--[[ PotatOS Epenthesis - OS/Conveniently Self-Propagating System/Sandbox/Compilation of Useless Programs Best viewed in Internet Explorer 6.00000000000004 running on a Difference Engine emulated under MacOS 7 on a Pentium 3. Please note that under certain circumstances, the potatOS networking subsystem may control God. Copyright 2020 CE osmarks/gollark Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. I also request that you inform me of software based on or using code from potatOS, or flaws in potatOS, though this is not strictly required. Did you know? Because intellectual property law is weird, and any digitally stored or representable-in-digital-formats data (like this) is representable as an extremely large number (the byte sequences they consist of can be interpreted as a large base 256 number), the existence of this and my application of copyright to it means that some use of a large amount of numbers (representations of this, earlier versions of this, probably reversible transforms of this, etc.) is restricted by law. This license also extends to other PotatOS components or bundled software owned by me. ]] local w, h = term.getSize() local win = window.create(term.native(), 1, 1, w, h, true) term.redirect(win) local function capture_screen() win.setVisible(true) win.redraw() end local function uncapture_screen() win.setVisible(false) if process and process.IPC then pcall(process.IPC, "termd", "redraw_native") end end term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor(colors.lime) else term.setTextColor(colors.white) end term.setCursorBlink(false) print "Loading..." if settings.get "potatOS.rph_mode" == true then print "PotatOS Rph Compliance Mode: Enabled." return false end require "stack_trace" local json = require "json" _G.json_for_disks_and_such = json local registry = require "registry" --[[ Server Policy Framework On 12/01/2020 CE (this is probably overprecise and I doubt anyone will care, yes), there was a weird incident on SwitchCraft involving some turtles somehow getting potatOS installed (seriously, "somehow" is accurate, I have no idea what caused this and attempted to uninstall it when someone actually pinged me; I think it involved a turtle getting set to ID 0 somehow, who knows how potatOS got onto ID 0 in the first place). In light of this (and it apparently breaking rule 9, despite this not having any involvement from me except for me remotely uninstalling it), SC's admins have demanded some features be disabled (EZCopy). Since I don't really want to hardcode random SwitchCraft APIs deep in the code somewhere (it's worrying that they *have* specific ones, as it seems like some programs are being written specifically against them now - seems kind of EEE), and other people will inevitably demand their own special cases, I'm making what should be a reasonably generic way to handle this. ]] local SPF = { server_policy = { switchcraft = { ["potatOS.disable_ezcopy"] = true } }, server = nil } os.pullEvent = coroutine.yield local function get_registry(name) local ok, res = pcall(registry.get, name) if not ok then return nil end return res end -- Get a setting - uses the CC native settings API, the registry, and if nothing is specified the SPF setting local function get_setting(name) local cc_setting = settings.get(name) local reg_setting = get_registry(name) local SPF_setting if SPF.server and SPF.server_policy[SPF.server] and not get_registry "potatOS.disable_SPF" then SPF_setting = SPF.server_policy[SPF.server][name] end if cc_setting ~= nil then return cc_setting elseif reg_setting ~= nil then return reg_setting elseif SPF_setting ~= nil then return SPF_setting end end -- Detect SC for the SPF if _G.switchcraft then SPF.server = "switchcraft" end if _G.codersnet then SPF.server = "codersnet" end local function rot13(s) local out = {} for i = 1, #s do local b = s:byte(i) if b >= 97 and b <= 122 then -- lowercase letters table.insert(out, string.char((b - 84) % 26 + 97)) elseif b >= 65 and b <= 90 then -- uppercase letters table.insert(out, string.char((b - 52) % 26 + 65)) else table.insert(out, string.char(b)) end end return table.concat(out) end local debugtraceback = debug and debug.traceback local logfile = fs.open("latest.log", "a") local function add_log(...) local args = {...} local ok, err = pcall(function() local text = string.format(unpack(args)) if ccemux and ccemux.echo then ccemux.echo(text) end local line = ("[%s] <%s> %s"):format(os.date "!%X %d/%m/%Y", (process and process.running and (process.running.name or tostring(process.running.ID))) or "[n/a]", text) if get_setting "potatOS.traceback_logger" then line = line .. "\n" .. debugtraceback() end logfile.writeLine(line) logfile.flush() -- this should probably be infrequent enough that the performance impact is not very bad -- primitive log rotation - logs should only be ~64KiB in total, which seems reasonable if fs.getSize "latest.log" > 32768 then logfile.close() if fs.exists "old.log" then fs.delete "old.log" end fs.move("latest.log", "old.log") logfile = fs.open("latest.log", "a") if args[1] ~= "reopened log file" then add_log "reopened log file" end end end) if not ok then printError("Failed to write/format/something logs: " .. err) end end add_log "started up" _G.add_log = add_log local function get_log() local f = fs.open("latest.log", "r") local d = f.readAll() f.close() return d end if SPF.server then add_log("SPF initialized: server %s", SPF.server or "none") end -- print things to console for some reason? but only in CCEmuX -- this ~~is being removed~~ is now gone but I am leaving this comment here for some reason _G.os.pullEvent = coroutine.yield --[[ (Help to) fix bug PS#85DAA5A8 The `terminate` event being returned by coroutine.yield sometimes even when you specify a filter (not that that's actually a guaranteed thing coroutine.yield does, I guess; the event-driven nature of CC Lua is kind of specific to it) caused bugs in some places (YAFSS restart handling, memorably), so we restrict