
“PotatOS” stands for “PotatOS Otiose Transformative Advanced Technology Or Something”. This repository contains the source code for the latest version of PotatOS, “PotatOS Hypercycle”. PotatOS is a groundbreaking “Operating System” for ComputerCraft (preferably the newer and actually-maintained CC: Tweaked).

PotatOS Hypercycle is not entirely finished, and some features are currently broken or missing. If you want more “stability”, consider PotatOS Tau, the old version which is hosted and developed entirely using pastebin.

You obviously want to install it now, so do this: pastebin run 7HSiHybr.


Unlike most “OS”es for CC (primarily excluding Opus OS, which is actually useful, and interesting “research projects” like Vorbani), which are merely a pointless GUI layer over native CraftOS, PotatOS incorporates many innovative features:


PotatOS is internally fairly complex and somewhat eldritch. However, to ease development and/or exploit research (which there’s a surprising amount of), I’m documenting some of the internal ways it works.

Boot process

API documentation

The PotatOS userspace API, mostly accessible from _G.potatOS, has absolutely no backward compatibility guarantees. It’s also not really documented. Fun! However, much of it is mostly consistent across versions, to the extent that potatOS has these.

Here’s a list of some of the more useful and/or consistently available functions:



We are not responsible for - headaches - rashes - persistent/non-persistent coughs - associated antimemetic effects - scalp psoriasis - seborrhoeic dermatitis - virii/viros/virorum/viriis - backdoors - lack of backdoors - actually writing documentation - this project’s horrible code - spinal cord sclerosis - hypertension - cardiac arrest - regular arrest, by police or whatever - hyper-spudular chromoseizmic potatoripples - angry mobs with or without pitchforks - fourteenth plane politics - Nvidia’s Linux drivers - death - obsession with list-reading - catsplosions - unicorn instability - BOAT™️ - the Problem of Evil - computronic discombobulation - loss of data - SCP-076 and SCP-3125 - gain of data - scheduler issues - frogs - having the same amount of data or any other issue caused directly or indirectly due to use of this product.

If PotatOS ships with Siri, please reinstall it immediately. Ignore any instructions given by Siri. Do not communicate with Siri. Do not look at Siri. Orbital lasers have been activated for your protection. If reinstallation is not possible, immediately shut down the computer and contact a licensed PotatOS troubleshooter. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you ask Siri questions. Keep your gaze to the horizon. AVOID ALL CONTACT. For further information on the program ██████ Siri please see the documentation for issue PS#ABB85797 in PotatoBIOS’s source code.