2022-03-05 19:24:39 +00:00
// copy in entire markov chain library
class Markov { constructor ( type = "text" ) { if ( type === "text" ) { this . type = type } else if ( type === "numeric" ) { this . type = type } else { throw new Error ( "The Markov Chain can only accept the following types: numeric or text" ) } this . states = [ ] ; this . possibilities = { } ; this . order = 3 ; if ( this . type === "text" ) { this . start = [ ] } }
addStates ( state ) { if ( Array . isArray ( state ) ) { this . states = Array . from ( state ) } else { this . states . push ( state ) } }
clearChain ( ) { this . states = [ ] ; if ( this . type === "text" ) { this . start = [ ] } this . possibilities = { } ; this . order = 3 }
clearState ( ) { this . states = [ ] ; if ( this . type === "text" ) { this . start = [ ] } }
clearPossibilities ( ) { this . possibilities = { } }
getStates ( ) { return this . states }
setOrder ( order = 3 ) { if ( typeof order !== "number" ) { console . error ( "Markov.setOrder: Order is not a number. Defaulting to 3." ) ; order = 3 } if ( order <= 0 ) { console . error ( "Markov.setOrder: Order is not a positive number. Defaulting to 3." ) } if ( this . type === "numeric" ) { console . warn ( "The Markov Chain only accepts numerical data. Therefore, the order does not get used.\nThe order may be used by you to simulate an ID for the Markov Chain if required" ) } this . order = order }
getPossibilities ( possibility ) { if ( possibility ) { if ( this . possibilities [ possibility ] !== undefined ) { return this . possibilities [ possibility ] } else { throw new Error ( "There is no such possibility called " + possibility ) } } else { return this . possibilities } }
train ( order ) { this . clearPossibilities ( ) ; if ( order ) { this . order = order } if ( this . type === "text" ) { for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . states . length ; i ++ ) { this . start . push ( this . states [ i ] . substring ( 0 , this . order ) ) ; for ( let j = 0 ; j <= this . states [ i ] . length - this . order ; j ++ ) { const gram = this . states [ i ] . substring ( j , j + this . order ) ; if ( ! this . possibilities [ gram ] ) { this . possibilities [ gram ] = [ ] } this . possibilities [ gram ] . push ( this . states [ i ] . charAt ( j + this . order ) ) } } } else if ( this . type === "numeric" ) { for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . states . length ; i ++ ) { const { state : state , predictions : predictions } = this . states [ i ] ; if ( ! this . possibilities [ state ] ) { this . possibilities [ state ] = [ ] } this . possibilities [ state ] . push ( ... predictions ) } } }
generateRandom ( chars = 15 ) { const startingState = this . random ( this . start , "array" ) ; let result = startingState ; let current = startingState ; let next = "" ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < chars - this . order ; i ++ ) { next = this . random ( this . possibilities [ current ] , "array" ) ; if ( ! next ) { break } result += next ; current = result . substring ( result . length - this . order , result . length ) } return result }
random ( obj , type ) { if ( Array . isArray ( obj ) && type === "array" ) { const index = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * obj . length ) ; return obj [ index ] } if ( typeof obj === "object" && type === "object" ) { const keys = Object . keys ( obj ) ; const index = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * keys . length ) ; return keys [ index ] } } }
2022-04-30 16:24:49 +01:00
//console.log("Initiating Protocol ASCENDING CARPOOL.")
