const round = x => Math.round(x * 1e10) / 1e10 const prefixes = ["", "kilo", "mega", "giga", "tera", "peta", "exa", "zetta", "yotta"] const siPrefix = (value, unit) => { let i = 0 let b = value while (b > 1000) { b /= 1000 i++ } return `${round(b).toString()} ${prefixes[i]}${unit}${value !== 1 ? "s" : ""}` } const metricDisplayInfo = { pagesVisited: { name: "Pages visited", units: "page" }, timeSpent: { name: "Time spent", units: "second" }, achievements: { name: "Achievements" }, foesVanquished: { name: "Foes vanquished", units: "foe" }, deaths: { name: "Emu War Deaths", units: "death" }, loremParagraphs: { name: "Lorem Ipsum paragraphs seen", units: "paragraph" }, commentsPosted: { name: "Comments posted", units: "comment" }, greatestInfipage: { name: "Largest infipage visited" }, heavpootLocations: { name: "Heavpoot's Game states", units: "state" }, heavpootDeaths: { name: "Heavpoot's Game deaths", units: "death" } } for (const opponent of ["ai1", "ai2"]) { for (const result of ["Wins", "Losses", "Draws"]) { metricDisplayInfo[`ttt${result}${opponent}`] = { name: `${result} against ${opponent.toUpperCase()}`, units: "game" } } } const displayMetric = metric => { let name = metric[0] let value = metric[1] const displayInfo = metricDisplayInfo[name] if (displayInfo) { name = if (displayInfo.units) { value = siPrefix(value, displayInfo.units) } } return m("tr", m("td.metricname", name), m("td.metricvalue", value)) } const Metrics = { metrics: null, load: async () => { Metrics.metrics = await (await points).readAllMetrics() m.redraw() }, view: () => m("p", Metrics.metrics === null ? "Loading..." : m("table.metrics", Array.from(Metrics.metrics.entries()).map(displayMetric))) } const zfill = (num, z) => num.toString().padStart(z, "0") const formatDate = x => `${zfill(x.getHours(), 2)}:${zfill(x.getMinutes(), 2)}:${zfill(x.getSeconds(), 2)} ${zfill(x.getDate(), 2)}/${zfill(x.getMonth() + 1, 2)}/${zfill(x.getFullYear(), 4)}` const renderAchievement = a => m(".achievement", { style: `background-color: ${colHash(a.title)}` }, [ a.timestamp && m(".title", { title: }, `Achievement achieved at ${formatDate(new Date(a.timestamp))}`), m(".title", a.title), m(".description", a.description), m(".conditions", `Unlocked by: ${a.conditions}`), a.points && m(".points", `${a.points} points`) ]) const Achievements = { achievements: [], load: async () => { let rpoints = await points const raw = await rpoints.getAchievements() Achievements.achievements = => { const info = rpoints.achievementInfo[] const out = { title: || "???", description: `Unrecognized achievement ${}.`, conditions: "???", ...ach } if (info) { Object.assign(out, info) } m.redraw() return out }) Achievements.achievements.sort((a, b) => a.timestamp < b.timestamp) }, view: () => m(".achievements-listing", } const reset = async () => { if (prompt(`This will reset your points, achievements and metrics. If you are sure, please type "yes I am definitely sure".`) === "yes I am definitely sure") { if (confirm("Are you really very sure?")) { await (await points).reset() //window.location.reload() } } } let pointsCount = "[loading...]" const reloadPoints = async () => { pointsCount = await (await points).getPoints() } const App = { view: () => m("div", [ m("h2", `Points: ${pointsCount}`), m("button", { onclick: reset }, "Reset"), m(Metrics), m(Achievements) ]) } m.mount(document.getElementById("app"), App) Metrics.load() reloadPoints() Achievements.load() points.then(points => points.unlockAchievement("visitArbitraryPoints")) document.addEventListener("points-update", () => { reloadPoints(); Achievements.load() })