the return values here to actually be the right ones ]] -- Like pullEvent, but cooler. function _G.os.await_event(filter) while true do local ev = {coroutine.yield(filter)} if filter == nil or ev[1] == filter then return unpack(ev) end end end --[[ Fix bug PS#7C8125D6 By seeding the random number generator before executing `begin_uninstall_process` in user code, it was possible to force the generation of specific semiprimes with pre-known factors. The use of this random seed later in the code prevents this. ]] local secureish_randomseed = math.random(0xFFFFFFF) local version = "TuberOS" local versions = {"ErOSion", "TuberOS", "TuberculOSis", "mOSaic", "pOSitron", "ViscOSity", "AtmOSphere", "AsbestOS", "KerOSene", "ChromOSome", "GlucOSe", "MitOSis", "PhotOSynthesis", "PhilOSophy", "ApOStrophe", "AerOSol", "DisclOSure", "PhOSphorous", "CompOSition", "RepOSitory", "AlbatrOSs", "StratOSphere", "GlOSsary", "TranspOSition", "ApotheOSis", "HypnOSis", "IdiOSyncrasy", "OStrich", "ErOS", "ExplOSive", "OppOSite", "RhinocerOS", "AgnOStic", "PhOSphorescence", "CosmOS", "IonOSphere", "KaleidOScope", "cOSine", "OtiOSe", "GyrOScope", "MacrOScopic", "JuxtapOSe", "ChaOS", "ThanatOS", "AvocadOS", "IcOSahedron", "pOSsum", "albatrOSs", "crOSs", "mOSs", "purpOSe"} -- Utility functions and stuff -- Because we're COOL PEOPLE who open LOTS OF WEBSOCKETS, and don't want them to conflict, globally meddle with it for no good reason. -- Steve, this seems exploitable, it's going. -- What? How is it meant to work nestedly? - Steve --[[ Fix bug PS#334CEB26 Stop sharing websockets. This has so many problems... not just sandbox escapes but weird duplicated and missing events. Why did I add this?! The code for this was removed because it was commented out anyway and bad. ]] -- SquidDev has told me of `debug.getregistry`, so I decided to implement it. local debug_registry_mt = {} local debug_registry = setmetatable({}, debug_registry_mt) if debug then function debug.getregistry() return debug_registry end end -- Converts a hex-format signature to a nonhex one local function unhexize(key) local out = {} for i = 1, #key, 2 do local pair = key:sub(i, i + 1) table.insert(out, tonumber(pair, 16)) end return out end -- Checks if a number is prime. You would never guess it did that. You should thank me for being so helpful. function _G.isprime(n) for i = 2, math.sqrt(n) do if n % i == 0 then return false end end return true end -- Finds the first prime number after "from". Look at that really complex code. function _G.findprime(from) local i = from while true do if isprime(i) then return i end i = i + 1 end end -- Copies a table. Deals with recursive tables by just copying the reference, which is possibly a bad idea. It's probably your own fault if you give it one. local function copy(tabl) local new = {} for k, v in pairs(tabl) do if type(v) == "table" and v ~= tabl then new[k] = copy(v) else new[k] = v end end return new end -- Generates "len" random bytes (why no unicode, dan200?!) local function randbytes(len) local out = "" for i = 1, len do out = out .. string.char(math.random(0, 255)) end return out end local function clear_space(reqd) capture_screen() for _, i in pairs { ".potatOS-old-*", "ecc", ".crane-persistent", ".pkey", "workspace", "cbor.lua", "CRC", "loading", "chaos", "LICENSES", "yafss", "old.log", "potatOS/.recycle_bin/*" } do if fs.getFreeSpace "/" > (reqd + 4096) then return end for _, file in pairs(fs.find(i)) do print("Deleting", file) fs.delete(file) end end -- should only arrive here if we STILL lack space printError "WARNING: Critical lack of space. We are removing your files. Do not resist. You should have made backups." local files = fs.list "potatOS" for ix, v in ipairs(files) do local path = fs.combine("potatOS", v) files[ix] = { path, fs.getSize(path) } end table.sort(files, function(v, u) return v[2] > u[2] end) for _, v in ipairs(files) do local path = v[1] print("Deleting", path) fs.delete(path) if fs.getFreeSpace "/" > (reqd + 8192) then uncapture_screen() return end end uncapture_screen() end -- Write "c" to file "n" local function fwrite(n, c) -- detect insufficient space on main disk, deal with it if fs.getDrive(n) == "hdd" then local required_space = #c - fs.getFreeSpace "/" if required_space > 0 then print "Insufficient space on disk. Clearing space." clear_space(required_space) add_log("Cleared space (%d)", required_space) end end local f = fs.open(n, "wb") f.write(c) f.close() end -- Read file "n" local function fread(n) if not fs.exists(n) then return false end local f = fs.open(n, "rb") local out if f.readAll then out = f.readAll() else out = f.read(fs.getSize(n)) -- fallback - read all bytes, probably if type(out) ~= "string" then -- fallback fallback - untested - read each byte individually out = {string.char(out)} while true do local next = f.read() if not next then out = table.concat(out) break end table.insert(out, string.char(next)) end end end f.close() return out end _G.fread = fread _G.fwrite = fwrite -- Set key in .settings local function set(k, v) settings.set(k, v) settings.save(".settings") end -- Help with tracking generation count when potatOS does EZCopying local gen_count = settings.get "potatOS.gen_count" local ancestry = settings.get "potatOS.ancestry" if type(gen_count) ~= "number" then set("potatOS.gen_count", 0) gen_count = 0 end if type(ancestry) ~= "table" then set("potatOS.ancestry", {}) ancestry = {} end -- Checks that "sig" is a valid signature for "data" (i.e. signed with the potatOS master key). Used for disk and formerly tape verification. -- Planned: maybe a more complex chain-of-trust scheme to avoid having to sign *everything* with the master key & revocations, -- plus update verification? local function verify(data, sig) local pkey = textutils.unserialise(fread "signing-key.tbl") local e = require "ecc" "ecc" local ok, res = pcall(e.verify, pkey, data, sig) print("ERR:", not ok, "\nRES:", res) return ok and res end -- Spawn a background process to update