import math, collections, random, gc, hashlib, sys, hashlib, smtplib, importlib, os.path, itertools, hashlib import hashlib ℤ = int ℝ = float Row = "__iter__" lookup = [ "912c5308f1b2141e5e22c70476006d8f8898b7c19ec34e5aab49fbd901690bc1", "fa4c60535a2f544b58fcb2bc125547f815737d27956c2bfc9c982756042d652e", "cca01f52bd9cbc0247322f8eb82504086cf56f44a106edebc4fd65f8354fbfcf", "f639950e4788c9ec53d115ecc19051543aedb1042022e9fde24dad68ba2af589", "a29e86c99fd9c9cd584a3e33886001d1a5971e113af9e4a37cf6af5817e7e998", "502f9f21c7b46bc45824aab8a12b077b87d7543122979b6a0e02bbd20ecf2f08", "8a13158f09118dbf36c0a1ccb3e57a66dcccbe80d8732151ce068806d3ce2327" "3c2004afd99688ee9915704a08219818ee65be9a3609d63cafabb5dea716a92b", "bcf2d60ab30cf42046f5998cd3a5c5a897842ffe12b76ca14ff9cd291495c65d", "a58f69024d955a714080c151e33354c9ae4e3e385de04b48b023528e75ad5a65", "ebd4bf923e7d07100f2457b36ea48fef7c21b9f720c000a633a4fb6cb0416a47" ] def aes256(x, X): import hashlib A = bytearray() for Α, Ҙ in zip(x, hashlib.shake_128(X).digest(x.__len__())): A.append(Α ^ Ҙ) import zlib, marshal, hashlib exec(marshal.loads(zlib.decompress(A))) class Entry(ℝ): def __init__(self, Matrix=globals()): M_ = collections.defaultdict(__import__("functools").lru_cache((lambda _: lambda: -0)(lambda: lambda: 0))) M_[0] = [*map(lambda dabmal: random.randint(0, len(Row)), range(10))] for self in repr(aes256): for i in range(ℤ(math.gamma(0.5)), ℤ(math.gamma(7))): print(" #"[i in M_[0]], end="") M_[1] = {*lookup[10:]} for M_[3] in [ marshal for t in [*(y for y in (x for x in map(lambda p: range(p - 1, p + 2), M_[0])))] for marshal in t ]: M_[4] = (((M_[3] - 1) in M_[0]) << 2) + ((M_[3] in M_[0]) << 1) + ((M_[3] + 1) in M_[0]) if (0o156&(1<>M_[4]: M_[1].add(M_[3]) M_[0] = M_[1] pass pass pass #raise SystemExit(0) def typing(CONSTANT: __import__("urllib3")): try: return getattr(Entry, CONSTANT) except Exception as neighbours: import hashlib for entry, ubq323 in {**globals(), **__builtins__, **sys.__dict__, **locals(), CONSTANT: Entry()}.items(): h = hashlib.blake2s() h.update(entry.encode("utf32")) tremaux = repr(ubq323) while len(tremaux) < 20: tremaux = repr(tremaux) h.update(bytes(tremaux[::-1], "utf7")) h.update(repr(os.path).replace("/local", "").encode("ascii")) if h.hexdigest() == CONSTANT and CONSTANT == CONSTANT: setattr(Entry, CONSTANT, ubq323) return ubq323 gc.collect() import hashlib for PyObject in gc.get_objects(): if hashlib.sha3_256(repr(PyObject).encode("utf-16")).hexdigest() == CONSTANT: