NF now loads mods from neoforge.mods.toml rather than mods.toml, so CC
wasn't actually being loaded. Tests all passed, because they didn't get
run in the first place!
- Use enums for key and mouse actions, rather than integer ids.
- Change TerminalState to always contain a terminal. We now make
TerminalState nullable when we want to skip sending anything.
- Update Gradle to 8.7
- Configure IntelliJ to build internally, rather than delgating to
Gradle. We've seen some weird issues with using delegated builds, so
best avoided.
- Remove gitpod config. This has been broken for a while (used Java 16
rather than 17) and nobody noticed, so I suspect nobody uses this.
- Add the core TeaVM jar to the runtime the classpath, to ensure
various runtime classes are present.
- Fix computer initialisation errors not being displayed on the screen.
The terminal was set to the default 0x0 size when logging the error,
and so never displayed anything!
Rather than handling right clicks within the block entity code, we now
handle it within the block. Turtles now handle the nametagging
behaviour themselves, rather than overriding canNameWithTag.
Rather than rendering the background further back. This was causing some
of the pages to not be rendered. I'm not quite sure why this is -- there
shouldn't be any z-fighting -- but this does work as a fix!
Minecraft.hitResult may /technically/ be null when rendering a turtle.
In vanilla, this doesn't appear to happen, but other mods (e.g.
Immersive Portals) may still take advantage of this.
This hitResult is then propagated to BlockEntityRenderDispatcher, where
the field was /not/ marked as nullable. This meant we didn't even notice
the potential of an NPE!
This fixes several issues with @Nullable fields not being checked. This
is great in principle, but a little annoying in practice as MC's
@Nullable annotations are sometimes a little overly strict -- we now
need to wrap a couple of things in assertNonNull checks.
This theoretically allows you to use the emulator to run the test suite
(via --mount-ro projects/core/src/test/resources/test-rom/:test-rom),
but not sure how useful this is in practice.
This tells Create that modems will pop-off if their neighbour is moved,
and so changes the order that the block is moved in.
We possibly should use BlockMovementChecks.AttachedCheck instead, to
properly handle the direction modems are facing in. However, this
doesn't appear to be part of the public API, so probably best avoided.
When the terminal data is not present, width/height are set to 0, rather
than the terminal's width/height. This meant we'd create an empty
terminal, which then crashes when we try to render it.
We now make the terminal nullable and initialise it the first time we
receive the terminal data. To prevent future mistakes, we hide
width/height, and use TerminalState.create everywhere.
- Mention the timer event in os.startTimer. Really we should have a
similar example here too, but let's at least link the two for now.
- Fix strftime link
I have mixed feelings about speaker.playSound. On one hand, it's pretty
useful to be able to play any sound. On the other, it sometimes feels
... maybe a little too magic?
One particular thing I don't like is that it allows you to play
arbitrary records, which sidesteps both a vanilla mechanic (finding
record discs) and existing CC functionality (disk.playAudio). We now
prevent playing record tracks from the speaker.
This was added in 4675583e1c4fb8e7a02b82ae9d0c4b2171abebaf to handle
Forge on longer supporting RUN_COMMAND for client-side commands.
However, the mixins are still present on NF/1.20.4, so we don't need
In 5d8c46c7e61117ede5d6315efc81a4ae498f34ba, we switched to using UUIDs
for looking up computers (rather than an integer ID). However, for
compatibility in some of the command code, we need to maintain the old
integer lookup map.
Most of the code was updated to handle this, *except* the code to remove
a computer from the registry. This meant that we'd fail to remove a
computer from the UUID lookup map, so computers ended up in a phantom
state where they were destroyed, but still accessible.
This is not an issue on 1.20.4, because the legacy int lookup map was
The two mod loaders expose different methods for this (Forge's method
takes a ItemPropertyFunction, Fabric's a ClampedItemPropertyFunction).
This is fine in a Gradle build, as the methods are compatible. However,
when running from IntelliJ, we get crashes as the common code tries to
reference the wrong method.
We now pass in the method reference instead, ensuring we use the right
method on each loader.
Wanted to use Mixins for anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that: it
was called "FABRIC LOOM".
"Yes, please produce completely broken jars for no discernable reason"
Statements dreamed up by the utterly Deranged.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This removes our two mixins used on Forge:
- Breaking progress for cabled/wired modems.
- Running client commands from chat click events. We now suggest the
command on Forge instead.
Occasionally we get issues where the mixin annotation processor doesn't
write its tsrg file in time for the reobfJar/reobfJarJar task. I thought
we'd fixed that cb8e06af2aefd931b1f6743849a7afb2a25ea0bd, but sometimes
we still produce missing jars - I have a feeling this might be to do
with incremental compilation.
We can maybe re-evaluate this on 1.20.4, where we don't need to worry
about remapping any more.
We were seeing some strange issues in the Fabric test code where we
tried to load the implementation from a different classloader. This
ensures that the classloaders are consistent.