mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-10-01 00:10:47 +00:00

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--- A very basic test framework for ComputerCraft
-- Like Busted (http://olivinelabs.com/busted/), but more memorable.
-- @usage
-- describe("something to test", function()
-- it("some property", function()
-- expect(some_function()):equals("What it should equal")
-- end)
-- end)
--- Assert an argument to the given function has the specified type.
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-- @tparam string func The function's name
-- @tparam int idx The argument index to this function
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-- @tparam string ty The type this argument should have. May be 'value' for
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-- any non-nil value.
-- @param val val The value to check
-- @throws If this value doesn't match the expected type.
local function check(func, idx, ty, val)
if ty == 'value' then
if val == nil then
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error(('%s: bad argument #%d (got nil)'):format(func, idx), 3)
elseif type(val) ~= ty then
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return error(('%s: bad argument #%d (expected %s, got %s)'):format(func, idx, ty, type(val)), 3)
--- A stub - wraps a value within a a table,
local stub_mt = {}
stub_mt.__index = stub_mt
--- Revert this stub, restoring the previous value.
-- Note, a stub can only be reverted once.
function stub_mt:revert()
if not self.active then return end
self.active = false
rawset(self.stubbed_in, self.key, self.original)
local active_stubs = {}
local function default_stub() end
--- Stub a table entry with a new value.
-- @tparam table
-- @tparam string key The variable to stub
-- @param[opt] value The value to stub it with. If this is a function, one can
-- use the various stub expectation methods to determine what it was called
-- with. Defaults to an empty function - pass @{nil} in explicitly to set the
-- value to nil.
-- @treturn Stub The resulting stub
local function stub(tbl, key, ...)
check('stub', 1, 'table', tbl)
check('stub', 2, 'string', key)
local stub = setmetatable({
active = true,
stubbed_in = tbl,
key = key,
original = rawget(tbl, key),
}, stub_mt)
local value = ...
if select('#', ...) == 0 then value = default_stub end
if type(value) == "function" then
local arguments, delegate = {}, value
stub.arguments = arguments
value = function(...)
arguments[#arguments + 1] = table.pack(...)
return delegate(...)
table.insert(active_stubs, stub)
rawset(tbl, key, value)
return stub
--- Capture the current global state of the computer
local function push_state()
local stubs = active_stubs
active_stubs = {}
return {
term = term.current(),
input = io.input(),
output = io.output(),
dir = shell.dir(),
path = shell.path(),
aliases = shell.aliases(),
stubs = stubs,
--- Restore the global state of the computer to a previous version
local function pop_state(state)
for i = #active_stubs, 1, -1 do active_stubs[i]:revert() end
active_stubs = state.stubs
local aliases = shell.aliases()
for k in pairs(aliases) do
if not state.aliases[k] then shell.clearAlias(k) end
for k, v in pairs(state.aliases) do
if aliases[k] ~= v then shell.setAlias(k, v) end
local error_mt = { __tostring = function(self) return self.message end }
--- Attempt to execute the provided function, gathering a stack trace when it
-- errors.
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-- @tparam function() fn The function to run
-- @return[1] true
-- @return[2] false
-- @return[2] The error object
local function try(fn)
if not debug or not debug.traceback then
local ok, err = pcall(fn)
if ok or getmetatable(err) == error_mt then
return ok, err
return ok, setmetatable({ message = tostring(err) }, error_mt)
local ok, err = xpcall(fn, function(err)
return { message = err, trace = debug.traceback(nil, 2) }
-- If we succeeded, propagate it
if ok then return ok, err end
-- Error handling failed for some reason - just return a simpler error
if type(err) ~= "table" then
return ok, setmetatable({ message = tostring(err) }, error_mt)
-- Find the common substring the errors' trace and the current one. Then
-- eliminate it.
local trace = debug.traceback()
for i = 1, #trace do
if trace:sub(-i) ~= err.trace:sub(-i) then
err.trace = err.trace:sub(1, -i)
-- If we've received a rethrown error, copy
if getmetatable(err.message) == error_mt then
for k, v in pairs(err.message) do err[k] = v end
return ok, err
return ok, setmetatable(err, error_mt)
--- Fail a test with the given message
-- @tparam string message The message to fail with
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-- @throws An error with the given message
local function fail(message)
check('fail', 1, 'string', message)
error(setmetatable({ message = message, fail = true }, error_mt))
--- Format an object in order to make it more readable
-- @param value The value to format
-- @treturn string The formatted value
local function format(value)
-- TODO: Look into something like mbs's pretty printer.
