;; prisond.scm: iterated prisoner's dilemma simulation ;; by matt ;; this program is in the public domain (define strategies '()) (define add-strategy (lambda (x y) (set! strategies (cons (cons x y) strategies)))) (define angel (lambda (x y) 0)) (define devil (lambda (x y) 1)) (define tat-for-tit (lambda (x y) (if (null? x) 1 (if (= (car x) 0) 1 0)))) (define tit-for-tat (lambda (x y) (if (null? x) 0 (car x)))) (define time-machine (lambda (x y) (if (> 3 (length x)) 0 (caddr x)))) (define random-choice (lambda (x y) (random 2))) (define grudger (lambda (x y) (if (memq 1 x) 1 0))) (define angry-tit-for-tat (lambda (x y) (if (null? x) 1 (car x)))) (define apl (lambda (x y) (if (null? x) 1 (if (= ( car y) 0) 1 0)))) (define forgiving-grudge (lambda (x y) (let* ( (defection-count (length (filter (lambda (m) (= m 1)) x))) (result (if (> defection-count 3) 1 0)) ) result))) (define (take n xs) (let loop ((n n) (xs xs) (zs (list))) (if (or (zero? n) (null? xs)) (reverse zs) (loop (- n 1) (cdr xs) (cons (car xs) zs))))) (define (zip . xss) (apply map list xss)) (define actually-forgiving-grudge (lambda (x y) (let* ( (defection-count (length (filter (lambda (m) (= m 1)) x))) (lookback (+ 1 (inexact->exact (floor (expt 1.8 defection-count))))) (result (if (member '(1 0) (take lookback (zip x y))) 1 0)) ) result))) (define apiomemetics (lambda (x y) (random-seed 334278294) ; NOTE TO SELF: 3227883998 (0/1) (if (null? x) (begin 0) (if (> (length x) 93) 1 (car x))))) (define meapiometics (lambda (x y) (if (null? x) 0 (if (> (length x) 97) 1 (car x))))) (define prisond (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) (if (= x 1) '(-2 -2) '(-1 -1)) (if (= x 1) '(0 -3) '(-3 0))))) (define iter-prisond (lambda (x y z) (define scores '(0 0)) (define moves-x '()) (define moves-y '()) (define current-moves '()) (define helper (lambda (x y z) (if (= z 0) scores (begin (set! current-moves (list (x moves-x moves-y) (y moves-y moves-x))) (set! moves-x (cons (cadr current-moves) moves-x)) (set! moves-y (cons (car current-moves) moves-y)) (set! scores (map + scores (prisond (car current-moves) (cadr current-moves)))) (helper x y (- z 1)))))) (helper x y z))) (define get-strategy-scores (lambda (x) (define score 0) (define iters (+ 100 (random 50))) (define helper (lambda (y) (if (eqv? (car x) (car y)) 0 (set! score (+ score (car (iter-prisond (cdr x) (cdr y) iters))))))) (map helper strategies) score)) (define get-repeated-score (lambda (strategy accumulator counter) (if (= counter 0) accumulator (get-repeated-score strategy (+ accumulator (get-strategy-scores strategy)) (- counter 1))))) (define get-all-scores (lambda () (define helper (lambda (x) (write (list (car x) (get-repeated-score x 0 50))) (newline))) (map helper strategies))) (add-strategy 'angel angel) (add-strategy 'devil devil) (add-strategy 'tit-for-tat tit-for-tat) (add-strategy 'tat-for-tit tat-for-tit) (add-strategy 'time-machine time-machine) (add-strategy 'random-choice random-choice) (add-strategy 'grudger grudger) (add-strategy 'angry-tit-for-tat angry-tit-for-tat) (add-strategy 'apl apl) (add-strategy 'meapiometics meapiometics) (add-strategy 'apiomemetics apiomemetics) (add-strategy 'forgiving-grudge forgiving-grudge) (add-strategy 'actually-forgiving-grudge actually-forgiving-grudge) (random-seed (time-second (current-time))) (get-all-scores) (exit)