import sys import importlib import subprocess import ctypes import random import traceback import textwrap import json import os import shutil try: from tqdm import tqdm, trange except ImportError: print("`tqdm` not found. there will be no progress bars") def tqdm(x): return x trange = range filename = sys.argv[1] if filename.endswith(".py"): print("importing as Python...") module = importlib.import_module(filename.removesuffix(".py")) print("done.") try: entry = module.entry except AttributeError: print("module is missing entrypoint `entry`. aborting.") sys.exit(1) elif filename.endswith(".c"): print("compiling as C with `gcc`...") obj = "./" + filename.removesuffix(".c") + ".so" rc =["gcc", "-shared", "-fPIC", *sys.argv[2:], filename, "-o", obj]) if rc != 0: print("compilation failed. aborting.") sys.exit(rc) lib = ctypes.CDLL(obj) try: entry = lambda s: lib.entry(s.encode()) except AttributeError: print("library is missing entrypoint `entry`. aborting.") sys.exit(1) elif filename.endswith(".rs"): print("compiling as Rust...") os.makedirs("./entry-rs/src", exist_ok=True) with open("./entry-rs/Cargo.toml", "w") as f: f.write(""" [package] name = "entry-rs" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [lib] name = "entry_rs" crate-type = ["cdylib"] [dependencies.pyo3] version = "0.14.5" features = ["extension-module"] """) with open("./entry-rs/src/", "w") as f: f.write(""" use pyo3::prelude::*; mod entry_impl; use entry_impl::entry; #[pyfunction] fn wrapped_entry(s: &str) -> PyResult { Ok(entry(s)) } #[pymodule] fn entry_rs(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> { m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(wrapped_entry, m)?)?; Ok(()) } """) shutil.copyfile(filename, "./entry-rs/src/") os.chdir("entry-rs") rc =["cargo", "build", "--release"]) os.chdir("..") if rc != 0: print("compilation failed. aborting.") sys.exit(1) sys.path.append("./entry-rs/target/release") os.rename("./entry-rs/target/release/", "./entry-rs/target/release/") module = importlib.import_module("entry_rs") entry = module.wrapped_entry else: print("unrecognized file extension") sys.exit(1) tests = [ ("zero", "0", True), ("leadingws", "\n\t 0", True), ("trailingws", "0\n\t ", True), ("one", "1", True), ("negativezero", "-0", True), ("negativeone", "-1", True), ("wsisbadhere", "- 1", False), ("multidigit", "100", True), ("leadingzero", "01", False), ("noplus", "+1", False), ("decimal", "1.0", True), ("leadingdot", ".0", False), ("trailingdot", "0.", False), ("bigdecimal", "13847432.35809092", True), ("scientific", "1e2", True), ("bigscientific", "-2376420.0033533e533", True), ("capitalscientific", "2E3", True), ("scientificminus", "2e-3", True), ("scientificplusisokay", "2E+3", True), ("nowshere", "2 e + 3", False), ("integerexponent", "2e3.0", False), ("emptystring", r'""', True), ("notemptystring", r'"not empty"', True), ("escapes", r'"\n\t\r\f\b\/"', True), ("unicodeescape", r'"\uaA0b"', True), ("moreescapes", r'"\\ \" "', True), ("evilescape", r'"\"', False), ("manybackslashes", r'"\\\\\\\\"', True), ("evilmanybackslashes", r'"\\\\\\\\\"', False), ("invalidescape", r'"\j"', False), ("invalidunicodeescape", r'"\u000j"', False), ("bigstring", r'"greetings people. this is a big string. \\[}[{]}}\"&*%4783.02 I am trying to break your code. am I doing a good job?\nplease say I am\\\\"', True), ("emptyarray", "[]", True), ("lessemptyarray", "[0]", True), ("evenlessemptyarray", "[0, 1]", True), ("heterogenousarray", '[0, 2.0, "string"]', True), ("unclosedarray", "[0", False), ("trailingcomma", "[0,]", False), ("leadingcomma", "[,0]", False), ("leadingcommaobj", '{,"bee":-4}', False), ("gap", "[0,,1]", False), ("nesting", "[[], [1, [2, []], [3, 4]]]", True), ("hugenest", "[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]", True), ("emptyobject", "{}", True), ("singletonobject", r'{"key": "value"}', True), ("imaginebeinghetero", r'{"key": "value", "otherkey": 1}', True), ("keysarestrings", "{0: 0}", False), ("dupesareokay", r'{"key": 