location every minute local location if process then process.spawn(function() local m = peripheral.find("modem", function(_, p) return p.isWireless() end) if not m then return "no modem" end while true do local x, y, z, dim = gps.locate() if x then location = {x, y, z, dim} end sleep(60) end end, "locationd") end -- Just a function to get the locationd-gotten location so it can be provided in the potatOS environment local function get_location() if not location then return nil end return unpack(location) end local function dump_peripherals() local x = {} for _, name in pairs(peripheral.getNames()) do x[name] = peripheral.getType(name) end return x end local last_loaded local function set_last_loaded(x) last_loaded = x end local executing_disk -- Get data which is probably sufficient to uniquely identify a computer on a server. function _G.get_host(no_extended) local out = { label = os.getComputerLabel(), ID = os.getComputerID(), lua_version = _VERSION, CC_host = _HOST, build = _G.build_number, craftOS_version = os.version(), debug_available = _G.debug ~= nil, ingame_location = location, SPF_server = SPF.server, CC_default_settings = _CC_DEFAULT_SETTINGS, turtle = _G.turtle ~= nil, pocket = _G.pocket ~= nil, advanced = term.isColor(), system_clock = os.clock(), disk_ID = executing_disk, gen_count = gen_count, uuid = settings.get "potatOS.uuid", timestamp_UTC = os.epoch "utc", distribution_server = settings.get "potatOS.distribution_server", world_time = os.time(), world_day = os.day(), local_dt = os.date() } if _G.ccemux and _G.ccemux.nanoTime and _G.ccemux.getVersion then out.nanotime = _G.ccemux.nanoTime() out.CCEmuX_version = _G.ccemux.getVersion() end if _G.process and type(_G.process.running) == "table" then out.process = _G.process.running.name end if no_extended ~= true then local ok, err = pcall(get_log) out.log = err --[[ Apparently CraftOS-PC ASKS to read this now! Ridiculous, right? if _G.mounter then local ok, err = pcall(craftOS_PC_read_OS) out.OS_data = err end ]] local ok, err = pcall(dump_peripherals) out.peripherals = err end if _G.debug then out.stack = debug.traceback() end return out end -- Reports provided incidents to Santa, or possibly just me. Not Steve. See xkcd.com/838. Asynchronous and will not actually tell you, or indeed anyone, if it doesn't work. --[[ PS#C23E2F6F Now actually report... well, some classes of error, definitely some incidents... to help with debugging. Also tracking down of culprits. ]] function _G.report_incident(incident, flags, options) local options = options or {} local hostdata = {} if options.disable_host_data ~= true then hostdata = get_host(options.disable_extended_data or false) end if type(options.extra_meta) == "table" then for k, v in pairs(options.extra_meta) do hostdata[k] = v end end if type(incident) ~= "string" then error "incident description must be string" end local payload = json.encode { report = incident, host = hostdata, code = options.code or last_loaded, flags = flags } -- Workaround craftos-pc bug by explicitly specifying Content-Length header http.request { url = "https://spudnet.osmarks.net/report", body = payload, headers = { ["content-type"] = "application/json", -- Workaround for CraftOS-PC bug where it apparently sends 0, which causes problems in the backend ["content-length"] = #payload }, method = "POST" } add_log("reported an incident %s", incident) end local disk_code_template = [[ settings.set("potatOS.gen_count", %d) settings.set("potatOS.ancestry", %s) settings.set("potatOS.distribution_server", %q) settings.save ".settings" pcall(fs.delete, "startup") shell.run %q shell.run "startup" ]] local function generate_disk_code() local an = copy(ancestry) table.insert(an, os.getComputerID()) local manifest = settings.get "potatOS.distribution_server" or "https://osmarks.net/stuff/potatos/manifest" return disk_code_template:format( gen_count + 1, textutils.serialise(an), manifest, ("wget %q startup"):format((registry.get "potatOS.current_manifest.base_URL" or manifest:gsub("/manifest$", "")) .. "/autorun.lua") ) end -- Upgrade other disks to contain potatOS and/or load debug programs (mostly the "OmniDisk") off them. local function process_disk(disk_side) local mp = disk.getMountPath(disk_side) if not mp then return end local ds = fs.combine(mp, "startup") -- Find paths to startup and signature files local disk_ID = disk.getID(disk_side) local sig_file = fs.combine(mp, "signature") -- shell.run disks marked with the Brand of PotatOS -- except not actually, it's cool and uses load now if fs.exists(ds) and fs.exists(sig_file) then local code = fread(ds) local sig_raw = fread(sig_file) local sig if sig_raw:find "{" then sig = textutils.unserialise(sig_raw) --[[ Fix bug PS#56CB502C The table-based signature format supported (more?) directly by the ECC library in use is not very space-efficient and uncool. This makes it support hexadecimal-format signatures, which look nicer. ]] else sig = unhexize(sig_raw) end disk.eject(disk_side) if verify(code, sig) then -- run code, but safely (via pcall) -- print output for debugging print "Signature Valid; PotatOS Disk Loading" add_log("loading code off disk (side %s)", disk_side) local out, err = load(code, "@disk/startup", nil, _ENV) if not out then add_log("disk load failed with error %s", err) printError(err) else executing_disk = disk_ID local ok, res = pcall(out, { side = disk_side, mount_path = mp, ID = disk_ID }) if ok then print(textutils.serialise(res)) else add_log("disk failed: %s", textutils.serialise(res)) printError(res) end executing_disk = nil end else printError "Invalid Signature!" printError "Initiating Procedure 5." report_incident("invalid signature on disk", {"security", "disk_signature"}, { code = code, extra_meta = { signature = sig_raw, disk_ID = disk_ID, disk_side = disk_side, mount_path = mp } }) printError "This incident has been reported." end -- if they're not PotatOS'd, write it on else if get_setting "potatOS.disable_ezcopy" then return end