import subprocess import ctypes import tempfile import bisect fibs = [0, 1] def make_fibs(n): while fibs[-1] < n: fibs.append(fibs[-1] + fibs[-2]) def dfs(target, inuse=set()): make_fibs(target) end_index = bisect.bisect_left(fibs, target) if fibs[end_index] == target and target not in inuse: return inuse | {end_index} for i, possibility in enumerate(fibs[end_index:1:-1]): reali = end_index - i if reali in inuse: continue new = inuse | {reali} if result := dfs(target - possibility, new): return result make_fibs(2**63) print(len(fibs)) """ raise SystemExit() for i in range(2, 10000): print("doing", i) res = dfs(i) print(res) assert sum(map(lambda x: fibs[x], res)) == i, "numbers do not sum to thing" assert tuple(sorted(set(res))) == tuple(sorted(res)), "things are not unique" """ def c_wrapper(file): print("Compiling", file) temp = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="lib-compile-") print(temp) if["gcc", file, "-o", temp, "-shared", "-fPIC"]).returncode != 0: raise ValueError("compilation failed") library = ctypes.CDLL(temp) entry = library.f entry.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64) def wrapper(n): vlen_ptr = ctypes.c_int(0) out = entry(n, ctypes.byref(vlen_ptr)) l_out = [] for i in range(vlen_ptr.value): #print(out[i]) l_out.append(out[i]) return l_out return wrapper def gollariosolver(n): #print(n, "is n") x = bisect.bisect_left(fibs, n) out = set() z = 0 for i in range(x, 0, -1): #print("gollario", i, z, fibs[i]) if (y := fibs[i] + z) <= n: z = y out.add(i) if z == n: return out print(fibs[12]+ fibs[23] + fibs[34]) c_code = c_wrapper("fib.c") for i in range(2, 2**16): res = c_code(i) #res = gollariosolver(i) assert sum(map(lambda x: fibs[x], res)) == i, "numbers do not sum to thing" assert tuple(sorted(set(res))) == tuple(sorted(res)), "things are not unique"