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synced 2025-02-22 22:10:10 +00:00
I decided I wanted to integrate the experimental OCR thing better, so I rewrote in Go and also integrated the thumbnailer. However, Go is a bad langauge and I only used it out of spite. It turned out to have a very hard-to-fix memory leak due to some unclear interaction between libvips and both sets of bindings I tried, so I had Claude-3 transpile it to Rust then spent a while fixing the several mistakes it made and making tweaks. The new Rust version works, although I need to actually do something with the OCR data and make the index queryable concurrently.
101 lines
4.3 KiB
101 lines
4.3 KiB
import pyjson5
import re
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from PIL import Image
import time
import io
CALLBACK_REGEX = re.compile(r">AF_initDataCallback\(({key: 'ds:1'.*?)\);</script>")
def encode_img(img):
image_bytes = io.BytesIO()
img.save(image_bytes, format="PNG", compress_level=6)
return image_bytes.getvalue()
def rationalize_coords_format1(image_w, image_h, center_x_fraction, center_y_fraction, width_fraction, height_fraction, mysterious):
return {
"x": round((center_x_fraction - width_fraction / 2) * image_w),
"y": round((center_y_fraction - height_fraction / 2) * image_h),
"w": round(width_fraction * image_w),
"h": round(height_fraction * image_h)
async def scan_image_chunk(sess, image):
timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
url = f"https://lens.google.com/v3/upload?stcs={timestamp}"
headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; RMX3771) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/121.0.6167.144 Mobile Safari/537.36"}
cookies = {"SOCS": "CAESEwgDEgk0ODE3Nzk3MjQaAmVuIAEaBgiA_LyaBg"}
# send data to inscrutable undocumented Google service
# https://github.com/AuroraWright/owocr/blob/master/owocr/ocr.py#L193
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
data = aiohttp.FormData()
filename="ocr" + str(timestamp) + ".png",
async with sess.post(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, data=data, timeout=10) as res:
body = await res.text()
# I really worry about Google sometimes. This is not a sensible format.
match = CALLBACK_REGEX.search(body)
if match == None:
raise ValueError("Invalid callback")
lens_object = pyjson5.loads(match.group(1))
if "errorHasStatus" in lens_object:
raise RuntimeError("Lens failed")
text_segments = []
text_regions = []
root = lens_object["data"]
# I don't know why Google did this.
# Text segments are in one place and their locations are in another, using a very strange coordinate system.
# At least I don't need whatever is contained in the base64 parts (which I assume are protobufs).
# TODO: on a few images, this seems to not work for some reason.
text_segments = root[3][4][0][0]
text_regions = [ rationalize_coords_format1(image.width, image.height, *x[1]) for x in root[2][3][0] if x[11].startswith("text:") ]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
# https://github.com/dimdenGD/chrome-lens-ocr/blob/main/src/core.js#L316 has code for a fallback text segment read mode.
# In testing, this proved unnecessary (quirks of the HTTP request? I don't know), and this only happens on textless images.
return [], []
return text_segments, text_regions
MAX_SCAN_DIM = 1000 # not actually true but close enough
def chunk_image(image: Image):
chunks = []
# Cut image down in X axis (I'm assuming images aren't too wide to scan in downscaled form because merging text horizontally would be annoying)
if image.width > MAX_SCAN_DIM:
image = image.resize((MAX_SCAN_DIM, round(image.height * (image.width / MAX_SCAN_DIM))), Image.LANCZOS)
for y in range(0, image.height, MAX_SCAN_DIM):
chunks.append(image.crop((0, y, image.width, min(y + MAX_SCAN_DIM, image.height))))
return chunks
async def scan_chunks(sess: aiohttp.ClientSession, chunks: [Image]):
# If text happens to be split across the cut line it won't get read.
# This is because doing overlap read areas would be really annoying.
text = ""
regions = []
for chunk in chunks:
new_segments, new_regions = await scan_image_chunk(sess, chunk)
for segment in new_segments:
text += segment + "\n"
for i, (segment, region) in enumerate(zip(new_segments, new_regions)):
regions.append({ **region, "y": region["y"] + (MAX_SCAN_DIM * i), "text": segment })
return text, regions
async def scan_image(sess: aiohttp.ClientSession, image: Image):
return await scan_chunks(sess, chunk_image(image))
if __name__ == "__main__":
async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
print(await scan_image(sess, Image.open("/data/public/memes-or-something/linear-algebra-chess.png")))
asyncio.run(main()) |