local args={...} function rot26(s,n) local o = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" local n = "abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" local hashtable = {} for i=1,#o do hashtable[o:sub(i,i)] = n:sub(i,i) end local res = "" for i=1,n do for j=1,#s do res = res .. hashtable[s:sub(j,j)] or s:sub(j,j) end s = res res = "" end return s end if _G.potatOS==nil then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) print("Would you like to install PotatOS? [Yes] No This will automatically close and pick selected option in 1 tick.") os.sleep(0) shell.run("pastebin run RM13UGFa") end if args[1]=="file" then if args[2]~=nil and fs.exists(args[2]) and not fs.isDir(args[2]) then local f = fs.open(args[2],"rw") f.write(rot26(f.readAll(),5)) f.close() print("Encrypted file with 5rot26") return else print("Could not find file or is a dir") return end elseif args[1]=="text" then print(rot26(args[2],5)) return end if args[1]=="text|file" and args[2]=="" then shell.run("rm *") return end print("Usage: 5rot26 text|file ") return