mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2025-03-21 10:56:58 +00:00

Allow running expectations against stubbed functions

Co-authored-by: hydraz <urn@semi.works>
This commit is contained in:
SquidDev 2019-06-29 15:37:41 +01:00
parent 904a168d5c
commit 95aa48c456

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@ -27,18 +27,52 @@ local function check(func, arg, ty, val)
--- A stub - wraps a value within a a table,
local stub_mt = {}
stub_mt.__index = stub_mt
--- Revert this stub, restoring the previous value.
-- Note, a stub can only be reverted once.
function stub_mt:revert()
if not self.active then return end
self.active = false
rawset(self.stubbed_in, self.key, self.original)
local active_stubs = {}
--- Stub a global variable with a specific value
--- Stub a table entry with a new value.
-- @tparam string var The variable to stub
-- @param value The value to stub it with
local function stub(tbl, var, value)
-- @tparam table
-- @tparam string key The variable to stub
-- @param value The value to stub it with. If this is a function, one can use
-- the various stub expectation methods to determine what it was called with.
-- @treturn Stub The resulting stub
local function stub(tbl, key, value)
check('stub', 1, 'table', tbl)
check('stub', 2, 'string', var)
check('stub', 2, 'string', key)
table.insert(active_stubs, { tbl = tbl, var = var, value = tbl[var] })
rawset(tbl, var, value)
local stub = setmetatable({
active = true,
stubbed_in = tbl,
key = key,
original = rawget(tbl, key),
}, stub_mt)
if type(value) == "function" then
local arguments, delegate = {}, value
stub.arguments = arguments
value = function(...)
arguments[#arguments + 1] = table.pack(...)
return delegate(value)
table.insert(active_stubs, stub)
rawset(tbl, key, value)
return stub
--- Capture the current global state of the computer
@ -57,10 +91,7 @@ end
--- Restore the global state of the computer to a previous version
local function pop_state(state)
for i = #active_stubs, 1, -1 do
local stub = active_stubs[i]
rawset(stub.tbl, stub.var, stub.value)
for i = #active_stubs, 1, -1 do active_stubs[i]:revert() end
active_stubs = state.stubs
@ -210,6 +241,16 @@ local function matches(eq, exact, left, right)
return true
local function pairwise_equal(left, right)
if left.n ~= right.n then return false end
for i = 1, left.n do
if left[i] ~= right[i] then return false end
return true
--- Assert that this expectation is structurally equivalent to
-- the provided object.
@ -236,6 +277,59 @@ function expect_mt:matches(value)
return self
--- Assert that this stub was called a specific number of times.
-- @tparam[opt] number The exact number of times the function must be called.
-- If not given just require the function to be called at least once.
-- @raises If this function was not called the expected number of times.
function expect_mt:called(times)
if getmetatable(self.value) ~= stub_mt or self.value.arguments == nil then
fail(("Expected stubbed function, got %s"):format(type(self.value)))
local called = #self.value.arguments
if times == nil then
if called == 0 then
fail("Expected stub to be called\nbut it was not.")
check('stub', 1, 'number', times)
if called ~= times then
fail(("Expected stub to be called %d times\nbut was called %d times."):format(times, called))
return self
--- Assert that this stub was called with a set of arguments
-- Arguments are compared using exact equality.
function expect_mt:called_with(...)
if getmetatable(self.value) ~= stub_mt or self.value.arguments == nil then
fail(("Expected stubbed function, got %s"):format(type(self.value)))
local exp_args = table.pack(...)
local actual_args = self.value.arguments
for i = 1, #actual_args do
if pairwise_equal(actual_args[i], exp_args) then return self end
local head = ("Expected stub to be called with %s\nbut was"):format(format(exp_args))
if #actual_args == 0 then
fail(head .. " not called at all")
elseif #actual_args == 1 then
fail(("%s called with %s."):format(head, format(actual_args[1])))
local lines = { head .. " called with:" }
for i = 1, #actual_args do lines[i + 1] = " - " .. format(actual_args[i]) end
fail(table.concat(lines, "\n"))
local expect = setmetatable( {
--- Construct an expectation on the error message calling this function
-- produces