import {execRPN, step} from './shiny.mjs'; import {parseExprs} from './parse.mjs'; import {tokenize} from './token.mjs'; import {scope, customHandler} from './builtin.mjs'; //const scope = {}; //const customHandler = a => [a]; const inbox = document.getElementById("inbox") const insbox = document.getElementById("insbox") const outbox = document.getElementById("outbox") const stepb = document.getElementById("step") const play = document.getElementById("play") const load = document.getElementById("load") const usestd = document.getElementById("use-std") let state = null; let input = null; const highlight = (str, start, end, color) => { return str.slice(0, start) + `` + str.slice(start, end) + "" + str.slice(end); } const loadState = () => { input = inbox.value; let toks = tokenize(input); let ast = parseExprs(toks); console.log(ast); if (ast.parsed === null) { insbox.innerHTML = "could not parse AST!" } else if ( !== 0) { insbox.innerHTML = highlight(input,[0].startPos,[0].endPos, "red"); insbox.innerHTML += "
unexpected token" input = null; state = null; return; } insbox.innerHTML = input; outbox.innerHTML = ""; if (usestd.checked) { state = {scopes:[scope], stacks:[[]], calls:[ast.parsed.arr]}; } else { state = {scopes:[{}], stacks:[[]], calls:[ast.parsed.arr]}; } } const showIns = (ins) => { if (ins.val) { return ins.val; } else if (ins.ident) { return ins.ident; } else if ( { return; } else { return 'anon'; } } load.onclick = _ => { loadState(); } play.onclick = _ => { if (state === null) { loadState(); } insbox.innerHTML = ""; while (state.calls[0].length > 0 || state.calls.length > 1) { try { step(state, customHandler, showIns); } catch (err) { insbox.innerHTML = err; state = null; input = null; return; } } outbox.innerHTML = prettyprint(state.stacks[0]); state = null; input = null; } // TODO: Actually deal with horrible XSS problems. It seems to be safe for now due to string literals being bad, at least. // It may be possible to do JSF[REDACTED]k-style things to get around this, though. stepb.onclick = _ => { if (state === null) { return; } if (state.calls[0].length > 0 || state.calls.length > 1) { let pos; try { pos = step(state, customHandler, showIns); } catch (err) { insbox.innerHTML = err; state = null; input = null; return; } if (!(pos.start === 0 && pos.end === 0)) { insbox.innerHTML = highlight(input, pos.start, pos.end, "green"); } let out = [] let emptyCounter = 0 for (const stack of state.stacks) { if (stack.length === 0) { emptyCounter += 1 } else { if (emptyCounter !== 0) { out.push(`[empty x${emptyCounter}]`) emptyCounter = 0 } out.push(prettyprint(stack)) } } if (emptyCounter !== 0) { out.push(`[empty x${emptyCounter}]`) } outbox.innerHTML = out.join("
") } } const show = (elem) => { if (elem.type === "pair") { return "{" + show(elem.val.fst) + ", " + show(elem.val.snd) + "}" } else if (elem.type === "closure") { return "(needs " + elem.val.args.length + ")" } else if (elem.type === "array") { return "[" + prettyprint(elem.val) + "]" } else { return "(" + elem.val + ": " + elem.type + ")" } } const prettyprint = (out) => { let str = ""; for (let i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { str += show(out[i]); if (i < out.length - 1) { str += " "; } } return str; }