fs.delete(ds) add_log("EZCopy(tm)ed to disk, side %s", disk_side) local code = generate_disk_code() fwrite(ds, code) end end -- Upgrade disks when they're put in and on boot local function disk_handler() -- I would use peripheral.find, but CC's disk API is weird. -- Detect disks initially for _, n in pairs(peripheral.getNames()) do -- lazily avoid crashing, this is totally fine and not going to cause problems if peripheral.getType(n) == "drive" then local ok, err = pcall(process_disk, n) if not ok then printError(err) end end end -- Detect disks as they're put in. Mwahahahaha. -- Please note that this is for definitely non-evil purposes only. while true do local ev, disk_side = os.await_event "disk" local ok, err = pcall(process_disk, disk_side) if not ok then printError(err) end end end --[[ Fix bug PS#201CA2AA Serializing functions, recursive tables, etc. - this is done fairly often - can cause a complete crash of the SPUDNET process. This fixes that. ]] -- Serialize safely (i.e. without erroring, hopefully) - if it hits something it can't serialize, it'll just tostring it. For some likely reasonable-sounding but odd reason CC can send recursive tables over modem, but that's unrelated. function safe_json_serialize(x, prev) local t = type(x) if t == "number" then if x ~= x or x <= -math.huge or x >= math.huge then return tostring(x) end return string.format("%.14g", x) elseif t == "string" then return json.encode(x) elseif t == "table" then prev = prev or {} local as_array = true local max = 0 for k in pairs(x) do if type(k) ~= "number" then as_array = false break end if k > max then max = k end end if as_array then for i = 1, max do if x[i] == nil then as_array = false break end end end if as_array then local res = {} for i, v in ipairs(x) do table.insert(res, safe_json_serialize(v)) end return "["..table.concat(res, ",").."]" else local res = {} for k, v in pairs(x) do table.insert(res, json.encode(tostring(k)) .. ":" .. safe_json_serialize(v)) end return "{"..table.concat(res, ",").."}" end elseif t == "boolean" then return tostring(x) elseif x == nil then return "null" else return json.encode(tostring(x)) end end local external_ip = nil -- Powered by SPUDNET, the simple way to include remote debugging services in *your* OS. Contact Gollark today. local function websocket_remote_debugging() if not http or not http.websocket then return "Websockets do not actually exist on this platform" end local ws local function send_packet(msg) --ws.send(safe_serialize(msg)) ws.send(safe_json_serialize(msg), true) end local function send(data) send_packet { type = "send", channel = "client:potatOS", data = data } end local function connect() if ws then ws.close() end ws, err = http.websocket "wss://spudnet.osmarks.net/v4?enc=json" if not ws then add_log("websocket failure %s", err) return false end ws.url = "wss://spudnet.osmarks.net/v4?enc=json" send_packet { type = "identify", request_ip = true, implementation = string.format("PotatOS %s on %s", (settings.get "potatOS.current_hash" or "???"):sub(1, 8), _HOST) } send_packet { type = "set_channels", channels = { "client:potatOS" } } add_log("websocket connected") return true end local function try_connect_loop() while not connect() do sleep(0.5) end end try_connect_loop() local function recv() while true do local e, u, x, b = os.await_event "websocket_message" if u == ws.url then return json.decode(x) end end end local ping_timeout_timer = nil process.thread(function() while true do local _, t = os.await_event "timer" if t == ping_timeout_timer and ping_timeout_timer then -- 15 seconds since last ping, we probably got disconnected add_log "timed out, attempting reconnect" try_connect_loop() end end end, "ping-timeout") while true do -- Receive and run code which is sent via SPUDNET -- Also handle SPUDNETv4 protocol, primarily pings local packet = recv() --add_log("test %s", textutils.serialise(packet)) if packet.type == "ping" then send_packet { type = "pong", seq = packet.seq } if ping_timeout_timer then os.cancelTimer(ping_timeout_timer) end ping_timeout_timer = os.startTimer(15) elseif packet.type == "error" then add_log("SPUDNET error %s %s %s %s", packet["for"], packet.error, packet.detail, textutils.serialise(packet)) elseif packet.type == "message" then local code = packet.data if type(code) == "string" then _G.wsrecv = recv _G.wssend = send _G.envrequire = require _G.rawws = ws add_log("SPUDNET command - %s", code) local f, errr = load(code, "@", "t", _G) if f then -- run safely in background, send back response process.thread(function() local resp = {pcall(f)} send(resp) end, "spudnetexecutor") else send {false, errr} end end elseif packet.type == "ok" then if packet.result and packet.result.ip then external_ip = packet.result.ip add_log("IP is %s", external_ip) end end end end -- Yes, it isn't startup! The process manager has to run as that. Well, it doesn't have to, but it does for TLCOing, which is COOL and TRENDY. --[[ Fix PS#776F98D3 Files are now organized somewhat neatly on the filesystem. Somewhat. ]] -- make up our own require for some bizarre reason local function try_paths(root, paths) for _, path in pairs(paths) do local fpath = fs.combine(root, path) if fs.exists(fpath) and not fs.isDir(fpath) then return fpath end end return false end _G.package = { preload = {}, loaded = {} } function simple_require(package) if _G.package.loaded[package] then return _G.package.loaded[package] end if _G.package.preload[package] then local pkg = _G.package.preload[package](_G.package) _G.package.loaded[package] = pkg return pkg end local npackage = package:gsub("%.", "/") for _, search_path in next, {"/", "lib", "rom/modules/main", "rom/modules/turtle", "rom/modules/command", "xlib"} do local path = try_paths(search_path, {npackage, npackage .. ".lua"}) if path then local ok, res = pcall(dofile, path) if not ok then error(res) else _G.package.loaded[package] = res return res end end end error(package .. " not found") end _G.require = simple_require -- Uninstalls