const { regex, sequenceOf, char, choice, many1, many, str, coroutine, possibly } = require("arcsecond") const readline = require("readline-sync") const spaces = regex(/^ */) const whitespace = regex(/^[ \n\t]*/) const name = regex(/^[^ \n\t():]+/) const code = many(coroutine(function*() { yield spaces return yield choice([ coroutine(function*() { yield char("(") const x = yield code yield spaces yield char(")") return x }), name ]) })) const program = sequenceOf([ many1(coroutine(function*() { yield whitespace const n = yield name yield whitespace yield str(":=") const c = yield code return { code: c, name: n } })), possibly(whitespace) ]).map(([x, _]) => x) const parsed =`_mulloop := (pop warp new new new new new new new new new new warp _mulloop) 10* := warp new enter warp _mulloop exit pop warp exit send warp enter [ := new enter 0 := 10* 1 := 10* new 2 := 10* new new 3 := 10* new new new 4 := 10* new new new new 5 := 10* new new new new new 6 := 10* new new new new new new 7 := 10* new new new new new new new 8 := 10* new new new new new new new new 9 := 10* new new new new new new new new new ] := exit . := ] write [ main := [ 7 2 . 1 0 1 . 1 0 8 . 1 0 8 . 1 1 1 . 4 4 . 3 2 . 1 1 9 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 4 . 1 0 8 . 1 0 0 . 3 3 . 1 0 . ] `).result //const parsed =`main := read write main`).result // --------- let stackL = {depth: 0, children: []}, stackR = {depth: 0, children: []}; let currentIsLeft = true; function depthDelta(x) { if(currentIsLeft) stackL["depth"]+=x; else stackR["depth"]+=x; } function currentStack() { let depth, currentStack; if(currentIsLeft) { depth = stackL["depth"]; currentStack = stackL["children"]; } else { depth = stackR["depth"]; currentStack = stackR["children"]; } for(let i = 0; i < depth; i++) { const s = currentStack.length - 1 currentStack = currentStack[s]; } return currentStack; } // --------- function wrap_new() { currentStack().push([]); } function wrap_pop() { currentStack().pop(); } function wrap_enter() { depthDelta(1) } function wrap_exit() { depthDelta(-1) } function wrap_warp() { currentIsLeft = !currentIsLeft; } function wrap_send() { let toMove = currentStack().pop(); wrap_warp(); currentStack().push(toMove); wrap_warp() } function wrap_read(n) { let thisStack = []; for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) { thisStack.push([]); } currentStack().push(thisStack); } function wrap_write() { return currentStack().pop().length; } // --------- const env = { warp: wrap_warp, read: () => { wrap_read(readline.question("input char: ").codePointAt(0)) }, write: () => { console.log("output char:", String.fromCodePoint(wrap_write())) }, send: wrap_send, exit: wrap_exit, enter: wrap_enter, pop: wrap_pop, new: wrap_new, } for (const def of parsed) { env[] = def.code } const DEBUG = false const execute = code => { for (const fn of code) { //console.log("stacks", stackL, stackR) // is bracketed, run if stack not empty if (Array.isArray(fn)) { if (currentStack().length !== 0) { if (DEBUG) console.log("brackets", fn) execute(fn) } // is a regular function call or whatever, run it } else { const v = env[fn] if (!v) { throw new Error(fn + " is undefined") } if (typeof v === "function") { if (DEBUG) console.log("builtin", fn) v() } else { if (DEBUG) console.log("normal", fn) execute(v) } } } } execute(env.main)