local ok, res = pcall(textutils.serialise, value)
if ok then return res else return tostring(value) end
local expect_mt = {}
expect_mt.__index = expect_mt
--- Assert that this expectation has the provided value
-- @param value The value to require this expectation to be equal to
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-- @throws If the values are not equal
function expect_mt:equals(value)
if value ~= self.value then
fail(("Expected %s\n but got %s"):format(format(value), format(self.value)))
return self
expect_mt.equal = expect_mt.equals
expect_mt.eq = expect_mt.equals
--- Assert that this expectation does not equal the provided value
-- @param value The value to require this expectation to not be equal to
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-- @throws If the values are equal
function expect_mt:not_equals(value)
if value == self.value then
fail(("Expected any value but %s"):format(format(value)))
return self
expect_mt.not_equal = expect_mt.not_equals
expect_mt.ne = expect_mt.not_equals
--- Assert that this expectation has something of the provided type
-- @tparam string exp_type The type to require this expectation to have
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-- @throws If it does not have that thpe
function expect_mt:type(exp_type)
local actual_type = type(self.value)
if exp_type ~= actual_type then
fail(("Expected value of type %s\nbut got %s"):format(exp_type, actual_type))
return self
local function matches(eq, exact, left, right)
if left == right then return true end
local ty = type(left)
if ty ~= type(right) or ty ~= "table" then return false end
-- If we've already explored/are exploring the left and right then return
if eq[left] and eq[left][right] then return true end
if not eq[left] then eq[left] = { [right] = true } else eq[left][right] = true end
if not eq[right] then eq[right] = { [left] = true } else eq[right][left] = true end
-- Verify all pairs in left are equal to those in right
for k, v in pairs(left) do
if not matches(eq, exact, v, right[k]) then return false end
if exact then
-- And verify all pairs in right are present in left
for k in pairs(right) do
if left[k] == nil then return false end
return true
local function pairwise_equal(left, right)
if left.n ~= right.n then return false end
for i = 1, left.n do
if left[i] ~= right[i] then return false end
return true
--- Assert that this expectation is structurally equivalent to
-- the provided object.
-- @param value The value to check for structural equivalence
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-- @throws If they are not equivalent
function expect_mt:same(value)
if not matches({}, true, self.value, value) then
fail(("Expected %s\nbut got %s"):format(format(value), format(self.value)))
return self
--- Assert that this expectation contains all fields mentioned
-- in the provided object.
-- @param value The value to check against
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-- @throws If this does not match the provided value
function expect_mt:matches(value)
if not matches({}, false, value, self.value) then
fail(("Expected %s\nto match %s"):format(format(self.value), format(value)))
return self
--- Assert that this stub was called a specific number of times.
-- @tparam[opt] number The exact number of times the function must be called.
-- If not given just require the function to be called at least once.
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-- @throws If this function was not called the expected number of times.
function expect_mt:called(times)
if getmetatable(self.value) ~= stub_mt or self.value.arguments == nil then
fail(("Expected stubbed function, got %s"):format(type(self.value)))
local called = #self.value.arguments
if times == nil then
if called == 0 then
fail("Expected stub to be called\nbut it was not.")
check('stub', 1, 'number', times)
if called ~= times then
fail(("Expected stub to be called %d times\nbut was called %d times."):format(times, called))
return self
local function called_with_check(eq, self, ...)
if getmetatable(self.value) ~= stub_mt or self.value.arguments == nil then
fail(("Expected stubbed function, got %s"):format(type(self.value)))
local exp_args = table.pack(...)
local actual_args = self.value.arguments
for i = 1, #actual_args do
if eq(actual_args[i], exp_args) then return self end
local head = ("Expected stub to be called with %s\nbut was"):format(format(exp_args))
if #actual_args == 0 then
fail(head .. " not called at all")
elseif #actual_args == 1 then
fail(("%s called with %s."):format(head, format(actual_args[1])))
local lines = { head .. " called with:" }
for i = 1, #actual_args do lines[i + 1] = " - " .. format(actual_args[i]) end
fail(table.concat(lines, "\n"))
--- Assert that this stub was called with a set of arguments
-- Arguments are compared using exact equality.
function expect_mt:called_with(...)
return called_with_check(pairwise_equal, self, ...)
