-- Chest backend -- Currently just the one for Dragon. Will not actually work yet. local w = require "lib" local d = require "luadash" local conf = w.load_config({ "buffer_internal", "buffer_external" }) local BUFFER_OUT_SLOT = 1 local BUFFER_IN_SLOT = 2 -- Find all chests or shulker boxes local inventories = w.find_peripherals(function(type, name, wrapped) return string.find(name, "chest") or string.find(name, "shulker") end) local nameCache = {} -- Get the name for an item in the cache local function get_cache_name(item) local n = item.name .. ":" .. item.damage if item.nbtHash then n = n .. "#" .. item.nbtHash end return n end -- Gets the display name of the given item (in the given chest peripheral & slot) -- If its name is not cached, cache it. -- If it is, just return the cached name local function cache(item, chest, slot) local idx = get_cache_name(item) if nameCache[idx] then return nameCache[idx] else local n = chest.getItemMeta(slot).display_name nameCache[idx] = n return n end end local index = {} -- Update the index for the given peripheral local function update_index_for(name) local inv = inventories[name] local data = inv.list() for slot, item in pairs(data) do data[slot].display_name = cache(item, inv, slot) end index[name] = data end -- Reindex all connected inventories local function update_index() for n in pairs(inventories) do update_index_for(n) sleep() end print "Indexing complete." end -- Finds all items matching a certain predicate. -- Returns a table of tables of { name, slot, item } local function find(predicate) local ret = {} for inventory, items in pairs(index) do for slot, item in pairs(items) do local ok, extra = predicate(item) -- allow predicates to return some extra data which will come out in resulting results if ok then table.insert(ret, { location = { inventory = inventory, slot = slot }, item = item, extra = extra }) end end end return ret end -- Finds space in the chest system. Returns the name of an inventory which has space. local function find_space() for name, items in pairs(index) do if #items < inventories[name].size() then return name end end end local function find_by_ID_meta(id, meta) return find(function(item) return (not meta or item.damage == meta) and -- if metadata provided, ensure match (not id or item.name == id) -- if internal name provided, ensure match end) end local function search(query, threshold) local threshold = threshold or 4 local results = find(function(item) local distance = d.distance(query, item.display_name) if distance < threshold then return true, distance else return false end end) return d.sort(results, function(x) return x.extra end) -- sort returned results by closeness to query end local function fetch_by_location(loc, limit) local peripheral_name, slot, limit = loc.inventory, loc.slot, limit or 64 return peripheral.call(conf.buffer_internal, "pullItems", peripheral_name, slot, limit, BUFFER_OUT_SLOT) end local function server(command) if command.type == "buffers" then -- Sends the external address of the buffer return conf.buffer_external elseif command.type == "reindex" then update_index() elseif command.type == "extract" then local result = find_by_ID_meta(command.ID, command.meta) end end update_index() w.serve(server, "storage")