
155 lines
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2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
import options
import asyncdispatch
import asynchttpserver
import tiny_sqlite
import macros
import times
import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom]
import httpclient
import sugar
import net
import sequtils
import strformat
import std/exitprocs
2021-01-28 20:57:25 +00:00
import cligen
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
import ./db
macro includeFile(x: string): string = newStrLitNode(readFile(x.strVal))
const css = includeFile("./src/style.css")
var threadDB {.threadvar.}: Option[DbConn]
proc getDB(): DbConn {.gcsafe.} =
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
if isNone threadDB:
let x = openDatabase("./monitoring.sqlite3")
x.exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL")
proc closeDB() =
try: close(x)
except: discard
when declared(onThreadDestroy): onThreadDestroy(closeDB)
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
threadDB = some x
get threadDB
func timeToTimestamp*(t: Time): int64 = toUnix(t) * 1000000 + (nanosecond(t) div 1000)
func timestampToTime*(ts: int64): Time = initTime(ts div 1000000, (ts mod 1000000) * 1000)
proc toDbValue(t: Time): DbValue = DbValue(kind: sqliteInteger, intVal: timeToTimestamp(t))
proc fromDbValue(value: DbValue, T: typedesc[Time]): Time = timestampToTime(value.intVal)
ResponseType = enum
rtHttpTeapot = -1
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
rtOk = 0
rtHttpError = 1
rtTimeout = 2
rtFetchError = 3
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
Response = object
rtype: ResponseType
latency: int64 # microseconds
SiteStatus = object
url: string
lastPing: Time
lastResponse: ResponseType
lastLatency: float
uptimePercent: float
proc uptimeSince(sid: int, time: Time): float =
let okPings = fromDbValue(get getDB().value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reqs WHERE site = ? AND status <= 0", sid), int)
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
let totalPings = fromDbValue(get getDB().value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reqs WHERE site = ?", sid), int)
okPings / totalPings
proc fetchLatest(row: ResultRow): Option[SiteStatus] =
let weekAgo = getTime() + initTimeInterval(weeks= -1)
let (site, url) = row.unpack((int, string))
let row = getDB().one("SELECT timestamp, status, latency FROM reqs WHERE site = ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", site)
if isNone row: return none(SiteStatus)
let (ts, status, latency) = (get row).unpack((Time, int, int))
some SiteStatus(url: url, lastPing: ts, lastResponse: ResponseType(status), lastLatency: float64(latency) / 1e3, uptimePercent: uptimeSince(site, weekAgo))
proc mainPage(): string =
let sites = getDB().all("SELECT * FROM sites ORDER BY sid").map(fetchLatest).filter(x => isSome x).map(x => get x)
let up = sites.filter(x => int(x.lastResponse) <= 0).len()
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
let vnode = buildHtml(html()):
meta(http-equiv="refresh", content="60")
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
title: text &"{up}/{sites.len} up - OnStat"
style: text css
h1(class="title"): text "OnStat"
h2(class="title"): text &"{up}/{sites.len} up"
for site in sites:
tdiv(class="card " & $site.lastResponse):
case site.lastResponse
of rtOk: text ""
of rtHttpError: text ""
of rtTimeout: text ""
of rtFetchError: text ""
2021-01-28 19:38:53 +00:00
of rtHttpTeapot: text "🫖 "
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
text site.url
tdiv: text("Last pinged " & format(site.lastPing, "HH:mm:ss dd-MM-yyyy"))
case site.lastResponse
of rtOk: text &"Latency {site.lastLatency}ms"
of rtHttpError: text "HTTP error"
2021-01-28 19:38:53 +00:00
of rtHttpTeapot: text &"Teapot, latency {site.lastLatency}ms"
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
of rtTimeout: text "Timed out"
of rtFetchError: text "Fetch failed"
tdiv: text &"{site.uptimePercent * 100}% up in last week"
proc onRequest(req: Request) {.async.} =
if req.reqMethod == HttpGet:
case req.url.path
of "/": await req.respond(Http200, mainPage(), headers=newHttpHeaders([("Content-Type", "text/html")]))
else: await req.respond(Http404, "not found")
await req.respond(Http404, "not found")
proc pollTarget(s: string): Future[Response] {.async.} =
var client = newAsyncHttpClient()
var x = Response(rtype: rtTimeout, latency: 0)
proc doFetch() {.async.} =
let ts = now().utc
let res = await client.get(s)
let latency = (now().utc - ts).inMicroseconds
2021-01-28 19:38:53 +00:00
if res.code.int == 418: x = Response(rtype: rtHttpTeapot, latency: latency)
elif res.code.is4xx or res.code.is5xx: x = Response(rtype: rtHttpError, latency: latency)
2021-01-28 16:22:33 +00:00
else: x = Response(rtype: rtOk, latency: latency)
discard await withTimeout(doFetch(), 10000)
x = Response(rtype: rtFetchError, latency: 0)
return x
proc pollTargets() {.async.} =
for row in getDB().all("SELECT * FROM sites"):
let (id, url) = row.unpack((int64, string))
let res = await pollTarget(url)
getDB().exec("INSERT INTO reqs (site, timestamp, status, latency) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", id, getTime(), int(res.rtype), res.latency)
proc timerCallback(fd: AsyncFD): bool =
asyncCheck pollTargets()
2021-01-28 20:57:25 +00:00
proc run(dbPath="./monitoring.sqlite3", port=7800, interval=30000, urls: seq[string]) =
## Run onstat. Note that the URLs you configure will be persisted in the monitoring database. To remove them, you must manually update this.
let database = openDatabase(dbPath)
for url in urls:
echo &"Adding {url}"
database.exec("INSERT INTO sites (url) VALUES (?)", url)
echo "Starting up"
asyncCheck pollTargets()
addTimer(interval, false, timerCallback)
var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
waitFor server.serve(Port(port), onRequest)
dispatch(run, help={
"dbPath": "path to SQLite3 database for historical data logging",
"port": "port to serve HTTP on",
"interval": "interval at which to poll other services (milliseconds)"