mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-12-12 03:00:30 +00:00

Add small task to verify changelog is correct

Also use the changelog contents as the GH release notes
This commit is contained in:
SquidDev 2019-05-31 10:19:24 +01:00
parent c44c560f96
commit b05f60c98b

View File

@ -226,6 +226,46 @@ task compressJson(dependsOn: extractAnnotationsJar) {
assemble.dependsOn compressJson
task checkRelease(dependsOn: extractAnnotationsJar) {
group "upload"
description "Verifies that everything is ready for a release"
inputs.property "version", mod_version
doLast {
def ok = true
// Check we're targetting the current version
def whatsnew = new File("src/main/resources/assets/computercraft/lua/rom/help/whatsnew.txt").readLines()
if (whatsnew[0] != "New features in CC: Tweaked $mod_version") {
ok = false
project.logger.error("Expected `whatsnew.txt' to target $mod_version.")
// Check "read more" exists and trim it
def idx = whatsnew.findIndexOf { it == 'Type "help changelog" to see the full version history.' }
if (idx == -1) {
ok = false
project.logger.error("Must mention the changelog in whatsnew.txt")
} else {
whatsnew = whatsnew.getAt(0 ..< idx)
// Check whatsnew and changelog match.
def versionChangelog = "# " + whatsnew.join("\n")
def changelog = new File("src/main/resources/assets/computercraft/lua/rom/help/changelog.txt").getText()
if (!changelog.startsWith(versionChangelog)) {
ok = false
project.logger.error("whatsnew and changelog are not in sync")
if (!ok) throw new IllegalStateException("Could not check release")
curseforge {
apiKey = project.hasProperty('curseForgeApiKey') ? project.curseForgeApiKey : ''
project {
@ -296,17 +336,23 @@ githubRelease {
token project.hasProperty('githubApiKey') ? project.githubApiKey : ''
owner 'SquidDev-CC'
repo 'CC-Tweaked'
targetCommitish (mc_version == "1.12.2" ? "master" : mc_version)
targetCommitish { Grgit.open(dir: '.').branch.current() }
tagName "v${mc_version}-${mod_version}"
releaseName "[${mc_version}] ${mod_version}"
body ''
body {
"##" + new File("src/main/resources/assets/computercraft/lua/rom/help/whatsnew.txt")
.takeWhile { it != 'Type "help changelog" to see the full version history.' }
prerelease false
task uploadAll(dependsOn: [uploadArchives, "curseforge", "githubRelease"]) {
group "upload"
description "Uploads to all repositories (Maven, Curse, GitHub release)"
dependsOn checkRelease
test {