import asyncio import websockets import umsgpack import random import time import collections import functools import json import math import queue SwitchConfig = collections.namedtuple("SwitchConfig", ["states", "connections", "position"]) Connection = collections.namedtuple("Connection", ["destination_switch", "destination_side", "metric"], defaults=[None, None, None]) def vecdistance(a, b): return math.sqrt(sum((p - q) ** 2 for p, q in zip(a, b))) def invert(x): return { v: k for k, v in x.items() } def make_bijection(x): return {**x, **invert(x)} north_tjunction = ( { "east": "north", "north": "east", "west": "east" }, { "east": "west", "north": "west", "west": "north" } ) south_tjunction = ( { "east": "south", "south": "east", "west": "east" }, { "east": "west", "south": "west", "west": "south" } ) east_tjunction = ( { "north": "south", "east": "south", "south": "east" }, { "north": "east", "east": "north", "south": "north" } ) west_tjunction = ( { "south": "west", "west": "south", "north": "south" }, { "west": "north", "north": "west", "south": "north" } ) switch_configs = { "SW1": SwitchConfig(north_tjunction, { "north": Connection("SW2", "south"), "west": Connection("SW3", "east"), "east": Connection("SW1", "east", 8) }, (-5344, 95, 3108)), "SW2": SwitchConfig(south_tjunction, { "south": Connection("SW1", "north"), "west": Connection("SW4", "east"), "east": Connection("SW5", "south") }, (-5344, 95, 3090)), "SW3": SwitchConfig(north_tjunction, { "east": Connection("SW1", "west"), "north": Connection("SW4", "south"), #"west": Connection("SW3", "west") }, (-5360, 95, 3108)), "SW4": SwitchConfig(east_tjunction, { "east": Connection("SW2", "west"), "south": Connection("SW3", "north"), "north": Connection("SW4", "north", 24) }, (-5361, 95, 3091)), "SW5": SwitchConfig(west_tjunction, { "south": Connection("SW2", "east"), "west": Connection("SW6", "east"), "north": Connection("SW8", "south") }, (-5325, 94, 3084)), "SW6": SwitchConfig(east_tjunction, { "east": Connection("SW5", "west"), "south": Connection("SW6", "south", 6), "north": Connection("SW7", "east") }, (-5338, 94, 3079)), "SW7": SwitchConfig(east_tjunction, { "east": Connection("SW6", "north"), "south": Connection("SW7", "south", 6), #"north": Connection("SW7", "north", 6), }, (-5347, 94, 3074)), "SW8": SwitchConfig(south_tjunction, { "south": Connection("SW5", "north"), #"west": Connection("SW8", "west", 6), "east": Connection("SW8", "east", 6) }, (-5323, 93, 3069)), } for id, config in switch_configs.items(): for side, connection in config.connections.items(): if connection.metric is None: metric = vecdistance(config.position, switch_configs[connection.destination_switch].position) config.connections[side] = Connection(destination_switch=connection.destination_switch, destination_side=connection.destination_side, metric=metric) stations = { "Test2": ("SW3", "west"), "Test1": ("SW8", "west"), "Test3": ("SW7", "north") } switches = {} riders = {} known_player_locations = {} opposites = make_bijection({"north": "south", "east": "west"}) colors = {"north": 0b11111_00000_00000, "south": 0b00000_00000_11111, "east": 0b00000_11111_00000, "west": 0b11111_11111_00000} unavailable_segments = collections.defaultdict(dict) def build_graph(switch_configs): graph = collections.defaultdict(dict) for switch, config in switch_configs.items(): for state in config.states: for in_side, out_side in state.items(): graph[(switch, in_side, "inbound")][(switch, out_side, "outbound")] = 1 for side, connection in config.connections.items(): graph[(switch, side, "outbound")][(connection.destination_switch, connection.destination_side, "inbound")] = connection.metric return graph graph = build_graph(switch_configs) def bfs(target, start, is_unavailable): def heuristic(x, y): return vecdistance(switch_configs[x[0]].position, switch_configs[y[0]].position) frontier = queue.PriorityQueue() frontier.put((0, start)) reached_from = {start: None} best_cost_to = {start: 0} while not frontier.empty(): _, current = frontier.get() current_cost = best_cost_to[current] if current == target: break for next_node, hop_cost in graph[current].items(): new_cost = current_cost + hop_cost if not is_unavailable(next_node) and (next_node not in best_cost_to or best_cost_to[next_node] > new_cost): reached_from[next_node] = current best_cost_to[next_node] = new_cost frontier.put((new_cost + heuristic(target, next_node), next_node)) try: current = target path = [] while current != start: path.append(current) current = reached_from[current] path.reverse() return path except KeyError: # route cannot be routed return None def get_target_side(cart_id, current_switch, current_side, target): def is_unavailable(segment): for occupying_cart in unavailable_segments[segment]: if occupying_cart != cart_id: return True return False path = bfs(target + ("outbound",), (current_switch, current_side, "inbound"), is_unavailable) if path == [] or path == None: print("already there or failed") return current_side print(path, target) return path[0][1] async def connect(): send = None chat_tell = None async def socket_connection(): async with websockets.connect("wss://") as websocket: nonlocal send send = lambda x: websocket.send(umsgpack.dumps(x)) await send({"type": "identify", "key": "[REDACTED]", "channels": ["comm:arr"]}) while True: data = umsgpack.loads(await websocket.recv()) if data["type"] == "ping": await send({"type": "pong", "seq": data["seq"]}) elif data["type"] == "message": info = data["data"] if info["type"] == "sw_ping": switch_id = info["id"] switches[switch_id] = { "carts": info["carts"], "last_ping": time.time() } switch = switch_configs[switch_id] for cart in sorted(info["carts"], key=lambda k: k["distance"]): if "dir" in cart and "pos" in cart: # a thing is "inbound" relative to a switch unit if its movement direction and position are opposite # otherwise, it's outbound # things going in the same direction can share the same track, though, so we want to block off the *opposite* segment unavailable_direction = "outbound" if opposites[cart["dir"]] == cart["pos"] else "inbound" cart_id = cart["id"] # clear out existing reservations by this cart for segment, carts in unavailable_segments.items(): if cart_id in carts: del carts[cart_id] now = time.time() unavailable_segments[(switch_id, cart["pos"], unavailable_direction)][cart_id] = now # connections are indexed by outbound direction from the switch if connection := switch.connections.get(cart["pos"]): opposite = "outbound" if unavailable_direction == "inbound" else "inbound" unavailable_segments[(connection.destination_switch, connection.destination_side, opposite)][cart_id] = now for cart in sorted(info["carts"], key=lambda k: k["distance"]): #print(cart) rider = [ rider for rider in cart["riders"] if rider in riders ] if "dir" in cart and "pos" in cart and opposites[cart["dir"]] == cart["pos"] and rider: rider = rider[0] target = get_target_side(cart["id"], switch_id, cart["pos"], riders[rider]) print("at", switch_id, "cart inbound on", cart["pos"], "with", cart["riders"], "set target side to", target) switch_state = None for i, state in enumerate(switch.states): if state[cart["pos"]] == target: switch_state = i print("set state to", switch_state) await send({"type": "send", "channel": "comm:arr", "data": {"type": "sw_cmd", "cmd": "set", "lamp": colors[target], "switch": switch_state, "id": switch_id, "cid": random.randint(0, 0xFFFF_FFFF)}}) elif info["type"] == "st_ping": for player in info["players"]: known_player_locations[player] = (info["id"], time.time()) elif info["type"] == "st_ack": if info["cid"]: await chat_tell(info["cid"], { "done": "Cart dispensed.", "no_cart": "Sorry, out of carts.", "busy": "System in use." }.get(info["status"], info["status"])) elif data["type"] == "ok": pass else: print(data) async def clear_switches(): while True: clear = set() now = time.time() for id, switch in switches.items(): if now - switch["last_ping"] >= 2: clear.add(id) for clr in clear: del switches[clr] for segment, carts in unavailable_segments.items(): clear = set() for cart_id, reserved_at in carts.items(): if now - reserved_at >= 15: print("unreserve", cart_id) clear.add(cart_id) for clr in clear: del carts[clr] await asyncio.sleep(2) async def switchcraft_chat(): async with websockets.connect("wss://[REDACTED]") as websocket: nonlocal chat_tell chat_tell = lambda name, msg: websocket.send(json.dumps({ "type": "tell", "user": name, "text": "[ARR] " + msg, "mode": "markdown" })) while True: packet = json.loads(await websocket.recv()) if packet["type"] == "command": if packet["command"] == "arr": name = packet["user"]["name"] if name == "PatriikPlays": return try: print(name, packet["args"]) if packet["args"][0] == "dest": assert packet["args"][1] in switch_configs, "wrong" riders[name] = packet["args"][1], packet["args"][2] print("set ", name, packet["args"][1], packet["args"][2]) await chat_tell(name, "Done!") elif packet["args"][0] == "update" and name == "gollark": await send({"type": "send", "channel": "comm:arr", "data": { "type": "sw_cmd", "cmd": "update" }}) await send({"type": "send", "channel": "comm:arr", "data": { "type": "st_cmd", "cmd": "update" }}) await chat_tell(name, "Done!") elif packet["args"][0] == "rdest" and name == "gollark": assert packet["args"][1] in switch_configs, "wrong" riders[packet["args"][3]] = packet["args"][1], packet["args"][2] print("set ", packet["args"][3], packet["args"][1], packet["args"][2]) await chat_tell(name, "Done!") elif packet["args"][0] == "rto": station = stations.get(packet["args"][1]) if station: riders[name] = station await chat_tell(name, "Destination set.") else: await chat_tell(name, "Try going somewhere extant.") elif packet["args"][0] == "goto": if name in known_player_locations and (time.time() - 5) <= known_player_locations[name][1]: loc = known_player_locations[name][0] await chat_tell(name, f"You are at {loc}.") station = stations.get(packet["args"][1]) if station: riders[name] = station await chat_tell(name, "Destination set. Dispensing cart.") await send({"type": "send", "channel": "comm:arr", "data": { "type": "st_cmd", "cmd": "place_cart", "cid": name, "id": loc }}) else: await chat_tell(name, "Try going somewhere extant.") else: await chat_tell(name, "You are in the wrong place.") except Exception as e: await chat_tell(name, repr(e)) async def repeatedly_do_switchcraft_chat_for_bad_reasons(): while True: try: await switchcraft_chat() except Exception as e: print("connection failed probably", e) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await asyncio.gather(clear_switches(), socket_connection(), repeatedly_do_switchcraft_chat_for_bad_reasons())