import times import unicode import strutils except splitWhitespace import sequtils import tiny_sqlite import random import math import times import options func lowercaseFirstLetter(s: string): string = if len(s) == 0: return "" var rune: Rune i = 0 fastRuneAt(s, i, rune, doInc = true) result = $toLower(rune) & substr(s, i) func pageToSlug*(page: string): string = page.split({'_', ' '}).map(lowercaseFirstLetter).join("_") func slugToPage*(slug: string): string = slug.split({'_', ' '}).map(capitalize).join(" ") func timeToTimestamp*(t: Time): int64 = toUnix(t) * 1000 + (nanosecond(t) div 1000000) func timestampToTime*(ts: int64): Time = initTime(ts div 1000, (ts mod 1000) * 1000000) func timestampToStr*(t: Time): string = intToStr(int(timeToTimestamp(t))) # store time as milliseconds proc toDbValue*(t: Time): DbValue = DbValue(kind: sqliteInteger, intVal: timeToTimestamp(t)) proc fromDbValue*(value: DbValue, T: typedesc[Time]): Time = timestampToTime(value.intVal) # count words, defined as things separated by whitespace which are not purely punctuation characters # alternative definitions may include dropping number-only words, and/or splitting at full stops too func wordCount(s: string): int = for word in splitWhitespace(s): if len(word) == 0: continue for bytechar in word: if not (bytechar in {'[', ']', ':', '.', '!'}): inc result break template autoInitializedThreadvar*(name: untyped, typ: typedesc, initialize: typed): untyped = var data* {.threadvar.}: Option[typ] proc `name`(): typ = if isSome(data): result = get data else: result = initialize data = some result # - unique 64-bit timestamped ID generation # not actually identical to that as this has 2 bits less randomness to avoid timestamp overflow issues in 2034 (the application is likely to be replaced by 2139 so the new time is probably fine) # This is a signed integer for SQLite compatibility const SIMPLEFLAKE_EPOCH = 946702800 const SIMPLEFLAKE_RANDOM_LENGTH = 21 let now = times.getTime() autoInitializedThreadvar(threadRNG, Rand, random.initRand(now.toUnix * 1_000_000_000 + now.nanosecond)) proc snowflake*(): int64 = var rng = threadRNG() let now = times.getTime().toUnixFloat() var ts = int64((now - SIMPLEFLAKE_EPOCH) * 1000) let randomBits = int64(rng.rand(2 ^ SIMPLEFLAKE_RANDOM_LENGTH)) return ts shl SIMPLEFLAKE_RANDOM_LENGTH or randomBits