package main import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "strings" "syscall" "time" "" "" ) func logError(err error, message string) { if err != nil { log.Println(message, err) } } func logErrorD(f func() error, message string) { logError(f(), message) } type dataBuffer struct { queue []string threshold int recent [minLinesBeforeDuplicate]string fuzzy [fuzzyDuplicateWindow][]string running bool } func dwarfFortress(ctx context.Context, buffer *dataBuffer, ch chan<- string) { addch := make(chan string, 100) debugch := make(chan struct{}) go watchLog(ctx, addch) go watchDebug(ctx, debugch) for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return default: } runGame(ctx, buffer, ch, addch, debugch) } } func runGame(ctx context.Context, buffer *dataBuffer, ch chan<- string, addch <-chan string, debugch <-chan struct{}) { cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "/df_linux/dfhack") cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "TERM=xterm-256color") cmd.Dir = "/df_linux" f, err := pty.Start(cmd) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer logErrorD(f.Close, "Closing Pseudo-TTY:") exited := make(chan error, 1) go func() { exited <- cmd.Wait() }() defer logErrorD(clearSaves, "Removing saved worlds:") signal := func(s os.Signal) { logError(cmd.Process.Signal(s), "Sending "+s.String()+":") } buffer.running = true first := true for { var nextLine string out := ch if len(buffer.queue) == 0 { out = nil } else { nextLine = buffer.queue[0] } select { case <-time.After(time.Minute * 30): if buffer.running { log.Println("30 minutes without any log output. Assuming DF is stuck. Resetting.") signal(syscall.SIGTERM) select { case <-time.After(time.Minute): log.Println("Process has not exited. Killing.") signal(syscall.SIGKILL) case <-exited: return } } case out <- nextLine: buffer.queue = buffer.queue[1:] checkQueueLength(buffer, signal) case line := <-addch: if isDuplicate(buffer, line) { log.Println("Duplicate detected:", line) continue } if first || len(buffer.queue) == 0 { log.Println("First toot queued:", line) first = false } buffer.queue = append(buffer.queue, line) checkQueueLength(buffer, signal) case err := <-exited: log.Println("Dwarf Fortress process exited:", err) return case <-debugch: signal(syscall.SIGKILL) if err := os.Remove("/df_linux/df-ai-debug.log"); err != nil { log.Println("Removing debug log:", err) } return } } } func isDuplicate(buffer *dataBuffer, line string) bool { if minLinesBeforeDuplicate == 0 && fuzzyDuplicateWindow == 0 { return false } firstLine := line[:strings.IndexByte(line, '\n')] for _, dup := range buffer.recent { if dup == firstLine { return true } } firstLineWords := strings.Fields(firstLine) fuzzy := 0 for _, dup := range buffer.fuzzy { if isFuzzyDuplicate(dup, firstLineWords) { fuzzy++ } } if fuzzy > maxFuzzyDuplicates { return true } if len(buffer.recent) != 0 { copy(buffer.recent[:], buffer.recent[1:]) buffer.recent[len(buffer.recent)-1] = firstLine } if len(buffer.fuzzy) != 0 { copy(buffer.fuzzy[:], buffer.fuzzy[1:]) buffer.fuzzy[len(buffer.fuzzy)-1] = firstLineWords } return false } func isFuzzyDuplicate(dup, words []string) bool { // Only allow changes, not additions or deletions, to simplify this. if len(dup) != len(words) { return false } different := 0 for i := range dup { if dup[i] != words[i] { different++ } } return different <= maxFuzzyDifferentWords } func checkQueueLength(buffer *dataBuffer, signal func(os.Signal)) { if l := len(buffer.queue); l%100 == 0 && (buffer.threshold >= l+100 || buffer.threshold <= l-100) { buffer.threshold = l log.Println(l, "lines are buffered.") } if len(buffer.queue) < minQueuedLines { if !buffer.running { log.Println("Unsuspending Dwarf Fortress") buffer.running = true } signal(syscall.SIGCONT) } else if len(buffer.queue) > maxQueuedLines { if buffer.running { log.Println("Suspending Dwarf Fortress") buffer.running = false } signal(syscall.SIGSTOP) } } func watchDebug(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- struct{}) { for { // Wait at least a minute between kills to make sure there's time to clean up. select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case <-time.After(time.Minute): } f, err := tail.TailFile("/df_linux/df-ai-debug.log", tail.Config{ Follow: true, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case first := <-f.Lines: log.Println("df-ai crashed! debug log follows:") go func() { f.Kill(f.StopAtEOF()) f.Cleanup() }() fmt.Println(first.Text) for line := range f.Lines { fmt.Println(line.Text) } ch <- struct{}{} } } } func watchLog(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- string) { f, err := tail.TailFile("/df_linux/gamelog.txt", tail.Config{ ReOpen: true, Follow: true, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer f.Cleanup() go func() { <-ctx.Done() f.Kill(ctx.Err()) }() for line := range f.Lines { if line.Err != nil { log.Println(line.Err) continue } text := mapCP437(strings.TrimSpace(line.Text)) // Chatter messages are formatted as "Urist McName, Occupation: It was inevitable." if i, j := strings.Index(text, ", "), strings.Index(text, ": "); i > 0 && j > i { ch <- text[j+2:] + "\n\u2014 " + text[:j] } } }