local d = require "luadash" local w = require "lib" local conf = w.load_config({ "chest", "items", "sleep_time" }, { sleep_time = 1, items = {} }) w.init() local chest = peripheral.wrap(conf.chest) local function get_num_stacks(total_items) return math.ceil(total_items / 64) end local function get_stacks() local s = d.map(d.filter(chest.list(), function(x) return x ~= nil end), w.to_wyvern_item) return s, w.collate_stacks(s) end local function main() while true do local stacks_stored, items_stored = get_stacks() local function get_item_count(ii) return (items_stored[ii] or {count = 0}).count end for item_name, quantity_desired in pairs(conf.items) do local quantity_stocked = get_item_count(item_name) if quantity_desired > quantity_stocked then -- if we have fewer items than are desired, extract some from store local request = w.string_to_item(item_name) request.type = "extract" request.destination_inventory = conf.chest local result = w.unwrap(w.query_by_type("storage", request), "extracting items", { w.errors.NOITEMS }) if result then print("Moved", result.moved, item_name, "from storage.") end end end for slot, item in pairs(stacks_stored) do local ii = w.get_internal_identifier(item) local stored = get_item_count(ii) local wanted = 0 if conf.items[ii] then wanted = conf.items[ii] + 1 end if (get_num_stacks(stored) * 64) >= wanted then -- if item is not in want list or we have too many, send it back to storage local result = w.unwrap(w.query_by_type("storage", { type = "insert", from_inventory = conf.chest, from_slot = slot }), "inserting items") if result then print("Moved", result.moved, ii, "to storage.") end end end sleep(conf.sleep_time) end end local ok, err = pcall(main) if type(err) == "table" then err = w.errors.format(err) end print(err)