--- Assert that this stub was called with a set of arguments
-- Arguments are compared using matching.
function expect_mt:called_with_matching(...)
return called_with_check(matches, self, ...)
--- Assert that this expectation matches a Lua pattern
-- @tparam string pattern The pattern to match against
-- @throws If it does not match this pattern.
function expect_mt:str_match(pattern)
local actual_type = type(self.value)
if actual_type ~= "string" then
fail(("Expected value of type string\nbut got %s"):format(actual_type))
if not self.value:find(pattern) then
fail(("Expected %q\n to match pattern %q"):format(self.value, pattern))
return self
local expect = {}
setmetatable(expect, expect)
--- Construct an expectation on the error message calling this function
-- produces
-- @tparam fun The function to call
-- @param ... The function arguments
-- @return The new expectation
function expect.error(fun, ...)
local ok, res = pcall(fun, ...) local _, line = pcall(error, "", 2)
if ok then fail("expected function to error") end
if res:sub(1, #line) == line then
res = res:sub(#line + 1)
elseif res:sub(1, 7) == "pcall: " then
res = res:sub(8)
return setmetatable({ value = res }, expect_mt)
--- Construct a new expectation from the provided value
-- @param value The value to apply assertions to
-- @return The new expectation
function expect:__call(value)
return setmetatable({ value = value }, expect_mt)
--- The stack of "describe"s.
local test_stack = { n = 0 }
--- Whether we're now running tests, and so cannot run any more.
local tests_locked = false
--- The list of tests that we'll run
local test_list = {}
local test_map, test_count = {}, 0
--- Add a new test to our queue.
-- @param test The descriptor of this test
local function do_test(test)
-- Set the name if it doesn't already exist
if not test.name then test.name = table.concat(test_stack, "\0", 1, test_stack.n) end
test_count = test_count + 1
test_list[test_count] = test
test_map[test.name] = test_count
--- Get the "friendly" name of this test.
-- @treturn string This test's friendly name
local function test_name(test) return (test.name:gsub("\0", " \26 ")) end
--- Describe something which will be tested, such as a function or situation
-- @tparam string name The name of the object to test
-- @tparam function body A function which describes the tests for this object.
local function describe(name, body)
check('describe', 1, 'string', name)
check('describe', 2, 'function', body)
if tests_locked then error("Cannot describe something while running tests", 2) end
-- Push our name onto the stack, eval and pop it
local n = test_stack.n + 1
test_stack[n], test_stack.n = name, n
local ok, err = try(body)
-- We count errors as a (failing) test.
if not ok then do_test { error = err } end
test_stack.n = n - 1
--- Declare a single test within a context
-- @tparam string name What you are testing
-- @tparam function body A function which runs the test, failing if it does
-- the assertions are not met.
local function it(name, body)
check('it', 1, 'string', name)
check('it', 2, 'function', body)
if tests_locked then error("Cannot create test while running tests", 2) end
-- Push name onto the stack
local n = test_stack.n + 1
test_stack[n], test_stack.n, tests_locked = name, n, true
do_test { action = body }
-- Pop the test from the stack
test_stack.n, tests_locked = n - 1, false
--- Declare a single not-yet-implemented test
-- @tparam string name What you really should be testing but aren't
local function pending(name)
check('it', 1, 'string', name)
if tests_locked then error("Cannot create test while running tests", 2) end
local _, loc = pcall(error, "", 3)
loc = loc:gsub(":%s*$", "")
local n = test_stack.n + 1
test_stack[n], test_stack.n = name, n
do_test { pending = true, trace = loc }
test_stack.n = n - 1
local arg = ...
if arg == "--help" or arg == "-h" then
io.write("Usage: mcfly [DIR]\n")
io.write("Run tests in the provided DIRectory, or `spec` if not given.")
