import dataclasses import re import typing import operator import functools import enum import collections import typing MEM_SIZE = 256 WAITING = object() class Direction(enum.Enum): UP = 0 DOWN = 1 RIGHT = 2 LEFT = 3 ANY = 8 class RunState(enum.Enum): IDLE = 0 RUNNING = 1 BLOCKED = 2 STOPPED = 3 @dataclasses.dataclass class Node: # node memory # code is loaded in at the start of memory # the program counter is simply the last memory location memory: bytearray = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: bytearray(MEM_SIZE)) state: RunState = RunState.IDLE input_buffer: dict[Direction, int] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) read_return_location: typing.Optional[int] = None #output_buffer: dict[Direction, int] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) blocked_on: typing.Optional[Direction] = None def __getitem__(self, loc): return self.memory[loc] def __setitem__(self, loc, value): assert loc is not None if isinstance(value, list): for i, x in enumerate(value): self.memory[loc + i] = x % 256 else: self.memory[loc] = value % 256 def pad_list(l, n, default): return l + [default] * (n - len(l)) def display_hex(x): return hex(x)[2:].zfill(2) def memdump(mem): out = [] out.append(" \x1b[31;1m" + " ".join(map(display_hex, range(16))) + "\x1b[0m") for i in range(0, len(mem), 16): out.append("\x1b[32;1m" + display_hex(i) + "\x1b[0m " + " ".join(map(display_hex, mem[i:i+16]))) return "\n".join(out) @dataclasses.dataclass class ExecutionContext: node: Node params: tuple[int] io: any @dataclasses.dataclass class Op: name: str function: typing.Callable[ExecutionContext, None] ip_advancement: int opcodes = {} def make_binop_wrapper(name, fn): @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapper(ctx): ctx.node[ctx.params[0]] = fn(ctx.node[ctx.params[1]], ctx.node[ctx.params[2]]) return Op(name, wrapper, 4) def nop(node, *_): pass opcodes[0x00] = Op("NOP", nop, 1) def test_print(ctx): print(f"{ctx.node[-1]}: {display_hex(ctx.params[0])} = {display_hex(ctx.node[ctx.params[0]])}") opcodes[0x01] = Op("PRINT", test_print, 2) def mov(ctx): # MOV dest src ctx.node[ctx.params[0]] = ctx.node[ctx.params[1]] opcodes[0x02] = Op("MOV", mov, 3) opcodes[0x03] = make_binop_wrapper("ADD", operator.add) # ADD dest src1 src2 def mnz(ctx): # "move if not zero"; MEZ cond dest src if ctx.node[ctx.params[0]] != 0: ctx.node[ctx.params[1]] = ctx.node[ctx.params[2]] opcodes[0x04] = Op("MNZ", mnz, 4) def inc(ctx): # INC dest ctx.node[ctx.params[0]] += 1 opcodes[0x05] = Op("INC", inc, 2) opcodes[0x06] = make_binop_wrapper("MUL", operator.mul) opcodes[0x07] = make_binop_wrapper("MOD", operator.mod) opcodes[0x08] = make_binop_wrapper("DIV", operator.floordiv) opcodes[0x09] = make_binop_wrapper("SUB", operator.sub) opcodes[0x10] = make_binop_wrapper("OR", operator.or_) opcodes[0x11] = make_binop_wrapper("AND", operator.and_) opcodes[0x12] = make_binop_wrapper("SHR", operator.rshift) opcodes[0x13] = make_binop_wrapper("SHL", operator.lshift) def mez(ctx): # "move if equal to zero"; MEZ cond dest src if ctx.node[ctx.params[0]] == 0: ctx.node[ctx.params[1]] = ctx.node[ctx.params[2]] opcodes[0x14] = Op("MEZ", mez, 4) def idm(ctx): # "indirect destination move" - destination parameter is a memory location to fetch the destination from; IDM idest src ctx.node[ctx.node[ctx.params[0]]] = ctx.node[ctx.params[1]] opcodes[0x15] = Op("IDM", idm, 3) def ism(ctx): # "indirect source move"; ISM dest isrc ctx.node[ctx.params[0]] = ctx.node[ctx.node[ctx.params[1]]] opcodes[0x16] = Op("ISM", ism, 3) def imv(ctx): # "indirect