local w = require "lib" local d = require "luadash" local conf = w.load_config({ "network_name" }) local function split_at_spaces(s) local t = {} for i in string.gmatch(s, "%S+") do table.insert(t, i) end return t end local function first_letter(s) return string.sub(s, 1, 1) end local usage = [[ Welcome to the Wyvern CLI Client, "Because Gollark Was Lazy". All commands listed below can also be accessed using single-letter shortcuts for convenience. withdraw [quantity] [name] - withdraw [quantity] items with display names close to [name] from storage withdraw [items] - as above but withdraws all available matching items ]] local commands = { help = function() return usage end, withdraw = function(number, ...) local query_tokens = {...} local quantity = math.huge if tonumber(number) ~= nil then quantity = tonumber(number) else table.insert(query_tokens, 1, numbr) end local query = table.concat(query_tokens, " ") -- unsplit query local items = w.query_by_type("storage", { type = "search", query = query }) end } w.init() if not turtle then error "Wyvern CLI must be run on a turtle." end print "Wyvern CLI Client" while true do write "|> " local text = read() local tokens = split_at_spaces(text) local command = tokens[1] local args = d.tail(tokens) local fn = commands[command] if not fn then for command_name, func in pairs(commands) do if first_letter(command_name) == first_letter(command) then fn = func end end end if not fn then print("Command", command, "not found.") end local ok, result = pcall(fn(table.unpack(args))) if result then textutils.pagedPrint(result) end end