local root_dir = shell.resolve(arg or "spec")
if not fs.isDir(root_dir) then
io.stderr:write(("%q is not a directory.\n"):format(root_dir))
-- Ensure the test folder is also on the package path
package.path = ("/%s/?.lua;/%s/?/init.lua;%s"):format(root_dir, root_dir, package.path)
-- Load in the tests from all our files
local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = _ENV })
local function set_env(tbl)
for k in pairs(env) do env[k] = nil end
for k, v in pairs(tbl) do env[k] = v end
-- When declaring tests, you shouldn't be able to use test methods
set_env { describe = describe, it = it, pending = pending }
local suffix = "_spec.lua"
local function run_in(sub_dir)
for _, name in ipairs(fs.list(sub_dir)) do
local file = fs.combine(sub_dir, name)
if fs.isDir(file) then
elseif file:sub(-#suffix) == suffix then
local fun, err = loadfile(file, nil, env)
if not fun then
do_test { name = file:sub(#root_dir + 2), error = { message = err } }
local ok, err = try(fun)
if not ok then do_test { name = file:sub(#root_dir + 2), error = err } end
-- When running tests, you shouldn't be able to declare new ones.
set_env { expect = expect, fail = fail, stub = stub }
-- Error if we've found no tests
if test_count == 0 then
io.stderr:write(("Could not find any tests in %q\n"):format(root_dir))
-- The results of each test, as well as how many passed and the count.
local test_results, test_status, tests_run = { n = 0 }, {}, 0
-- All possible test statuses
local statuses = {
pass = { desc = "Pass", col = colours.green, dot = "\7" }, -- Circle
fail = { desc = "Failed", col = colours.red, dot = "\4" }, -- Diamond
error = { desc = "Error", col = colours.magenta, dot = "\4" },
pending = { desc = "Pending", col = colours.yellow, dot = "\186" }, -- Hollow circle
-- Set up each test status count.
for k in pairs(statuses) do test_status[k] = 0 end
--- Do the actual running of our test
local function do_run(test)
-- If we're a pre-computed test, determine our status message. Otherwise,
-- skip.
local status, err
if test.pending then
status = "pending"
elseif test.error then
err = test.error
status = "error"
elseif test.action then
local state = push_state()
local ok
ok, err = try(test.action)
status = ok and "pass" or (err.fail and "fail" or "error")
-- If we've a boolean status, then convert it into a string
if status == true then status = "pass"
elseif status == false then status = err.fail and "fail" or "error"
tests_run = tests_run + 1
test_status[status] = test_status[status] + 1
test_results[tests_run] = {
status = status, name = test.name,
message = test.message or err and err.message,
trace = test.trace or err and err.trace,
-- If we're running under howlci, then log some info.
if howlci then howlci.status(status, test_name(test)) end
if cct_test then cct_test.submit(test_results[tests_run]) end
-- Print our progress dot
local data = statuses[status]
term.setTextColour(data.col) io.write(data.dot)
-- Loop over all our tests, running them as required.
if cct_test then
-- If we're within a cct_test environment, then submit them and wait on tests
-- to be run.
while true do
local _, name = os.pullEvent("cct_test_run")
if not name then break end
for _, test in pairs(test_list) do do_run(test) end
-- Otherwise, display the results of each failure
for i = 1, tests_run do
local test = test_results[i]
if test.status ~= "pass" then
local status_data = statuses[test.status]
io.write(" \26 " .. test_name(test) .. "\n")
if test.message then
io.write(" " .. test.message:gsub("\n", "\n ") .. "\n")
if test.trace then
io.write(" " .. test.trace:gsub("\n", "\n ") .. "\n")
-- And some summary statistics
local actual_count = tests_run - test_status.pending
local info = ("Ran %s test(s), of which %s passed (%g%%).")
2019-12-07 10:33:47 +00:00
:format(actual_count, test_status.pass, test_status.pass / actual_count * 100)
if test_status.pending > 0 then
info = info .. (" Skipped %d pending test(s)."):format(test_status.pending)
term.setTextColour(colours.white) io.write(info .. "\n")
if howlci then howlci.log("debug", info) sleep(3) end