import os from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import tiktoken import json import gzip enc = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2") if __name__ == '__main__': # takes 54GB in huggingface .cache dir, about 8M documents (8,013,769) dataset = [] with"c4-train.00000-of-01024.json.gz", "r") as file: while line := file.readline(): try: dataset.append(json.loads(line)) except EOFError: pass # we now want to tokenize the dataset. first define the encoding function (gpt2 bpe) def process(example): ids = enc.encode_ordinary(example['text']) # encode_ordinary ignores any special tokens ids.insert(0, enc.eot_token) # add the end of text token, e.g. 50256 for gpt2 bpe # note: I think eot should be prepended not appended... hmm. it's called "eot" though... out = {"ids": ids, "len": len(ids)} return out # tokenize the dataset tokenized = [ process(x) for x in dataset ] divider = len(tokenized) // 100 tokenized = { "val": tokenized[:divider], "train": tokenized[divider:] } # concatenate all the ids in each dataset into one large file we can use for training for split, dset in tokenized.items(): arr_len = sum((d['len'] for d in dset)) filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f'{split}.bin') dtype = np.uint16 # (can do since enc.max_token_value == 50256 is < 2**16) arr = np.memmap(filename, dtype=dtype, mode='w+', shape=(arr_len,)) total_batches = 1024 idx = 0 for d in tqdm(dset, desc=f'writing {filename}'): arr[idx : idx + d["len"]] = d["ids"] idx += d["len"] arr.flush() # train.bin is ~17GB, val.bin ~8.5MB # train has ~9B tokens (9,035,582,198) # val has ~4M tokens (4,434,897) # to read the bin files later, e.g. with numpy: # m = np.memmap('train.bin', dtype=np.uint16, mode='r')