potatOS function _G.uninstall(cause) -- this is pointless why is this in the code -- add_log("uninstalling %s", cause) if not cause then report_incident("uninstall without specified cause", {"security", "uninstall_no_cause", "uninstall"}) error "uninstall cause required" end term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) print "Deleting potatOS files. This computer will now boot to CraftOS." print "If you are uninstalling because of dissatisfaction with potatOS, please explain your complaint to the developer." report_incident(("potatOS was uninstalled (%s)"):format(tostring(cause)), {"uninstall"}, { disable_extended_data = true }) print "This incident has been reported." -- this logic should be factored out into the function. Why don't YOU do it?! -- Oh, WELL, Steve, I JUST DID. Take that. --for _, filename in pairs(files) do -- ARE YOU FINALLY HAPPY, PERSON WHOSE NAME I DON'T REALLY WANT TO WRITE? --local newpath = ".potatOS-old-" .. filename --pcall(fs.delete, newpath) --pcall(fs.move, filename, newpath) --pcall(fs.delete, filename) --end -- we no longer have a convenient `files` table in the source, so use the latest manifest instead for file in pairs(registry.get "potatOS.current_manifest.files") do pcall(fs.delete, file) print("deleted", file) end pcall(fs.delete, "startup.lua") print "Press any key to continue." os.pullEvent "key" os.reboot() end local b64 = {"-", "_"} for i = 97, 122 do table.insert(b64, string.char(i)) end for i = 65, 90 do table.insert(b64, string.char(i)) end for i = 48, 57 do table.insert(b64, string.char(i)) end local function gen_uuid() local out = {} for _ = 1, 20 do table.insert(out, b64[math.random(1, #b64)]) end return table.concat(out) end -- PS#44BE67B6: ipairs somehow causing issues on CraftOS-PC local function hexize(tbl) local out = {} for k = 1, #tbl do out[k] = string.format("%02x", tbl[k]) end return table.concat(out) end local sha256 = require "sha256".digest local manifest = settings.get "potatOS.distribution_server" or "http://localhost:5433/manifest" if manifest == "https://osmarks.tk/stuff/potatos/manifest" then manifest = "https://osmarks.net/stuff/potatos/manifest" settings.set("potatOS.distribution_server", manifest) end local function download_files(manifest_data, needed_files) local base_URL = manifest_data.base_URL or manifest_data.manifest_URL:gsub("/manifest$", "") local fns = {} local count = 0 for _, file in pairs(needed_files) do table.insert(fns, function() add_log("downloading %s", file) local url = base_URL .. "/" .. file write "." local h = assert(http.get(url, nil, true)) local x = h.readAll() h.close() local hexsha = hexize(sha256(x)) if (manifest_data.sizes and manifest_data.sizes[file] and manifest_data.sizes[file] ~= #x) or manifest_data.files[file] ~= hexsha then error(("hash mismatch on %s %s (expected %s, got %s)"):format(file, url, manifest_data.files[file], hexsha)) end fwrite(file, x) write "." count = count + 1 end) end print "running batch download" -- concurrency limit local cfns = {} for i = 1, 4 do table.insert(cfns, function() while true do local nxt = table.remove(fns) if not nxt then return end nxt() end end) end parallel.waitForAll(unpack(cfns)) print "done" return count end -- Project INVENTORIED FREQUENCIES - signature-validated updates local function verify_update_sig(hash, sig) local ecc = require "ecc-168" if #hash ~= 64 then error "hash length is wrong, evilness afoot?" end local ukey_hex = fread "update-key.hex" if not ukey_hex then error "update key unavailable, verification unavailable" end local upkey = unhexize(ukey_hex) return ecc.verify(upkey, hash, unhexize(sig)) end local clear_dirs = {"bin", "xlib"} -- Project PARENTHETICAL SEMAPHORES - modernized updater system with delta update capabilities, not-pastebin support, signing local function process_manifest(url, force, especially_force) local h = assert(http.get(url, nil, true)) -- binary mode, to avoid any weirdness local txt = h.readAll() h.close() local main_data = txt:match "^(.*)\n" local metadata = json.decode(txt:match "\n(.*)$") local main_data_hash = hexize(sha256(main_data)) if main_data_hash ~= metadata.hash then error(("hash mismatch: %s %s"):format(main_data_hash, metadata.hash)) end if settings.get "potatOS.current_hash" == metadata.hash then if force then add_log "update forced" print "Update not needed but forced anyway" else return false end end capture_screen() local ok, res if metadata.sig then print("signature present, trying verification") ok, res = pcall(verify_update_sig, metadata.hash, metadata.sig) end local needs = {} local data = json.decode(main_data) -- add results of signature verification to manifest data for other stuff if metadata.sig and not ok then data.verification_error = res print("verification errored", res) add_log("verification errored %s", res) data.verified = false else data.verified = res add_log("verification result %s", tostring(res)) end add_log "update manifest parsed" print "Update manifest parsed" local current_manifest = registry.get "potatOS.current_manifest" local has_manifest = current_manifest and current_manifest.files and not especially_force for file, hash in pairs(data.files) do if fs.isDir(file) then fs.delete(file) end if not fs.exists(file) then print("missing", file) add_log("nonexistent %s", file) table.insert(needs, file) elseif (data.sizes and data.sizes[file] and data.sizes[file] ~= fs.getSize(file)) or (has_manifest and ((current_manifest.files[file] and current_manifest.files[file] ~= hash) or not current_manifest.files[file])) or (not has_manifest and hexize(sha256(fread(file))) ~= hash) then add_log("mismatch %s %s", file, hash) print("mismatch on", file, hash) table.insert(needs, file) end end add_log "file hashes checked" data.manifest_URL = url local v = false if #needs > 0 then v = download_files(data, needs) end for _, c in pairs(clear_dirs) do for _, d in pairs(fs.list(c)) do local fullpath = fs.combine(c, d) if not data.files[fullpath] then add_log("deleting %s", fullpath) fs.delete(fullpath) end end end set("potatOS.current_hash", metadata.hash) registry.set("potatOS.current_manifest", data) return v end local dirs = {"bin", "potatOS", "xlib"} local function install(force) -- ensure necessary folders exist for _, d in pairs(dirs) do if fs.exists(d) and not fs.isDir(d) then fs.delete(d) end if not fs.exists(d) then fs.makeDir(d) end end local res = process_manifest(manifest, force) if (res == 0 or res == false) and not force then uncapture_screen() return false end -- Stop people using disks. Honestly, did they expect THAT to work? set("shell.allow_disk_startup", false) set("shell.allow_startup", true) --if fs.exists "startup.lua" and fs.isDir "startup.lua" then fs.delete "startup.lua" end --fwrite("startup.lua", (" "):rep(100)..