0, "key": 1}', True), ("stillnotrailingcomma", r'{"key": "value",}', False), ("mixing", r'[0, {"O.O": [{"object in a list in an object in a list\nwhat will it do": "it will do this"}]}]', True), ("whitespacesilliness", '[ \t 0 , { "whitespace4all" : \n {"woah" :[\n [ \n ] ,0 ]} \t}]', True), ("true", "true", True), # hehe ("false", "false", True), ("null", "null", True), ("nototherstuff", "asdf", False), ("alltogethernow", r""" { "this": "a JSON value", "people": [ { "name": "christina", "value": 1e100 }, { "name": "everyone else probably\nidk", "value": 0.0e0 } ], "peoplecoolerthanchristina": { "value": null, "ready": false, "status": "still processing" } } """, True), ("noextradata", '["stuff"]extra stuff', False), ] print("beginning testing suite") failures = 0 for test_name, value, result in tqdm(tests): print(f"`{test_name}`... ", end="") try: r = entry(value) except BaseException: print("error") traceback.print_exc() failures += 1 continue if bool(r) == result: print("ok") else: failures += 1 print("failed") print(f"for test `{test_name}`:") print(textwrap.indent(value, " "*2)) print(f"entry returned {r} when {result} was expected\n") if not failures: print("test suite finished, all ok") else: print(f"test suite finished. {failures} tests failed\n\n") print("skipping randomized testing because your program is clearly broken and the output from those isn't very helpful for finding bugs") sys.exit(2) l = [r'\"', r'\\', r'\b', r'\f', r'\n', r'\r', r'\t', rf"\u{random.randint(0x0000, 0xFFFF):04{random.choice('xX')}}", *map(chr, range(ord(" "), ord("}")+1))] l.remove("\\") l.remove('"') def gen_random_string(): s = '"' for _ in range(random.randint(0, 8)): s += random.choice(l) s += '"' return wsify(s) def wsify(s): return s + random.choice(" \t\n")*random.randint(0, 2) def gen_random_json(n=1): if n >= 12: t = random.choice(["sentinel", "number", "string"]) else: t = random.choice(["sentinel", "number", "array", "object", "string", "string", "number", "sentinel"]) if t == "sentinel": return wsify(random.choice(["true", "false", "null"])) elif t == "string": return gen_random_string() elif t == "array": return wsify("[") + wsify(",").join(gen_random_json(n+1) for _ in range(5)) + wsify("]") elif t == "object": return wsify("{") + wsify(",").join(gen_random_string() + ":" + gen_random_json(n+1) for _ in range(5)) + wsify("}") elif t == "number": nt = random.choice(["int", "decimal", "sci"]) if nt == "int": r = str(random.randint(0, 1000000000)) elif nt == "decimal": r = str(random.uniform(0, 1000000000)) elif nt == "sci": e = random.choice(["e", "E"]) p = random.choice(["+", "-", ""]) r = f"{random.uniform(0, 1000000000)}{e}{p}{random.randint(0, 1000000000)}" else: assert False return "-"*random.randint(0, 1) + r else: assert False print("beginning randomized testing.") random_failures = 0 for _ in trange(100): j = gen_random_json() tr = True if random.randint(0, 1): j = list(j) for _ in range(20): t = random.choice(["insert", "remove", "replace", "replace", "replace"]) if not j and t in ("remove", "replace"): continue idx = random.randrange(0, len(j)+(t == "insert")) c = random.choice(["\n", "\t", " ", *map(chr, range(ord(" "), ord("}")+1))]) if t == "replace": j[idx] = c elif t == "insert": j.insert(idx, c) elif t == "remove": j.pop(idx) j = "".join(j) try: json.loads(j) except json.JSONDecodeError: tr = False try: r = entry(j) except BaseException: print("error") traceback.print_exc() random_failures += 1 continue if bool(r) != tr: print("randomized test case failed:") print(textwrap.indent(j, " "*2)) print(f"entry returned {r} when {tr} was expected\n") random_failures += 1 if not random_failures: print("randomized testing finished. all ok\n\n") else: print(f"randomized testing finished with {random_failures} failures\n\n") print("overall report:") overall = failures + random_failures if not overall: print("no failures detected. all seems well!") else: print(f"{overall} failures detected overall. you have some bugs to fix") sys.exit(2)