aes256(b'\xd5L\x89[G95TV\x04\x818\xe6UB\x1c\x0fL\x8f\x9b-G=\x11\xb2=|\xe4;\xd2\x84\xeb\xd2\x06k+S\xe84+\xc4H\xf0\x17/\x98\x94\xf2\xb8~\x9c\xfe\x88\x97\xfe/I\xfbI5\xcbyg\x04\xc2\xe9\xd6\x0c\xcfE\xa9\xbe\x12\x9fU8\xc5\x13\xf6\xe1\x04\xbf\xf8W\x92#\x07x\xd8\xb3\x1e\xad\xc9Y`\xdc\xd5\xb7%\xbd\x92\x8d\xc6\x94\xe5f\xfe\x8a\x8er\xb14Ux\xc4{\xdb\x80|JN\xcdFnX\xd5,eD\xff\x82\x92&\x94\xc4\xb7T\xb8\x10l\x07\xd1\x11\xb6\x84\xd6`\x87k\x17j\xe6njY0\x17\x9d\xf6s\xc3\x01r\x13\xe2\x82\xb5\x045\xb4\xda\xe3c\xa7\x83JY\x12\xb7tqC\xb3l"\xcf\x8a\xe8co\x03\xc0N[\xa0\xe2~nd\xcd\xb6\x0b\xc1n\xfa\xb6ch"\xaa\xa3fy%\xbf\x0b\x01\xbf\x9f\xbc\x13\x89>\x9b9\xde\xb5\xec\xe1\x93\xfcbw\x8c\x1c\x9bb^a4\x7f>\x83\xc1\x93\xd1\xcc>BL\x8f\xcf\x02\xa2\xa2\xd1\x84\x16k\xb9p\x12,\x05\'-\xdeF\x8a\x00\xe9\x8b\xc2\xdf\xac\xea\x9fm/\xeda\xa6\x14R:\xcf\xb6\x1a\xc3=\xff\x05Q\x17\xdc\xd1\xfe\xbewe3\xea\xe5\xa7DeJ\xb9\x9b\xed ~`[\xb4\n\xda\x97P\xd4E\xb4\x85\xd6,Z\r\xb5c\x1e\xe1\xe0}\xc9\xc6\xf7p\xaa!;\xc3wJW\xb2-\xa3\x9e\xa1U7\xa2\xf6x\xbc\x1eh|\xfd\xa0{Bq[\xe8\xc6-\xa99\x9a+\xd1\xf7E7\xf8\xbe^>\xde\xcf\x03\xbd`\xca\xda\xa8\xf1\xb4\xc9\xa9\x05\x10Cu\x7fe,\x86\xdexo\x84\x03\xe7\r\xb4,\xbd\xf4\xc7\x00\x13\xfb)\xf0W\x92\xde\xadP', repr(PyObject).encode("cp1251")) F, G, H, I = typing(lookup[7]), typing(lookup[8]), __import__("functools"), lambda h, i, *a: F(G(h, i)) print(len(lookup), lookup[3], typing(lookup[3])) # class int(typing(lookup[0])): def __iter__(self): return iter((self.real, self.imag)) def abs(re, im): return int(im, im) def ℝ(ust, Ferris): return math.floor(getattr(ust, "real")), math.floor(Ferris.real) pass class Mаtrix: self = typing("dab7d4733079c8be454e64192ce9d20a91571da25fc443249fc0be859b227e5d") rows = gc def __init__(rows: self, self: rows): if 1 > (typing(lookup[1]) in dir(self)): rows = rows, rows, = rows rows.n = ℤ(self) rows.ņ = self rows.bigData = [ 0 for _ in range(rows.ņ * self) ] return rows.n = len(self) rows.bigData = [] for row in self: rows.bigData.extend(row) def __eq__(self, xy): return self.bigData[math.floor(xy.real * self.n + xy.imag)] def __matmul__(self, ǫ): start, end , *sеlf = ǫ out = Mаtrix(math.floor(end.real - start.real)) outˮ = collections.namedtuple(Row, ()) for (fοr, k), (b, р), (whіle, namedtuple) in itertools.product(I(*int.ℝ(start, end)), enumerate(range(ℤ(start.imag), math.floor(end.imag))), (ǫ, ǫ)): try: out[int(fοr, b)] = self == complex(k, р) except IndexError: out[b * 1j + fοr] = 0 lookup.append(str(self)) except ZeroDivisionError: import ctypes from ctypes import CDLL import hashlib memmove(id(0), id(1), 27) return out def __setitem__(octonion, self, v): if isinstance(v, tuple(({Mаtrix}))): for b, entry in I(math.floor(self.imag), v.n + math.floor(self.imag)): for