[[shell.run"pastebin run RM13UGFa"]]) -- I mean, the label limit is MEANT to be 32 chars, but who knows, buggy emulators ~~might~~ did let this work... if not os.getComputerLabel() or not (os.getComputerLabel():match "^P/") then os.setComputerLabel("P/" .. randbytes(64)) end if not settings.get "potatOS.uuid" then set("potatOS.uuid", gen_uuid()) end if not settings.get "potatOS.ts" then set("potatOS.ts", os.epoch "utc") end add_log("update complete", tostring(res) or "[some weirdness]") os.reboot() end local function critical_error(err) term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) printError(err) add_log("critical failure: %s", err) print "PotatOS has experienced a critical error of criticality.\nPress Any key to reboot. Press u to update. Update will start in 10 seconds." local timer = os.startTimer(10) while true do local ev, p1 = os.pullEvent() if ev == "key" then if p1 == keys.q or p1 == keys.u then install(true) else os.reboot() end elseif ev == "timer" and p1 == timer then print "Update commencing. There is no escape." install(true) end end end local function run_with_sandbox() -- Load a bunch of necessary PotatoLibraries™ -- if fs.exists "lib/bigfont" then os.loadAPI "lib/bigfont" end if fs.exists "lib/gps.lua" then os.loadAPI "lib/gps.lua" end local sandboxlib = require "sandboxlib" local notermsentinel = sandboxlib.create_sentinel "no-terminate" local processhasgrant = process.has_grant local processrestriction = process.restriction local processinfo = process.info local processgetrunning = process.get_running function _G.os.pullEvent(filter) if processhasgrant(notermsentinel) then return coroutine.yield(filter) else local result = {coroutine.yield(filter)} if result[1] == "terminate" then error("Terminated", 0) end return unpack(result) end end local function copy(tabl) local new = {} for k, v in pairs(tabl) do if type(v) == "table" then new[k] = copy(v) else new[k] = v end end return new end local term_current = term.current() local term_native = term.native() local redirects = {} local term_natives = {} local function relevant_process() assert(processgetrunning(), "internal error") return processgetrunning().thread_parent and processgetrunning().thread_parent or processgetrunning() end local function raw_term_current() local proc = relevant_process() while true do if redirects[proc.ID] then return redirects[proc.ID] end if not proc.parent then break end proc = proc.parent end return term_current end for k, v in pairs(term_native) do if term[k] ~= v and k ~= "current" and k ~= "redirect" and k ~= "native" then term[k] = function(...) return raw_term_current()[k](...) end end end function term.current() return copy(raw_term_current()) end function term.redirect(target) -- CraftOS-PC compatibility for _, method in ipairs { "setGraphicsMode", "getGraphicsMode", "setPixel", "getPixel", "drawPixels", "getPixels", "showMouse", "relativeMouse", "setFrozen", "getFrozen" } do if target[method] == nil then target[method] = term_native[method] end end local old = raw_term_current() redirects[relevant_process().ID] = target return copy(old) end function term.native() local id = relevant_process().ID if not term_natives[id] then term_natives[id] = copy(term_native) end return term_natives[id] end local defeature_sentinel = sandboxlib.create_sentinel "defeature" local tw = term.write function term.write(text) if type(text) == "string" and processrestriction(defeature_sentinel) then text = text:gsub("bug", "feature") end return tw(text) end -- Hook up the debug registry to the potatOS Registry. debug_registry_mt.__index = function(_, k) return registry.get(k) end debug_registry_mt.__newindex = function(_, k, v) return registry.set(k, v) end local function fproxy(file) local ok, t = pcall(fread, file) if not ok or not t then return 'printError "Error. Try again later, or reboot, or run upd."' end return t end local uuid = settings.get "potatOS.uuid" -- Generate a build number from the first bit of the verhash local full_build = settings.get "potatOS.current_hash" _G.build_number = full_build:sub(1, 8) add_log("build number is %s, uuid is %s", _G.build_number, uuid) local is_uninstalling = false -- PotatOS API functionality -- "pure" is meant loosely local pure_functions_list = {"gen_uuid", "randbytes", "hexize", "unhexize", "rot13", "create_window_buf"} local pure_functions = {} for k, v in pairs(pure_functions_list) do pure_functions[v] = true end local potatOS = { ecc = require "ecc", ecc168 = require "ecc-168", clear_space = clear_space, set_last_loaded = set_last_loaded, gen_uuid = gen_uuid, uuid = uuid, rot13 = rot13, get_log = get_log, microsoft = settings.get "potatOS.microsoft", add_log = add_log, ancestry = ancestry, gen_count = gen_count, unhexize = unhexize, hexize = hexize, randbytes = randbytes, report_incident = report_incident, get_location = get_location, get_setting = get_setting, get_host = get_host, registry_get = registry.get, registry_set = registry.set, get_ip = function() return external_ip end, __PRAGMA_COPY_DIRECT = true, -- This may not actually work. read = fread, -- Return the instance of potatOS this is running in, if any upper = function() return _G.potatOS end, -- Figure out how many useless