#!/usr/bin/env python3 import websockets, websockets.exceptions import asyncio import json import os, os.path import aiosqlite import ast import random CORO_CODE = """ async def repl_coroutine(): import asyncio import websockets import aiosqlite """ async def async_exec(code, loc, glob): user_code = ast.parse(code, mode='exec') wrapper = ast.parse(CORO_CODE, mode='exec') funcdef = wrapper.body[-1] funcdef.body.extend(user_code.body) last_expr = funcdef.body[-1] if isinstance(last_expr, ast.Expr): funcdef.body.pop() funcdef.body.append(ast.Return(last_expr.value)) ast.fix_missing_locations(wrapper) exec(compile(wrapper, "", "exec"), loc, glob) return await (loc.get("repl_coroutine") or glob.get("repl_coroutine"))() appdata_folder = os.path.join(os.environ.get("APPDATA") or os.environ.get("XDG_DATA_HOME") or os.environ.get("HOME"), "heavdrone") if not os.path.exists(appdata_folder): os.makedirs(appdata_folder) def jencode(x): return json.dumps(x, separators=(',', ':')) SPUDNET = "wss://spudnet.osmarks.net/v4" def gen_id(): return "".join(random.choices("0123456789abcdef", k=6)) async def spudnet_connect(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() db = await aiosqlite.connect(os.path.join(appdata_folder, "data.sqlite3")) db.row_factory = aiosqlite.Row # horrible misuse of relational databases, yes await db.executescript("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS config ( key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value BLOB NOT NULL )""") async def getconf(k): async with await db.execute("SELECT * FROM config WHERE key = ?", (k,)) as csr: x = await csr.fetchone() if x: return x["value"] else: return None async def setconf(k, v): await db.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config VALUES (?, ?)", (k, v)) await db.commit() hid = await getconf("id") if not hid: hid = gen_id() await setconf("id", hid) print(hid) conn = None def send_packet(x): return conn.send(jencode(x)) def send(x): return send_packet({ "type": "send", "channel": "client:potatogood/web", "data": { "sender": hid, **x } }) async def connect(): print("conn") nonlocal conn if conn: await conn.close() conn = await websockets.connect(SPUDNET, close_timeout=1) await send_packet({ "type": "identify", "channels": [ f"client:potatogood/{hid}", f"client:potatogood/all" ] }) assert json.loads(await conn.recv())["type"] == "ok" return True async def aliveness_loop(): while True: if conn: await send({ "type": "alive_info", "name": await getconf("name"), "category": await getconf("category"), "buttons": [ { "type": "textarea", "respondon": "set_name", "name": "Set Name" }, { "type": "textarea", "respondon": "set_cat", "name": "Set Category" } , { "type": "chatlike", "2way": "repl", "name": "Python REPL" }, { "type": "chatlike", "2way": "chat", "name": "Dronechat" } ]}) await asyncio.sleep(1) loop.create_task(aliveness_loop()) glo = globals() loc = locals() async def parse_incoming(data, rmsg): if data["type"] == "set_name": await setconf("name", data["data"]) if data["type"] == "set_cat": await setconf("category", data["data"]) if data["type"] == "repl": async def run(): await send({ "type": "stream_upd", "streamid": "repl", "data": "> " + str(data["data"]) }) try: result = await async_exec(data["data"], loc, glo) await send({ "type": "stream_upd", "streamid": "repl", "data": repr(result) }) except BaseException as e: await send({ "type": "stream_upd", "streamid": "repl", "data": "ERR: " + repr(e) }) loop.create_task(run()) if data["type"] == "chat": await send({ "type": "stream_upd", "streamid": "chat", "data": f"{rmsg['sid']}: {data['data']}" }) while True: try: if conn: x = json.loads(await asyncio.wait_for(conn.recv(), timeout=15)) if x["type"] == "ping": await send_packet({ "type": "pong", "seq": x["seq"] }) if x["type"] == "message": try: await parse_incoming(x["data"], x) except Exception as e: print("parse", e) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError) as e: conn = None print("connection broke", e, repr(e), str(e)) while not conn: try: if await connect(): break await asyncio.sleep(1) except Exception as e: print("connection failed", e) conn = None asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(spudnet_connect())