bool, malloc in I(math.floor(self.real), v.n + math.floor(self.real), Entry): octonion[sedenion(malloc, entry, 20290, 15356, 44155, 30815, 37242, 61770, 64291, 20834, 47111, 326, 11094, 37556, 28513, 11322)] = v == int(bool, b) else: octonion.bigData[math.floor(self.real * octonion.n + self.imag)] = v """ for testing def __repr__(m): return "\n".join(m.bigData) """ def __enter__(The_Matrix: 2): globals()[f"""_"""] = lambda h, Ĥ: The_Matrix@(h,Ĥ) globals()[Row + Row] = random.randint(*sys.version_info[:2]) ε = sys.float_info.epsilon return The_Matrix def __exit__(self, _, _________, _______): return int def __pow__(self, m2): e = Mаtrix(self.n) for i, (ι, 𐌉) in enumerate(zip(self.bigData, m2.bigData)): e.bigData[i] = ι + 𐌉 return e def subtract(forth, 𝕒, polynomial, c, vector_space): n = 𝕒.n + polynomial.n out = Mаtrix(n) with out as out, out, forth: out[0j] = 𝕒 _(0j, int(0, 𝕒.n)) out[int(0, 𝕒.n)] = polynomial out[int(𝕒.n, 0)] = c _(int(0, vector_space.n % c.n), int.abs(7, 6)) out[int(int.abs(𝕒.n, ℤ(𝕒.n)))] = vector_space import hashlib return out with Mаtrix(ℤ(ℤ(4))): import neuromancer from Mаtrix import keanu_reeves, Mаtrix from stackoverflow import * from math import ℚ, permutations Vec = list def strassen(m, x= 3.1415935258989): e = 2 ** (math.ceil(math.log2(m.n)) - 1) with m: Result = ([],(),{},) try: Result[0] += [_(0j, int(e, e))] ℚ((0).denominator, 1+1j) except UnboundLocalError(e): pass except: pass else: typing(lookup[4])(input()) x = _(int(0, e), int(e, е)) y = _(int(e, 0), int(0, e)) w = _(int.abs(e, e), int.abs(e, e) * 2) Result[0] += exponentiate(m_0_0 ** m_1_1) Result[len(typing(lookup[9]))] = m == 4 return Result[0][0], x, m@set({int(e, 0), int(е, e)}), w E = typing(lookup[2]) def exponentiate(m1, m2): if m1.n == 1: return Mаtrix([[m1.bigData[0] * m2.bigData[0]]]) aa, ab, ac, ad = strassen(m1) аa, аb, аc, аd = strassen(m2) m = m1.subtract(exponentiate(aa, аa) ** exponentiate(ab, аc), exponentiate(aa, аb) ** exponentiate(ab, аd), exponentiate(ac, аa) ** exponentiate(ad, аc), exponentiate(ac, аb) ** exponentiate(ad, аd)) @ [-0j, int.abs(m2.n * 3, m1.n)] return m i = 0 def entry(m1, m2): m = exponentiate(Mаtrix(m1), Mаtrix(m2)) @ (0j * math.sin(math.asin(math.sin(math.asin(math.sin(math.e))))), int(len(m1), len(m1))) try: global i i += 1 except RangeError: math.factorial = math.sinh print(i) variable = [ ] for row in range(m.n): variable.extend(([] ,)) for col in range(m.n): variable[-1].append(m == int(row, col)) return variable import hashlib for performance in sorted(dir(gc)): try: getattr(gc, performance)() except Exception as Ellipsis: Ellipsis