layers of potatOSness there are -- Nesting is pretty unsupported but *someone* will do it anyway layers = function() if _G.potatOS then return _G.potatOS.layers() + 1 else return 1 end end, -- Returns the version. Usually. version = function() if math.random(1, 18) == 12 then return randbytes(math.random(1, 256)) else local current = registry.get "potatOS.version" if current then return current end local new = versions[math.random(1, #versions)] registry.set("potatOS.version", new) return new end end, -- Updates potatOS update = function() process.IPC("potatoupd", "trigger_update", true) end, -- Messes up 1 out of 10 keypresses. evilify = function() _G.os.pullEventRaw = function(...) local res = table.pack(coroutine.yield(...)) if res[1] == "char" and math.random() < 0.1 then res[2] = string.char(65 + math.random(25)) end return table.unpack(res, 1, res.n) end end, build = _G.build_number, full_build = full_build, -- Just pass on the hidden-ness option to the PotatoBIOS code. hidden = registry.get "potatOS.hidden" or settings.get "potatOS.hidden", is_uninstalling = function() return is_uninstalling end, -- Allow uninstallation of potatOS with the simple challenge of factoring a 14-digit or so (UPDATE: ~10) semiprime. -- Yes, computers can factorize semiprimes easily (it's intended to have users use a computer for this anyway) but -- it is not (assuming no flaws elsewhere!) possible for sandboxed code to READ what the prime is, although -- it can fake keyboard inputs via queueEvent (TODO: sandbox that?) begin_uninstall_process = function() if settings.get "potatOS.pjals_mode" then error "Protocol Omega Initialized. Access Denied." end capture_screen() is_uninstalling = true math.randomseed(secureish_randomseed) secureish_randomseed = math.random(0xFFFFFFF) print "Please wait. Generating semiprime number..." local p1 = findprime(math.random(1000, 10000)) local p2 = findprime(math.random(1000, 10000)) local num = p1 * p2 print("Please find the prime factors of the following number (or enter 'quit') to exit:", num) write "Factor 1: " local r1 = read() if r1 == "quit" then uncapture_screen() is_uninstalling = false return end local f1 = tonumber(r1) write "Factor 2: " local r2 = read() if r2 == "quit" then uncapture_screen() is_uninstalling = false return end local f2 = tonumber(r2) if (f1 == p1 and f2 == p2) or (f1 == p2 and f2 == p1) then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) print "Factors valid. Beginning uninstall." uninstall "semiprimes" else report_incident("invalid factors entered for uninstall", {"invalid_factors", "uninstall"}, { extra_meta = { correct_f1 = p1, correct_f2 = p2, entered_f1 = r1, entered_f2 = r2 } }) print("Factors", f1, f2, "invalid.", p1, p2, "expected. This incident has been reported.") end is_uninstalling = false uncapture_screen() end, term_screenshot = term.screenshot, enable_backing = win.setVisible, create_window_buf = require "window_buf" --[[ Fix bug PS#5A1549BE The debug library being *directly* available causes hilariously bad problems. This is a bad idea and should not be available in unmodified form. Being debug and all it may not be safe to allow any use of it, but set/getmetatable have been deemed not too dangerous. Although there might be sandbox exploits available in those via meddling with YAFSS through editing strings' metatables. ]] --debug = (potatOS or external_env).debug -- too insecure, this has been removed, why did I even add this. } -- Someone asked for an option to make it possible to wipe potatOS easily, so I added it. The hedgehogs are vital to its operation. -- See https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hedgehog-classes for further information. if settings.get "potatOS.removable" then add_log "potatOS.removable is on" potatOS.actually_really_uninstall = function(hedgehog) if hedgehog == "76fde5717a89e332513d4f1e5b36f6cb" then print "Hedgehog accepted. Disantiuninstallation commencing." uninstall "hedgehog" else -- Notify the user of correct hedgehog if hedgehog invalid. error "Invalid hedgehog! Expected 76fde5717a89e332513d4f1e5b36f6cb." end end end local privapid = process.spawn(function() while true do local event, source, sent, fn, args = coroutine.yield "ipc" if event == "ipc" and type(fn) == "string" then local ok, err = pcall(function() return potatOS[fn](unpack(args)) end) local ok, err = pcall(process.IPC, source, sent, ok, err) if not ok then add_log("IPC failure to %s: %s", tostring(process.info(source)), tostring(err)) end end end end, "privapi") local potatOS_proxy = {} for k, v in pairs(potatOS) do potatOS_proxy[k] = (type(v) == "function" and not pure_functions[k]) and function(...) local sent = {} process.IPC(privapid, sent, k, { ... }) while true do local _, source, rsent, ok, err = coroutine.yield "ipc" if source == privapid and rsent == sent then if not ok then error(err) end return err end end end or v end -- Provide many, many useful or not useful programs to the potatOS shell. local FS_overlay = { ["secret/.pkey"] = fproxy "signing-key.tbl", ["secret/log"] = function() return potatOS_proxy.get_log() end, -- The API backing this no longer exists due to excessive server load. -----["/rom/programs/dwarf.lua"] = "print(potatOS.dwarf())", ["/secret/processes"] = function() return tostring(process.list()) end, ["/rom/heavlisp_lib/stdlib.hvl"] = fproxy "stdlib.hvl" } for _, file in pairs(fs.list "bin") do FS_overlay[fs.combine("rom/programs", file)] = fproxy(fs.combine("bin", file)) end for _, file in pairs(fs.list "xlib") do FS_overlay[fs.combine("rom/potato_xlib", file)] = fproxy(fs.combine("xlib", file)) end local API_overrides = { process = process, json = json, os = { setComputerLabel = function(l) -- to make sure that nobody destroys our glorious potatOS by breaking the computer if l and #l > 1 then os.setComputerLabel(l) end end, await_event = os.await_event }, _VERSION = _VERSION, potatOS = potatOS_proxy } --[[ Fix bug PS#22B7A59D Unify constantly-running peripheral manipulation code under one more efficient function, to reduce server load. See the code for the "onsys" process just below for the new version.