mirror of https://github.com/osmarks/random-stuff synced 2024-10-18 06:00:39 +00:00

339 lines
11 KiB

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import string
import functools
import operator
import random
class Symbol:
name: str
class Quote:
content: any
# Raised in case of fatal parsing errors, i.e. something matched most of the way but then became invalid
class ParseError(Exception):
position: int
message: str
remaining_input: str
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.message} at position {self.position}"
# Raised if the current parser cannot run on the current input
class NoParse(Exception):
# approximate grammar
# symbol ::= [^'0-9()" \t\n][^'()" \t\n]+
# int ::= -? [0-9]+
# str ::= '"' [^"]+ '"'
# whitespace ::= [ \t\n]+
# list ::= '(' (expr whitespace)+ ')'
# quoted ::= ' expr
# expr ::= symbol | int | str | list | quoted
# Recursive descent parser
class Parser:
def __init__(self, s):
self.s = s
self.pos = 0
# Helper function for parsing errors
def error(self, msg):
raise ParseError(self.pos, msg, self.s[self.pos:])
# Gets the current character being parsed
def current(self):
return self.s[self.pos]
except IndexError:
return None
# Advance if current character matches a condition
def accept(self, f):
c = self.current()
if c:
match = f(c) if callable(f) else c in f
if match:
self.pos += 1
return c
# Advance if current character matches a condition, else switch to alternate parser
def expect(self, f):
x = self.accept(f)
if not x: raise NoParse
return x
# Advance if current character matches a condition, else raise parse error
def expect_strong(self, f, m):
x = self.accept(f)
if not x: self.error(m)
return x
# Try multiple parsers in sequence
def choose(self, parsers):
for parser in parsers:
return parser()
except NoParse:
# Parse an integer. Does not actually support negative numbers due to parsing ambiguities.
def int(self):
buf = self.expect("1234567890")
while c := self.accept("1234567890"):
buf += c
return int(buf)
# Parse a string. No escape sequences are supported.
def str(self):
if not self.expect('"'): return
buf = ""
while c := self.accept(lambda x: True):
if c == '"': return buf
buf += c
self.error("unterminated string")
# Parse a symbol.
def symbol(self):
buf = self.expect(lambda x: x not in "'0123456789()\"\t\n ")
while c := self.accept(lambda x: x not in "'()\"\t\n "):
buf += c
return Symbol(buf)
# Parse a quoted expr.
def quoted(self):
return Quote(self.expr())
# Skip whitespace
def whitespace(self):
while self.accept(" \t\n"): pass
# Parse a list of exprs
def list(self):
items = []
def whitespace_expr():
r = self.expr()
return r
while (x := whitespace_expr()) != None:
self.expect_strong(")", "unterminated list")
return items
def expr(self):
return self.choose([self.list, self.str, self.int, self.quoted, self.symbol])
# Parse an entire program; error on trailing things, allow whitespace at start/end
def parse(self):
expr = self.expr()
if self.pos != len(self.s):
self.error(f"trailing {repr(self.s[self.pos:])}")
return expr
# The environment is a stack of increasingly general scopes.
class Environment:
binding_stack: list[dict[str, any]]
def __init__(self, s):
self.binding_stack = s
def __getitem__(self, key):
for bindings in self.binding_stack:
if bindings.get(key) != None: return bindings.get(key)
raise KeyError(key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.binding_stack[0][key] = value
def child(self, initial_bindings=None):
if initial_bindings == None: initial_bindings = {}
return Environment([initial_bindings] + self.binding_stack)
class Function:
params: list[str]
body: any
environment: Environment
name: str = "[anonymous]"
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{self.name}({', '.join(self.params)})>"
# Evaluator with some tail recursion optimization capability. Env/scope handling is mildly broken and only per-function instead of per-expr.