move" - both destination and source are indirected; IMV idest isrc ctx.node[ctx.node[ctx.params[0]]] = ctx.node[ctx.node[ctx.params[1]]] opcodes[0x17] = Op("IMV", imv, 3) opcodes[0x18] = make_binop_wrapper("SADD", lambda a, b: min(a + b, 255)) opcodes[0x19] = make_binop_wrapper("SSUB", lambda a, b: max(a - b, 0)) def write(ctx):["write"](ctx.params[0], ctx.node[ctx.params[1]]) opcodes[0x20] = Op("WR", write, 3) def read(ctx):["read"](ctx.params[0], ctx.params[1]) opcodes[0x21] = Op("RE", read, 3) def dump(ctx): print(memdump(ctx.node.memory)) opcodes[0xfe] = Op("DUMP", dump, 1) def halt(ctx): memdump(ctx.node.memory) ctx.node.state = RunState.STOPPED opcodes[0xff] = Op("HALT", halt, 1) def step_node(node, io): ip = node[-1] instr = node[ip:ip + 4].ljust(4, b"\x00") opcode, a, b, c = instr op = opcodes.get(opcode) if op: node[-1] += op.ip_advancement op.function(ExecutionContext(node, (a, b, c), io)) else: print("unknown instr", " ".join(map(display_hex, instr)), "at", display_hex(ip)) print(memdump(node.memory)) node[-1] += 1 node.state = RunState.STOPPED def flatten(xs): for x in xs: if isinstance(x, (list, map, filter)): for y in x: yield y else: yield x def assemble(code): instructions = {} for opcode, op in opcodes.items(): instructions[] = (opcode, op.ip_advancement) out = [] # implicit "I" label for program counter for branching labels = { "I": MEM_SIZE - 1 } unresolved_labels = collections.defaultdict(set) backfill = collections.defaultdict(set) position = 0 def resolve(param): # ! operator on params emulates this ISA having immediate parameters by if param[0] == "!": # add to list of values needing storage, and add current output position to list of places to update when it gets a location backfill[param[1:]].add(position) return if re.match(r"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_\-]*", param): # is label try: return labels[param] except KeyError: # resolve label location later unresolved_labels[param].add(position) return 0 else: return int(param, 16) % 256 def write(*things): for value in flatten(things): if isinstance(value, int): out.append(value) else: out.append(resolve(value)) nonlocal position position = len(out) for line in filter(lambda x: x != "", map(str.strip, code.split("\n"))): tokens = line.split() for index, token in enumerate(tokens): if token.startswith("#"): tokens = tokens[:index] break if len(tokens) == 0: continue # label definition if tokens[0].endswith(":"): label = tokens.pop(0)[:-1] labels[label] = position for unresolved_loc in unresolved_labels[label]: out[unresolved_loc] = position del unresolved_labels[label] if len(tokens) > 0: ltype = tokens[0].upper() # raw output if ltype == "!": write(tokens[1:]) # NOP padding elif ltype == "!PAD": write([0] * int(tokens[1], 16)) # instruction mnemonic else: instr = instructions[ltype] if instr[1] != 0: # special instructions might move it variable amounts at some point assert len(tokens) == instr[1], f"{ltype} takes {instr[1] - 1} operands" write(instr[0], tokens[1:]) while len(backfill) > 0: for value, locations in list(backfill.items()): newpos = position write(value) for location in locations: out[location] = newpos print(f"Backfilled {display_hex(newpos)}: {value}") del backfill[value] for k in unresolved_labels: print("Unresolved label:", k) if len(out) >= MEM_SIZE: print("Code space exceeded") return out n = Node() n.state = RunState.RUNNING n[0] = assemble(""" LOOP: inc INCBUF add TEMP !-50 INCBUF # debug print #! 01 INCBUF #wr 0 INCBUF #re 0 INCBUF mnz TEMP I !LOOP halt INCBUF: ! 1 TEMP: ! 0 OUT: ! 