~~ UPDATE: This is now in netd, formerly lancmd, anyway ]] -- Allow limited remote commands over wired LAN networks for improved potatOS cluster management -- PS#C9BA58B3 -- Reduce peripheral calls by moving LAN sign/computer handling into this kind of logic, which is more efficient as it does not constantly run getType/getNames. process.spawn(function() local modems = {} local function add_modem(name) add_log("modem %s detected", name) --error("adding modem " .. name .. " " .. peripheral.getType(name)) if not peripheral.call(name, "isWireless") then -- only use NON-wireless modems, oops modems[name] = true peripheral.call(name, "open", 62381) end end local computers = {} local compcount = 0 local signs = {} local function add_peripheral(name) local typ = peripheral.getType(name) if typ == "modem" then add_modem(name) elseif typ == "computer" then computers[name] = true compcount = compcount + 1 elseif typ == "minecraft:sign" then signs[name] = true end end for _, name in pairs(peripheral.getNames()) do add_peripheral(name) end local timer = os.startTimer(1) while true do local e, name, channel, _, message = os.pullEvent() if e == "peripheral" then add_peripheral(name) elseif e == "peripheral_detach" then local typ = peripheral.getType(name) if typ == "computer" then computers[name] = nil compcount = compcount - 1 elseif typ == "modem" then modems[name] = nil elseif typ == "minecraft:sign" then signs[name] = nil end elseif e == "modem_message" then if channel == 62381 and type(message) == "string" then add_log("netd message %s", message) for _, modem in pairs(modems) do if modem ~= name then peripheral.call(modem, "transmit", 62381, message) end end if message == "shutdown" then os.shutdown() elseif message == "update" then shell.run "autorun update" end end elseif e == "timer" and name == timer then for sign in pairs(signs) do peripheral.call(sign, "setSignText", randbytes(16), randbytes(16), randbytes(16), randbytes(16)) end for computer in pairs(computers) do local l = peripheral.call(computer, "getLabel") if l and (l:match "^P/" or l:match "ShutdownOS" or l:match "^P4/") and not peripheral.call(computer, "isOn") then peripheral.call(computer, "turnOn") end end timer = os.startTimer(1 + math.random(0, compcount * 2)) end end end, "netd", { grants = { [notermsentinel] = true }, restrictions = {} }) require "metatable_improvements"(potatOS_proxy.add_log, potatOS_proxy.report_incident) local yafss = require "yafss" local fss_sentinel = sandboxlib.create_sentinel "fs-sandbox" local debug_sentinel = sandboxlib.create_sentinel "constrained-debug" local sandbox_filesystem = yafss.create_FS("potatOS", FS_overlay) _G.fs = sandboxlib.dispatch_if_restricted(fss_sentinel, _G.fs, sandbox_filesystem) _G.debug = sandboxlib.allow_whitelisted(debug_sentinel, _G.debug, { "traceback", "getinfo", "getregistry" }, { getmetatable = getmetatable }) -- Yes, you can disable the backdo- remote debugging services (oops), with this one simple setting. -- Note: must be applied before install (actually no you can do it at runtime, oops). if not get_setting "potatOS.disable_backdoors" then process.spawn(disk_handler, "potatodisk") process.spawn(websocket_remote_debugging, "potatows") end local init_code = fread "potatobios.lua" -- Load PotatoBIOS process.spawn(function() yafss.run( API_overrides, init_code, potatOS_proxy.add_log ) end, "sandbox", { restrictions = { [fss_sentinel] = true, [debug_sentinel] = true, [defeature_sentinel] = true } }) add_log "sandbox started" end return function(...) local command = table.concat({...}, " ") add_log("command line is %q", command) -- Removes whitespace. I don't actually know what uses this either. local function strip_whitespace(text) local newtext = text:gsub("[\r\n ]", "") return newtext end -- Detect a few important command-line options. if command:find "rphmode" then set("potatOS.rph_mode", true) end if command:find "mode2" then set("potatOS.hidden", true) end if command:find "mode8" then set("potatOS.hidden", false) end if command:find "microsoft" then set("potatOS.microsoft", true) local name = "Microsoft Computer " if term.isColor() then name = name .. "Plus " end name = name .. tostring(os.getComputerID()) os.setComputerLabel(name) end if command:find "update" or command:find "install" then install(true) end if command:find "hedgehog" and command:find "76fde5717a89e332513d4f1e5b36f6cb" then set("potatOS.removable", true) os.reboot() end -- enable debug, HTTP if in CraftOS-PC if _G.config and _G.config.get then if config.get "http_enable" ~= true then pcall(config.set, "http_enable", true) end if config.get "debug_enable" ~= true then pcall(config.set, "debug_enable", true) end if config.get "romReadOnly" ~= false then pcall(config.set, "romReadOnly", false) end -- TODO: do something COOL with this. end if not process or not fs.exists "potatobios.lua" or not fs.exists "autorun.lua" then -- Polychoron not installed, so PotatOS isn't. add_log "running installation" install(true) else process.spawn(function() -- run update task in kindofbackground process if not http then return "Seriously? Why no HTTP?" end while true do -- do updates here local ok, err = pcall(install, false) if not ok then add_log("update error %s", err) end -- Spread out updates a bit to reduce load on the server. local timer = os.startTimer(300 + (os.getComputerID() % 100) - 50) while true do local ev, arg, arg2, arg3 = coroutine.yield { timer = true, ipc = true } if ev == "timer" and arg == timer then break elseif ev == "ipc" and arg2 == "trigger_update" then pcall(install, arg3) end end end end, "potatoupd") -- In case it breaks horribly, display nice messages. local ok, err = pcall(run_with_sandbox) if not ok then critical_error(err) end -- In case it crashes... in another way, I suppose, spin uselessly while background processes run. while true do coroutine.yield() end end end