2022-03-05 19:24:39 +00:00
const strings = document . body . innerText . split ( "\n" ) . filter ( x => ! /^[0-9]\.[0-9]$/ . exec ( x ) ) . flatMap ( x => x . split ( "." ) )
const m = new Markov ( )
m . addStates ( strings )
m . train ( 6 )
const pageBottom = document . createElement ( "div" )
pageBottom . style . position = "relative"
pageBottom . style . bottom = "100vh"
pageBottom . style . height = "100vh"
pageBottom . style . opacity = 0
pageBottom . style . pointerEvents = "none"
document . body . appendChild ( pageBottom )
const contentEnd = document . querySelector ( "#contentend" )
const lorem = document . querySelector ( "#lorem" )
let canSeeEnd = false
let sectionNumber = 0
for ( const el of document . body . childNodes ) {
var match
if ( el . id && ( match = /^s(\d+)\-(\d+)/ . exec ( el . id ) ) ) {
sectionNumber = Math . max ( sectionNumber , parseInt ( match [ 1 ] ) )
const addText = ( ) => {
if ( canSeeEnd ) {
sectionNumber ++
var currentText = ""
while ( currentText . length < 50 || /[\(\),"\.\-]/ . exec ( currentText ) ) {
currentText = m . generateRandom ( 150 )
var words = currentText . split ( " " ) . filter ( x => x )
var twc = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 + 1 )
if ( twc == 1 ) {
twc += Math . random ( ) > 0.5 ? 1 : 0
while ( words . length > twc ) {
words . pop ( )
title = words . map ( w => w [ 0 ] . toUpperCase ( ) + w . slice ( 1 ) ) . join ( " " )
const node = document . createElement ( "h2" )
node . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( title ) )
contentEnd . appendChild ( node )
2022-04-30 16:24:49 +01:00
2022-03-05 19:24:39 +00:00
for ( let i = 0 ; i < Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 5 + 2 ) ; i ++ ) {
const headerNode = document . createElement ( "h3" )
const aNode = document . createElement ( "a" )
aNode . setAttribute ( "id" , ` s ${ sectionNumber } - ${ i + 1 } ` )
aNode . setAttribute ( "href" , ` #s ${ sectionNumber } - ${ i + 1 } ` )
aNode . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( ` ${ sectionNumber } . ${ i + 1 } ` ) )
headerNode . appendChild ( aNode )
contentEnd . appendChild ( headerNode )
let text = ""
const length = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 250 + 100 )
while ( text . length < length ) {
let newText = m . generateRandom ( 500 ) . replace ( /↩/g , "" ) . trim ( )
if ( newText ) {
newText = newText [ 0 ] . toUpperCase ( ) + newText . slice ( 1 )
if ( ! [ "." , "!" , "?" ] . includes ( newText [ newText . length - 1 ] ) ) { newText += "." }
newText += " "
text += newText
const textNode = document . createElement ( "p" )
textNode . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( text ) )
contentEnd . appendChild ( textNode )
if ( canSeeEnd ) {
setTimeout ( addText , 50 )
const callback = entries => {
canSeeEnd = ( entries [ 0 ] . isIntersecting )
if ( canSeeEnd ) {
addText ( )
const observer = new IntersectionObserver ( callback , { } )
observer . observe ( pageBottom )
const randomPick = x => x [ Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * x . length ) ]
const randomWord = p => randomPick ( p . innerText . split ( " " ) . map ( x => x . replace ( /[^A-Za-z]/ , "" ) ) . filter ( x => x !== "" ) )
const update = ( ) => {
const paras = document . querySelectorAll ( "p" )
const from = randomWord ( randomPick ( paras ) )
const to = randomPick ( paras )
to . innerHTML = to . innerHTML . replace ( randomWord ( to ) , from )
window . addEventListener ( "scroll" , ( ) => {
if ( Math . random ( ) < 0.01 ) {
2022-04-30 16:24:49 +01:00
//console.log("Scheduler online. WITLESS HOROLOGISTS procedure started.")
2022-03-05 19:24:39 +00:00
if ( "requestIdleCallback" in window ) {
window . requestIdleCallback ( update , { timeout : 200 } )
} else {
setTimeout ( update )
2022-04-30 16:24:49 +01:00
} )
Array . from ( document . querySelectorAll ( "script" ) ) . forEach ( x => x . parentElement . removeChild ( x ) )