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2021-01-06 16:09:48 +00:00
import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom]
import cmark/native
# the builtin re library would probably be better for this - it can directly take cstrings (so better perf when dealing with the cstrings from cmark) and may be faster
# unfortunately it does not expose a findAll thing which returns the *positions* of everything for some weird reason
import regex
func wikilink(page, linkText: string): string =
let vdom = buildHtml(a(href=page, class="wikilink")): text linkText
proc pushNodeAfter(ty: NodeType, content: string, pushAfter: NodePtr) =
let node = cmark_node_new(ty)
assert cmark_node_set_literal(node, content) == 1
assert cmark_node_insert_before(pushAfter, node) == 1
proc renderToHtml*(input: string): string =
let wlRegex = re"\[\[([^:\]]+):?([^\]]+)?\]\]"
str: cstring = input
len: csize_t = len(input).csize_t
parser: ParserPtr = cmark_parser_new(opt.cint)
if parser == nil: raise newException(CatchableError, "failed to initialize parser")
defer: cmark_parser_free(parser)
for ext in @["table", "strikethrough"]:
let e: cstring = ext
let eptr = cmark_find_syntax_extension(e)
if eptr == nil: raise newException(LibraryError, "failed to find extension " & ext)
if cmark_parser_attach_syntax_extension(parser, eptr) == 0: raise newException(CatchableError, "failed to attach extension " & ext)
cmark_parser_feed(parser, str, len)
let doc = cmark_parser_finish(parser)
defer: cmark_node_free(doc)
if doc == nil: raise newException(CatchableError, "parsing failed")
let iter = cmark_iter_new(doc)
defer: cmark_iter_free(iter)
while true:
let evType = cmark_iter_next(iter)
if evType == etDone: break
let node: NodePtr = cmark_iter_get_node(iter)
if cmark_node_get_type(node) == ntText:
let ntext = $cmark_node_get_literal(node)
# check for wikilinks in text node
let matches = findAll(ntext, wlRegex)
# if there are any, put in the appropriate HTML nodes
if len(matches) > 0:
var lastix = 0
for match in matches:
let page = ntext[match.captures[0][0]] # I don't know why this doesn't use Option. Perhaps sometimes there are somehow > 1 ranges.
# if there is a separate linkText field, use this, otherwise just use the page
let linkText =
if len(match.captures[1]) > 0: ntext[match.captures[1][0]]
else: page
let html = wikilink(page, linkText)
# push text before this onto the tree, as well as the HTML of the wikilink
pushNodeAfter(ntText, ntext[lastix..<match.boundaries.a], node)
pushNodeAfter(ntHtmlInline, html, node)
lastix = match.boundaries.b + 1
# push final text, if relevant
if lastix != len(ntext) - 1: pushNodeAfter(ntText, ntext[lastix..<len(ntext)], node)
let html: cstring = cmark_render_html(doc, opt.cint, cmark_parser_get_syntax_extensions(parser))
defer: free(html)
result = $html