extends layout.pug block content main h2 Blog p. Read my opinions via the internet. div.blog each post in posts .imbox(style=`background: ${post.bgcol}`) if images.hasOwnProperty(post.slug) +image(images[post.slug]) div div a.title(href=`/${post.slug}/`)= post.title div.deemph= `${renderDate(post.created)} / ${metricPrefix(post.wordCount, "")} words` div.description!= post.description h2 Microblog p. Short-form observations. div.microblog each entry in microblog != entry h2 Experiments p. Various web projects I have put together over many years. Made with at least four different JS frameworks. Some of them are bad. div.experiments each experiment in experiments .imbox(style=`background: ${experiment.bgcol}`) if images.hasOwnProperty(experiment.slug) +image(images[experiment.slug]) div div a.title(href=`/${experiment.slug}/`)= experiment.title span.description!= experiment.description p Get updates to the blog (not experiments) in your favourite RSS reader using the RSS feed. p View some of my projects at a(href=`https://git.${domain}/`) my git hosting. .ring!= openring iframe(src="https://george.gh0.pw/embed.cgi?gollark", style="border:none;width:100%;height:50px", title="Acquiesce to GEORGE.") block under-title h2= name