44 """) n2 = Node() n2.state = RunState.RUNNING n2[0] = assemble(""" LOOP2: inc INCBUF add TEMP !-50 INCBUF mnz TEMP I !LOOP2 LOOP: re 8 BEE #wr 1 BEE #! 01 BEE mov I !LOOP TEMP: ! 0 BEE: ! 0 INCBUF: ! 4 """) n3 = Node() n3.state = RunState.RUNNING n3[0] = assemble(""" mov M !0 mov B !0 LOOP: sub X M !40 mez X I !DONE wr 0 M ism B M inc M wr 0 B mov I !LOOP DONE: wr 0 !0FF halt M: ! 0 X: ! 87 B: ! 0 """) def offset(tup, idx, by): return tup[:idx] + (tup[idx] + by,) + tup[idx + 1:] opposite_directions = { Direction.UP: Direction.DOWN, Direction.DOWN: Direction.UP, Direction.LEFT: Direction.RIGHT, Direction.RIGHT: Direction.LEFT } def apply_direction(coords, dir): if dir == Direction.UP: return offset(coords, 1, 1) elif dir == Direction.DOWN: return offset(coords, 1, -1) elif dir == Direction.LEFT: return offset(coords, 0, -1) elif dir == Direction.RIGHT: return offset(coords, 0, 1) bootloader = """ !PAD E0 LOOP: re 8 RI # read target location from arbitrary side into buffer add RJ RI !1 mez RJ I !0 # if target location is 255, jump to 0 (normal thing start) re 8 RJ # read data into other buffer idm RI RJ # transfer data into specified location mov I !LOOP # unconditional jump back to start RI: ! 0 RJ: ! 0 """ bootloader_machine_code = assemble(bootloader) def new_node(): n = Node() print("starting node") n.state = RunState.RUNNING n[0] = bootloader_machine_code return n grid = collections.defaultdict(new_node) grid[0, 0] = n grid[0, 1] = n2 grid[0, 2] = n3 def write(node, orig, dir, val): #print("WR", orig, dir, hex(val)) if dir in node.input_buffer: print("deadlock (write) by", orig, "in", dir, "target", grid[apply_direction(orig, dir)], node.input_buffer) node.state = RunState.BLOCKED return other = grid[apply_direction(orig, dir)] opp = opposite_directions[dir] # if the other node is waiting on communication from this node, dump data from here into memory # and unblock it if opp == other.blocked_on or other.blocked_on == Direction.ANY: other.blocked_on = None other.state = RunState.RUNNING other[other.read_return_location] = val # if it is not, then put data into its input buffer (it will unblock this node if it ever reads on this) else: other.input_buffer[opp] = val # switch state to blocked node.state = RunState.BLOCKED node.blocked_on = dir def read(node, orig, dir, ret): #print("RE", orig, dir) if dir == Direction.ANY and len(node.input_buffer) > 0: rdir, val = node.input_buffer.popitem() other = grid[apply_direction(orig, rdir)] opp = opposite_directions[rdir] if other.blocked_on == opp or other.blocked_on == Direction.ANY: other.blocked_on = None other.state = RunState.RUNNING node[ret] = val return # if input already buffered if dir in node.input_buffer: other = grid[apply_direction(orig, dir)] opp = opposite_directions[dir] # remove blocking state if other.blocked_on == opp or other.blocked_on == Direction.ANY: other.blocked_on = None other.state = RunState.RUNNING # put buffered data into memory at specified return address node[ret] = node.input_buffer[dir] del node.input_buffer[dir] else: # set to blocked, put return address in node data node.read_return_location = ret node.state = RunState.BLOCKED node.blocked_on = dir while True: ran_one = False for coords, node in list(grid.items()): #the reason being is that then you could play an awesome game of core-war on itprint(coords, node.state) if node.state == RunState.RUNNING: step_node(node, { "write": lambda dir, val: write(node, coords, Direction(dir), val), "read": lambda dir, ret: read(node, coords, Direction(dir), ret) }) ran_one = True if not ran_one: break