
73 lines
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import times
import strutils
import tiny_sqlite
import times
import options
import sequtils
import json
from os import `/`, existsOrCreateDir
import md5
import prologue
import logging
import nimcrypto/sysrand
import argon2_bind
func timeToTimestamp*(t: Time): int64 = toUnix(t) * 1000 + (nanosecond(t) div 1000000)
func timestampToTime*(ts: int64): Time = initTime(ts div 1000, (ts mod 1000) * 1000000)
func timestampToStr*(t: Time): string = intToStr(int(timeToTimestamp(t)))
proc toJsonHook(t: Time): JsonNode = newJInt(timeToTimestamp(t))
# store time as milliseconds
proc toDbValue*(t: Time): DbValue = DbValue(kind: sqliteInteger, intVal: timeToTimestamp(t))
proc fromDbValue*(value: DbValue, T: typedesc[Time]): Time = timestampToTime(value.intVal)
template autoInitializedThreadvar*(name: untyped, typ: typedesc, initialize: typed): untyped =
var data* {.threadvar.}: Option[typ]
proc `name`*(): typ =
if isSome(data): result = get data
result = initialize
data = some result
proc randomID*(): int64 =
var arr: array[8, byte]
doAssert randomBytes(arr) == 8, "RNG failed"
cast[int64](arr).abs # TODO: do not invoke horrible unsafety?
# remove any unsafe characters from a filename, by only allowing bytes [a-zA-Z._ -]
proc normalizeFilename(s: string): string =
for byte in s:
if byte in {' ', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '-', '_', '.'}:
proc makeFilePath*(basepath, page, filename: string): string =
# putting tons of things into one directory may cause issues, so "shard" it into 256 subdirs deterministically
let pageHash = getMD5(page)
let hashdir = pageHash[0..1]
# it is possible that for some horrible reason someone could make two files/pages which normalize to the same thing
# but are nevertheless different files
# thus, put the hash of the ORIGINAL file/pagename before the normalized version
let pagedir = pageHash[2..31] & "-" & normalizeFilename(page)
let filenameHash = getMD5(filename)
discard existsOrCreateDir(basepath / hashdir)
discard existsOrCreateDir(basepath / hashdir / pagedir)
# saved file path should not include the basedir for file storage, as this may be moved around/reconfigured
hashdir / pagedir / (filenameHash & "-" & normalizeFilename(filename))
autoInitializedThreadvar(logger, ConsoleLogger, newConsoleLogger())
const argon2Params = setupArgon2Params(algoType = argon2_bind.Argon2id)
proc passwordHash*(pass: string): string =
var salt = repeat[byte](0, 16)
doAssert randomBytes(salt) == 16, "RNG failed"
argon2_bind.getOutput(pass, salt, argon2Params).encoded
proc passwordVerify*(pass: string, hash: string): bool =
return argon2_bind.isVerified(hash, pass)
except Argon2Error:
logger().log(lvlWarn, "argon2 error", getCurrentExceptionMsg())
return false