# special forms:
# let: define functions or values
# either mutate the existing environment or create a new temporary one
# functions are (let (x y z) (+ x y z)), values are (let x "string")
# if used as (let thing "stuff"), works mutably
# if used as (let otherthing "not stuff" (+ otherthing " but things")) then creates new scope
# cond: do different things based on some conditionals
# used as (cond (condition1 action1) (condition2 action2)) - the expr corresponding to the first true condition is evaluated
# do: group side-effectful exprs together - evaluate them in sequence and return the last one
# lambda: define functions without binding them to a name
def evaluate(x, env):
while True:
if isinstance(x, list):
# special form handling
if isinstance(x[0], Symbol):
name = x[0].name
rest = x[1:]
if name == "do":
for op in rest[:-1]:
evaluate(op, env)
# evaluate the last expr in a do without recursing
x = rest[-1]
elif name == "let":
sub_expr = None
if len(rest) == 2:
binding, value = rest
binding, value, sub_expr = rest
if isinstance(binding, list):
cenv = {}
value = Function(list(map(lambda sym: sym.name, binding[1:])), value, env.child(cenv), binding[0].name)
cenv[binding[0].name] = value
binding = binding[0]
value = evaluate(value, env)
if sub_expr:
# evaluate the sub-expr nonrecursively
x = sub_expr
env = env.child({ binding.name: value })
env[binding.name] = value
elif name == "cond":
# Check each condition in turn.
for condition, expr in rest:
if evaluate(condition, env):
# nonrecursively evaluate associated expr if the condition is satisfied
x = expr
# No conditions matched, return a nil
return None
elif name == "lambda":
params, body = rest
return Function(list(map(lambda sym: sym.name, params)), body, env)
val = evaluate(x[0], env)
# evaluate user-defined function
if isinstance(val, Function):
params = dict(zip(val.params, map(lambda x: evaluate(x, env), x[1:])))
env = val.environment.child(params)
x = val.body
# evaluate system function
return val(*list(map(lambda x: evaluate(x, env), x[1:])))
if isinstance(x, Quote): return x.content
if isinstance(x, Symbol): return env[x.name]
return x
# Sorting functionality, as well as some other things in here for testing
# Uses a tail-recursive continuation-passing-style Haskell-style quicksort (so not actually that quick)
expr = Parser("""
(let (id x) x)
(let (snd xs) (head (tail xs)))
(let (take_rec out xs n) (cond
((= n 0) out)
(true (take_rec (cons (head xs) out) (tail xs) (- n 1)))
(let (reverse_rec xs a) (cond
((= xs '()) a)
(true (reverse_rec (tail xs) (cons (head xs) a)))
(let (drop xs n) (cond
((= n 0) xs)
(true (drop (tail xs) (- n 1)))
(let (take xs n) (reverse_rec (take_rec '() xs n) '()))
(let (count_rec xs n) (cond
((= n 0) xs)
(true (count_rec (cons n xs) (- n 1)))
(let (count n) (count_rec '() n))
(let (filter_rec xs pred acc) (cond
((= xs '()) acc)
(true (filter_rec (tail xs) pred (cond
((pred (head xs)) (cons (head xs) acc))
(true acc)
(let (filter pred xs) (reverse (filter_rec xs pred '())))
(let (partition_rec xs pred acc) (cond
((= xs '()) acc)
(true (partition_rec (tail xs) pred (cond
((pred (head xs)) (list (cons (head xs) (head acc)) (snd acc)))
(true (list (head acc) (cons (head xs) (snd acc))))
(let (qsort xs cont) (cond
((= xs '()) (cont '()))
(true (do
(let h (head xs))
(let t (tail xs))
(let part_result (partition_rec t (lambda (x) (< x h)) '(() ())))
(qsort (head part_result)
(lambda (ls) (qsort (snd part_result)
(lambda (rs) (cont (+ ls (list h) rs))))))
env = Environment([{
"+": lambda *args: functools.reduce(operator.add, args),
"-": operator.sub,
"*": lambda *args: functools.reduce(operator.mul, args),
"/": operator.floordiv,
"head": lambda xs: None if len(xs) == 0 else xs[0],
"tail": lambda xs: xs[1:],
"cons": lambda x, xs: [x] + xs,
"reverse": lambda xs: xs[::-1], # can be implemented inside the language, but this is much faster
"length": len,
"print": print,
"=": operator.eq,
"!=": operator.ne,
">": operator.gt,
"<": operator.lt,
">=": operator.ge,
"<=": operator.le,
"rand": lambda: random.randint(0, 1),
"true": True,
"false": False,
"nil": None,
"list": lambda *args: list(args),
evaluate(expr, env)
def entry(to_sort):
return evaluate([Symbol("qsort"), Quote(to_sort), Symbol("id"), to_sort], env)