mirror of https://github.com/osmarks/meme-search-engine.git synced 2025-03-12 14:38:13 +00:00
osmarks 747058e254 misc fixes
- thumbnails/OCR off was broken
- problematic video files caused segfaults (I blame ffmpeg for this)
2024-05-30 19:05:54 +01:00

79 lines
3.8 KiB

extern crate ffmpeg_the_third as ffmpeg;
use anyhow::{Result, Context};
use image::RgbImage;
use std::env;
use ffmpeg::{codec, filter, format::{self, Pixel}, media::Type, util::frame::video::Video, software::scaling};
const BYTES_PER_PIXEL: usize = 3;
pub fn run<P: AsRef<std::path::Path>, F: FnMut(RgbImage) -> Result<()>>(path: P, mut frame_callback: F) -> Result<()> {
let mut ictx = format::input(&path).context("parsing video")?;
let video = ictx.streams().best(Type::Video).context("no video stream")?;
let video_index = video.index();
let context_decoder = codec::Context::from_parameters(video.parameters()).context("initializing decoder context")?;
let mut decoder = context_decoder.decoder().video().context("initializing decoder")?;
let mut graph = filter::Graph::new();
let afr = video.avg_frame_rate();
let afr = (((afr.0 as f32) / (afr.1 as f32)).round() as i64).max(1);
graph.add(&filter::find("buffer").unwrap(), "in",
&format!("video_size={}x{}:pix_fmt={}:time_base={}/{}:pixel_aspect={}/{}", decoder.width(), decoder.height(), decoder.format().descriptor().unwrap().name(), video.time_base().0, video.time_base().1, decoder.aspect_ratio().0, decoder.aspect_ratio().1))?;
graph.add(&filter::find("buffersink").unwrap(), "out", "")?;
// I don't know exactly where, but some of my videos apparently have the size vary throughout them.
// This causes horrible segfaults somewhere.
// Rescale to initial width to fix this. We could do this with a separate swscaler but this is easier.
let filterspec = format!("[in] scale={}:{} [scaled]; [scaled] thumbnail=n={}:log=verbose [thumbs]; [thumbs] select='gt(scene,0.05)+eq(n,0)' [out]", decoder.width(), decoder.height(), afr);
graph.output("in", 0)?.input("out", 0)?.parse(&filterspec).context("filtergraph parse failed")?;
let mut out = graph.get("out").unwrap();
graph.validate().context("filtergraph build failed")?;
let mut receive_and_process_decoded_frames = |decoder: &mut ffmpeg::decoder::Video, filter_graph: &mut filter::Graph| -> Result<()> {
let mut decoded = Video::empty();
let mut filtered = Video::empty();
loop {
if !decoder.receive_frame(&mut decoded).is_ok() { break }
let mut in_ctx = filter_graph.get("in").unwrap();
// The filters really do not like
let mut src = in_ctx.source();
src.add(&decoded).context("add frame")?;
while filter_graph.get("out").unwrap().sink().frame(&mut filtered).is_ok() {
let mut image = vec![0u8; filtered.width() as usize * filtered.height() as usize * BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
let stride = filtered.stride(0);
let data = filtered.data(0);
let width = filtered.width() as usize * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
let height = filtered.height() as usize;
for y in 0..height {
image[y * width .. (y + 1) * width].copy_from_slice(&data[y * stride .. y * stride + width]);
frame_callback(image::ImageBuffer::from_vec(filtered.width(), filtered.height(), image).unwrap())?;
for (stream, packet) in ictx.packets().filter_map(Result::ok) {
if stream.index() == video_index {
receive_and_process_decoded_frames(&mut decoder, &mut graph).context("processing frame")?;
receive_and_process_decoded_frames(&mut decoder, &mut graph)?;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut count = 0;
let callback = |frame: RgbImage| {
frame.save(format!("/tmp/output-{}.png", count))?;
count += 1;
run(&env::args().nth(1).unwrap(), callback)