# saves the openwebtext dataset to a binary file for training. following was helpful: # https://github.com/HazyResearch/flash-attention/blob/main/training/src/datamodules/language_modeling_hf.py import os from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import tiktoken from datasets import load_dataset # huggingface datasets # number of workers in .map() call # good number to use is ~order number of cpu cores // 2 num_proc = 8 # takes 54GB in huggingface .cache dir, about 8M documents (8,013,769) dataset = load_dataset("openwebtext") # owt by default only contains the 'train' split, so create a test split split_dataset = dataset["train"].train_test_split(test_size=0.0005, seed=2357, shuffle=True) split_dataset['val'] = split_dataset.pop('test') # rename the test split to val # this results in: # >>> split_dataset # DatasetDict({ # train: Dataset({ # features: ['text'], # num_rows: 8009762 # }) # val: Dataset({ # features: ['text'], # num_rows: 4007 # }) # }) # we now want to tokenize the dataset. first define the encoding function (gpt2 bpe) enc = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2") def process(example): ids = enc.encode_ordinary(example['text']) # encode_ordinary ignores any special tokens ids.append(enc.eot_token) # add the end of text token, e.g. 50256 for gpt2 bpe # note: I think eot should be prepended not appended... hmm. it's called "eot" though... out = {'ids': ids, 'len': len(ids)} return out # tokenize the dataset tokenized = split_dataset.map( process, remove_columns=['text'], desc="tokenizing the splits", num_proc=num_proc, ) # concatenate all the ids in each dataset into one large file we can use for training for split, dset in tokenized.items(): arr_len = np.sum(dset['len']) filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f'{split}.bin') dtype = np.uint16 # (can do since enc.max_token_value == 50256 is < 2**16) arr = np.memmap(filename, dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(arr_len,)) total_batches = 1024 idx = 0 for batch_idx in tqdm(range(total_batches), desc=f'writing {filename}'): # Batch together samples for faster write batch = dset.shard(num_shards=total_batches, index=batch_idx, contiguous=True).with_format('numpy') arr_batch = np.concatenate(batch['ids']) # Write into mmap arr[idx : idx + len(arr_batch)] = arr_batch idx += len(arr_batch) arr.flush() # train.bin is ~17GB, val.bin ~8.5MB # train has ~9B tokens (9,035,582,198) # val has ~4M tokens (4,434,897) # to read the bin files later, e.g. with numpy: # m = np.memmap('train.bin', dtype=np.uint16, mode='r')