local function update() local h = http.get "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/osmarks/misc/master/computercraft/lms.lua" local f = fs.open(shell.getRunningProgram(), "w") f.write(h.readAll()) f.close() h.close() end if ... == "update" then update() end local m = peripheral.find "modem" local s = peripheral.find "speaker" local chan = 3636 print "Welcome to the Lightweight Messaging System (developed by GTech Potatronics)" m.open(chan) local username = settings.get "lms.username" if username == nil then write "Username: " username = read() end local w, h = term.getSize() local send_window = window.create(term.current(), 1, h, w, 1) local message_window = window.create(term.current(), 1, 1, w, h - 1) local function notification_sound() if s then for i = 4, 12, 4 do s.playNote("flute", 3, i) sleep(0.2) end end end local function exec_in_window(w, f) local x, y = term.getCursorPos() local last = term.redirect(w) f() term.redirect(last) w.redraw() term.setCursorPos(x, y) end local function print_message(txt) exec_in_window(message_window, function() print(txt) end) end local function trim(s) return s:match( "^%s*(.-)%s*$" ) end local banned_text = { "yeet", "ecs dee", "dab", } if debug and debug.getmetatable then _G.getmetatable = debug.getmetatable end local function to_case_insensitive(text) return text:gsub("[a-zA-Z]", function(char) return ("[%s%s]"):format(char:lower(), char:upper()) end) end local function filter(text) local out = text for _, b in pairs(banned_text) do out = out:gsub(to_case_insensitive(b), "") end return out end local function strip_extraneous_spacing(text) return text:gsub("%s+", " ") end local function collapse_e_sequences(text) return text:gsub("ee+", "ee") end local function preproc(text) return trim(filter(strip_extraneous_spacing(collapse_e_sequences(text:sub(1, 128))))) end local function add_message(msg, usr) local msg, usr = preproc(msg), preproc(usr) if msg == "" or usr == "" then return end print_message(usr .. ": " .. msg) end local function send() term.redirect(send_window) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white) term.setTextColor(colors.black) term.clear() local hist = {} while true do local msg = read(nil, hist) if msg == "!!exit" then return elseif msg == "!!update" then update() print_message "Updated. Please restart the program." else table.insert(hist, msg) if preproc(msg) == "" then print_message "Your message is considered spam." else add_message(msg, username:sub(1, 16)) m.transmit(chan, chan, { message = msg, username = username }) end end end end local function recv() while true do local _, _, channel, _, message = os.pullEvent "modem_message" if channel == chan and type(message) == "table" and message.message and message.username and type(message.message) == "string" and type(message.username) == "string" then notification_sound() add_message(message.message, message.username) end end end m.transmit(chan, chan, { username = username, message = "Connected." }) parallel.waitForAny(send, recv)