use rusqlite::types::ToSql; use rusqlite::{params, Connection}; use std::io::BufRead; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use regex::Regex; use std::io::Seek; lazy_static! { static ref INDEX_LINE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(\d+):(\d+):(.+)$").unwrap(); } fn decompress_file(filename: &str) -> std::io::Result>>> { let file = std::fs::File::open(filename)?; let file = std::io::BufReader::new(file); let file = bzip2::bufread::BzDecoder::new(file); Ok(std::io::BufReader::new(file)) } fn import(filename: &str, conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<(), Box> { let file = decompress_file(filename)?; let tx = conn.transaction()?; tx.execute("DELETE FROM page_locations", params![])?; for line in file.lines() { let line = &(line)?; let caps = INDEX_LINE_RE.captures(line).unwrap(); let title = String::from(caps.get(3).unwrap().as_str()); let start = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse::()?; tx.execute("INSERT INTO page_locations (title, start) VALUES (?1, ?2)", params![title, start])?; } tx.commit()?; conn.execute("VACUUM", params![])?; Ok(()) } fn view(page: &str, conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<(), Box> { let result: Option> = conn.prepare("SELECT start FROM page_locations WHERE title = ?1")?.query_map(params![page], |row| { Ok(row.get(0)?) })?.nth(0); match result { Some(start) => { let start = start?; let file = std::fs::File::open("data.bz2")?; let mut file = std::io::BufReader::new(file); as u64))?; let file = bzip2::bufread::BzDecoder::new(file); let file = std::io::BufReader::new(file); for result in parse_mediawiki_dump::parse(file) { match result { Err(error) => { eprintln!("Parse Error: {}", error); break; }, Ok(page) => if page.namespace == 0 && match &page.format { None => false, Some(format) => format == "text/x-wiki" } && match &page.model { None => false, Some(model) => model == "wikitext" } { println!( "The page {title:?} is an ordinary article with byte length {length}.", title = page.title, length = page.text.len() ); } else { println!("The page {:?} has something special to it.", page.title); } } } }, None => { eprintln!("{} not found", page); } }; Ok(()) } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut conn = Connection::open("database.sqlite")?; conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS page_locations ( title TEXT PRIMARY KEY, start INTEGER )", params![], )?; let args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); match args[1].as_str() { "import" => import("index.bz2", &mut conn)?, "view" => view(&args[2], &mut conn)?, _ => eprintln!("Invalid argument {}", args[1]) }; Ok(()) }