixes.
Love being on the bleedin' edge. More importantly, this fixes a couple
of issues:
- Translations are loaded on the server, meaning .getItemDetail
correctly translates modded items.
- Shulker boxes cannot be moved inside other shulker boxes using the
transfer API.
- Start using Fab API's ItemStack.getRecipeRemainder().
I was originally pretty sceptical about this, but it actually ends up
being useful for the same reason any other form of datagen is: we can
ensure that names are well formed, and that every string is actually
There's some future work here to go through all the custom translation
keys and move them into constants (maybe also do something with the
/computercraft command?), but that's a separate chunk of work.
The main motivation for this is to add translation keys to our config:
the Fabric version of Forge Config API provides a config UI, so it's
useful to provide user-friendly strings. Our generator also
automatically copies comments over, turning them into tooltips.
This also updates all of the other language files to match en_us.json
again: it's a very noisy diff as the file is now sorted alphabetically.
Hopefully this won't affect weblate though
[^1]: Amusing really that the Fabric port actually is more useful than
the original.
- Add a new ClientJavaExec Gradle task, which is used for client-side
tests. This:
- Copies the exec spec from another JavaExec task.
- Sets some additional system properties to configure on gametest framework.
- Runs Java inside an X framebuffer (when available), meaning we
don't need to spin up a new window.
We also configure this task so that only one instance can run at
once, meaning we don't spawn multiple MC windows at once!
- Port our 1.16 client test framework to 1.19. This is mostly the same
as before, but screenshots no longer do a golden test: they /just/
write to a folder. Screenshots are compared manually afterwards.
This is still pretty brittle, and there's a lot of sleeps scattered
around in the code. It's not clear how well this will play on CI.
- Roll our own game test loader, rather than relying on the mod loader
to do it for us. This ensures that loading is consistent between
platforms (we already had to do some hacks for Forge) and makes it
easier to provide custom logic for loading client-only tests.
- Run several client tests (namely those involving monitor rendering)
against Sodium and Iris too. There's some nastiness here to set up
new Loom run configurations and automatically configure Iris to use
Complementary Shaders, but it's not too bad. These tests /don't/ run
on CI, so it doesn't need to be as reliable.
- Add support for Fabric. This is mostly pretty simple, though does
require a lot more mixins than Forge.
Half this diff is due to data generators: we run them separately as
some aspects (recipes mostly) are different between the loaders.
- Add integration with Iris (same as our Oculus support) and REI
(mostly the same as our JEI support).
- Generic peripherals only support inventories (or rather
InventoryStorage) right now. Supporting more of the Fabric storage
API is going to be tricky due to the slotted nature of the API: maybe
something to revisit after Transfer API V3 (V4?, I've lost track).
Note, this does /not/ mean I will be publishing a Fabric version of
CC:T. My plan is to rebase CC:R on top of this, hopefully simplifying
the maintenance work on their end and making the two mods a little more
After several weeks of carefully arranging ribbons, we pull the string
and end up with, ... a bit of a messy bow. There were still some things
I'd missed.
- Split the mod into a common (vanilla-only) project and Forge-specific
project. This gives us room to add Fabric support later on.
- Split the project into main/client source sets. This is not currently
statically checked: we'll do that soon.
- Rename block/item/tile entities to use suffixes rather than prefixes.
- Add a new ContainerTransfer class to handle moving items between
containers. This is now used for turtle.drop/turtle.suck as well as
inventory methods.
- Any other usages of IItemHandler (which are mostly on turtle
inventories) now use Container and a couple of helper methods.
- Publish javadoc again: for now this is just the common-api
- Remove all dependencies from the published Forge jar. This is
technically not needed (fg.deobf does this anyway), but seems